
This article provides an overview of the imports manager.

Table of Content

The Imports Manager allows the import of data into the following fields:

The Imports Manager allows the import of data into the following fields:

Data imports use the header text defined in the CTMS Settings as the header text (column names) for the import file.

Note: If an import value contains multiple answer options use a pipe-delimited value (|) to separate the answer values (i.e. Rash|Acne|Burn).

Available Columns

Data File
  • This column contains a Browse button which allows the location of the file to be imported.
Run Import
  • Once a file is selected in the Data file column, an Import button will appear here.
  • This button triggers the import action.
Latest Run Status
  • This column lists the status of the import.
  • The statuses are:
    • Running – The import is in process. · Completed – The import has run successfully with no warnings or errors.
    • With Warnings – The import has completed successfully and there are warnings in the log to advise of any missing optional data.
    • Failed – This indicates that some aspect of the import has failed. The details are available in the log file.
View History
  • Import File: Click the link to download the file that was previously imported.
  • Import Date: The date of the import.
  • ImportSize: The size of the import file.
  • Imported By: The user that initiated the import.
  • Import Log: Click the link to view the log for the import.


  • Click the icon to download the template for the import

Template for Import

The Imports Manager provides a template that can be downloaded to get the latest configuration for each form. Select the download icon under the Template column to download the file.

Note: The import file must contain all header text for all required questions on the form. The import will not complete if a file is uploaded that does not contain all required questions on the form.

The template file will include a date format. The date format entered into the template file will determine the date format for the system. If the template date format is blank, the CTMS Settings date format will be used.

Note: It is recommended setting Date field columns in the Excel file to Text fields using Excel Format Cells.

Template for Patients

The Patient Template is study-specific and based on the study Visit Schedule, which determines the patient data collection. When the template download icon for Patients is selected the Select Study dialog will appear. Studies that are linked to Fountayn EDC studies will not appear in the Select Study dialog, only studies not linked can be imported. Once a study is selected and the download button is clicked, the template will download.

Template for Studies

The Submissions tab on the Studies Template requires a Regulatory Body to be listed. The Regulatory Bodies must be associated with the study for the Submissions import to be successful.

Template for Study Sites

The Visit Schedule Budget Item tab on the Study Sites Template requires a Visit Name to be listed. The Visit Name must be configured within the study for the Visit Schedule Budget Item import to be successful.

Unrecognized Fields

The CTMS Settings field Import Handling for Unrecognized Fields determines how unrecognized fields are handled from the import. The settings and their respective handling of data are listed below.

  • bort import – The system will abort the import if any unrecognized fields exist.
  • Ignore row – The system will ignore only the row in the import that contains unrecognized fields. The rest of the import will process.
  • Import row, set field blank – The system will import the row containing unrecognized fields but will set the field to a blank value, overwriting any previously entered data.
  • Import row, do not change field – The system will import the row but not overwrite the data for the unrecognized field retaining any previously entered data.

Primary Identifiers & Required Fields

The following fields are used as the primary and secondary identifiers for each record to determining if the existing row in the import file is for an existing record in the database.

Manager Imports

ImportTabIdentifiersRequired Fields
  • Email Address
  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Email Address
  • Time Zone
  • Product Name
  • Product name
Regulatory BodiesRegulatory Body
  • Regulatory Body
  • Regulatory Body
  • Countries
  • Type
  • Site Name
  • Zipcode
  • Site Name
  • Vendor Name
  • Vendor Name

Vendor Audit
  • Vendor Name
  • Start Date of Audit

Vendor Contract
  • Vendor Name
  • Effective Date
  • Status of Contract
  • Type of Contract

Vendor Payment Terms
  • Vendor Name
  • Effective Date
  • Total Contract Value

Vendor Invoice
  • Vendor Name
  • Invoice Number
  • Date of Invoice
  • Invoice Number
  • Balance Due


Study Level Imports

ImportTabIdentifiersRequired Fields
  • Description
  • Date of Deviation
  • Site
  • Transition State
  • Date of Deviation
  • Description
  • The Primary and Secondary Identifier as defined on the Visit Schedule screen along with the Study Site Name.
  • The Primary and Secondary Identifier as defined on the Visit Schedule screen along with the Study Site Name.
Site Feasibility Forms
  • Study
  • Study Site Name
  • None
  • Protocol
  • Protocol
  • Product
  • Study Roles
  • Country

Study Level Personnel
  • Study
  • Name
  • Study
  • Name
  • Role

Country Level Personnel
  • Study
  • Name
  • Study
  • NameRole

Data Management
  • Study
  • None

Monitoring Visit Plan
  • Study
  • Study

Packaging & Shipment Plans
  • Study
  • Storage Depot
  • None

Study Budget
  • Study
  • Study
  • Payment Currency

Study Budget Item
  • Study
  • Task/Description
  • Study
  • Task/Description

  • Study
  • Name
  • Study
  • Type
  • Name
  • Regulatory Bodie
Study SitesStudy Site
  • Study Site
  • Institution Name
  • Study Site
  • Institution Name

Site Personnel
  • Study
  • Study Site Name
  • Name
  • Study
  • Study Site Name
  • Name
  • Role

Study Site Level Personnel
  • Study
  • Name
  • Study
  • Name
  • Sites
  • Role

Site Budget
  • Study
  • Study Site Name
  • Budget Name
  • Study
  • Study Site Name
  • Budget Name

Site Budget Item
  • Study
  • Site Name
  • Description
  • Study
  • Study Site Name
  • Description

Visit Schedule Budget Item
  • Study
  • Study Site Name
  • Visit Name
  • Study
  • Study Site Name
  • Visit Name

Site Contract
  • Study
  • Study Site Name
  • Study
  • Study Site Name
  • Type of Contract
  • Contract Status
  • Effective Date
Study VendorsStudy Vendor
  • Study
  • Vendor Name
  • Study
  • Vendor Name
  • Vendor Services

Vendor Personnel
  • Study
  • Vendor Name
  • Name
  • Study
  • Vendor Name
  • Name
  • Role

Study Vendor Contract & Budget
  • Study
  • Vendor Name
  • Study
  • Vendor Name
  • Vendor Level Contract
  • Effective for this Study

Study Vendor Contract
  • Study
  • Vendor Name
  • Study
  • Vendor Name
  • Type of Contract
  • Effective Date

Vendor Budget
  • Study
  • Vendor Name
  • Study
  • Vendor Name
  • Payment Currency

Vendor-Specific Budget Items
  • Study
  • Vendor Name
  • Study
  • Vendor Name
  • Description

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