
This article covers how to access and configure study deviations.

Table of Contents

Deviations for the study are managed through the Deviation form, one of many Configurable Forms. Deviation Approval transitions are used to progress deviations through the approval workflow, as configured by the study team.

Users do not need full access to a study to access Deviations. If a user has restricted access at the country or site level, they will be able to view Deviations at their access level.

The Study Form contains a Select Study Workflows button, Within this tool, the study staff can select which deviation approval workflow should be used on the current study.

Access Study Deviation

For information on study deviations for existing studies, click Study Deviations under the Study Menu.


Study Deviation Table

The Study Deviation table will list all study deviations that have been added. The Study Deviations table includes:


Date of DeviationDate entered on Deviation form for Date of Deviation.(none)
Deviation CategoryCategory entered on Deviation form for Deviation Category.(none)
Editor OptionsRead, Edit, DeleteTools for those with proper permissions
Transition StatusCurrent deviation workflow status and transition iconDisplays Deviation Transition Dialog.
Description of the DeviationDescription entered on the Deviation form.(none)
AuditsAudit Trail iconDisplays the deviation transition audit trail.
Action TakenDisplays the action taken entered on the Deviation form.(none)
Active DeviationActive or Deleted(none)
Study SiteDisplays the affected site(s).(none)
Created ByName of creator.(none)
SubmittedSubmitted Date as determined by the approval workflow.(none)
FinalizedFinalized Date as determined by the approval workflow.(none)
Note: The edit and delete icons will become inactive when the deviation has been transitioned to a status that locks the deviation.


Add Deviation

To add a deviation to this study, complete the Deviation Form.


By clicking the options Excel or CSV, the system will provide an export of the data contained in the manager.

Choose an Action Press Go

Delete Checked

To delete a deviation:

  1. Select deviation(s)
  2. Select Delete Checked from Choose an Action Press Go menu
  3. Click Go


To Export to PDF

  1. Select Deviation(s)
  2. Select Export to PDF
  3. Click Go

*Exporting to PDF includes eSignature information with date/time/time zone stamp.

Configuring Dashboard Notifications

The Save Search functionality found in every manager’s filter allows you to save the current search criteria (filters and sort selections) and name the search. Taking these steps creates a prepared search in the Checklist Widget found on the Dashboard. From the Checklist Widget users can view how many records appear in the search results as well as click the name of the search to link directly to the search results.

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