
This article covers the default fields available in the configurable add site form.

Table of Contents

Sites are managed in CTMS by the Site Form, one of many Configurable Forms. It is from this screen that relevant information concerning Sites can be collected. What is displayed on this form can be configured from CTMS Settings. The Site Form is labeled Add Site for a new record and Edit Site for an existing record.

Access Add Site Form

The Add Site form can be reached by clicking the “Add Site” action found in the Actions Menu on the Sites Manager screen.

The Site form for existing sites is accessed by clicking on the Site Name and the Edit Site form shall appear.

Default Fields

Global Site Identifier Field

The Global Site Identifier is used as an internal site identifier within managers and other parts of the system. Please note that site numbers assigned to individual study sites as part of a naming convention are recorded at the study level. This field is a global site number within the site manager. It is intended to identify the site location across CTMS as a whole (not study specific).  By default, the Global Site Identifier is a preferred field and a red alert will fire if the Global Site Identifier is not provided. The Global Site Identifier field’s visibility settings cannot be changed.

Institution Name Field

The Institution Name field is a Text Field used to identify the site’s name within managers and other parts of the system. By default, the Institution Name field is a required field and a black alert will fire if the Institution Name is not provided and the form cannot be saved until the institution name is entered. The Institution Name field’s visibility settings cannot be changed.

Address Line 1 Field

The Address Line 1 field is a Text Field used to identify the address of the site. By default, the Address Line 1 field is a preferred field and a red alert will fire if the Address Line 1 data is not provided.

Address Line 2 Field

The Address Line 2 field is a Text Field, used to identify the address of the site. Address Line 2 is additional room for entry after Address Line 1.

Address Line 3 Field

The Address Line 3 field is a Text Field used to identify the address of the site. Address Line 3 is additional room for entry after Address Line 2.

City Field

The City field is a Text Field used to identify the City of the site. By default, the City field is a preferred field and a red alert will fire if the city is not provided.

State Field

The State field is a Text Field, and is used to identify the State of the site. By default, the State field is a preferred field and a red alert will fire if the state is not provided.

Zip Code Field

The Zip Code field is a Text Field, and is used to identify the Zip Code of the site. By default, the Zip Code field is a preferred field and a red alert will fire if the zip code is not provided.

Country Field

The Country field is a Dropdown Select Field used to identify which country the site is in. The field will contain as options all countries supported by the system. By default, the country field is a preferred field and a red alert will fire if the country is not provided.

Phone Number Field

The Phone Number field is a Text Field used to identify the phone number of the site. By default, the Phone Number field is a preferred field and a red alert will fire if the phone number is not provided.

Fax Number Field

The Fax Number field is a Text Field used to identify the fax number of the site. By default, the Fax Number field is a preferred field and a red alert will fire if the fax number is not provided.

Main Contacts Field

The Main Contacts Field is a Personnel Select field used to identify the main personnel contact at the site. By default, the Main Contacts field is a preferred field and a red alert will fire if the main contacts is not provided.

Therapeutic Area Experience Field

The Therapeutic Area Experience Field is a Multi-Dropdown Select field used to identify the therapeutic areas in which the site has experience. By default options available are:

DefaultTherapeutic Area Experience
Cardiology/Vascular DiseasesNutrition and Weight Loss
Dental and Oral HealthObstetrics/Gynecology
Family MedicineOrthopedics/Orthopedic Surgery
Genetic DiseasePediatrics/Neonatology
Healthy VolunteersPharmacology/Toxicology
ImmunologyPulmonary/Respiratory Diseases
Infections and Infectious DiseasesRheumatology
Internal MedicineSleep
MusculoskeletalTrauma (Emergency, Injury, Surgery)

These options can be changed via the Therapeutic Areas Managed List found in CTMS Settings. By default, the Therapeutic Area Experience field is a preferred field and a red alert will fire if the Therapeutic Area Experience is not provided.

Indication Experience Field

The Indication Experience field is a Multi-Dropdown Select Field, and is used to identify the indications in which the site has experience. These options can be configured via the Indications Managed List found in CTMS Settings. By default the Indications Managed List is blank and shall be populated at the beginning of use of the CTMS. By default, the Indications Experience field is a preferred field and a red alert will fire if the indications experience is not provided.

Personnel Field

The Personnel Field is a Personnel Select field used to identify all personnel contacts at the site. By default, the Personnel field is a preferred field and a red alert will fire if the personnel is not provided. The Personnel field’s Visibility settings cannot be changed.

Save Actions

Save Button

When the Save button is selected the data entered for the questions will be saved and the user will be directed to the Sites Manager screen.

Save & New Button

When the Save & New button is selected the data entered for the questions will be saved and the user will be directed to a new Add Site form.

Cancel Button

When the Cancel button is selected the data entered for the questions will not be saved and the user will be directed to the Sites Manager screen.

Duplicate Alert Check

If a site name and zip code matches an existing site in the Site Manager, upon saving of the form a warning will display notifying the user of the existing record. Selecting Save will save the site, selecting Cancel will close the notice and the form will not save.

Importing Sites

Primary Identifiers & Required Fields

TabIdentifiersRequired Fields
  • Site Name
  • Zip code
  • Site Name

For all Import guidelines click here.

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