
This article covers the default fields of the configurable add regulatory body form through the regulatory body screen.

Table of Contents

Import Details

Regulatory bodies are managed in CTMS by the Regulatory Bodies form, one of many Configurable Forms. It is from this screen that relevant information concerning a regulatory body can be collected. By default the Regulatory Body form will have the Name, Countries, Type, Regulatory Body Email, and Main Contact Static fields. What is displayed on this form can be configured from CTMS Settings.

To each regulatory body, regulatory categories may be added to create groups of requirement sets.

Access Add Regulatory Body Screen

The Add Regulatory Body screen can be reached by clicking the “Add Regulatory Body” Action found in the Actions Menu on the Regulatory Body Manager or Regulatory Requirements Manager screen.

The Regulatory Body screen for existing regulatory bodies may also be accessed by clicking on the name of a regulatory body in either the Regulatory Requirements Manager or the Regulatory Bodies Manager tables.

Default Fields

The Regulatory Body form contains the following fields by default:

Name Field

The Name field is a text field used to identify the regulatory body within managers and other parts of the system. Because this is a primary identifier for regulatory bodies, it cannot be hidden from CTMS Settings. By default, the Name field is a required field and a black alert will fire if the name is not provided and the form cannot be saved until the name is entered. The field’s visibility settings cannot be changed.

Countries Field

The Countries field is a Multi Dropdown Select field used to identify in which countries a regulatory body has authority. The field will contain as options all countries supported by the system. As this is a key identifier for regulatory bodies, it cannot be hidden from CTMS Settings. By default, the Countries field is a required field and a black alert will fire if the country is not provided and the form cannot be saved until the country is entered. The field’s visibility settings cannot be changed.

Type Field

The Type field is a Dropdown Select field used to identify the kind of regulatory body the record is. By default options available are “LEC”, “CEC”, and “MoH”. These options can be changed via the Regulatory Body Types Managed List found in CTMS Settings. By default, the Type field is a required field and a black alert will fire if the type is not provided and the form cannot be saved until the type is entered. The field’s visibility settings cannot be changed.

Regulatory Body Email Field

The Regulatory Body Email Field is a text field used to track the primary email address for contacting a given regulatory body. By default, the Email field is a preferred field and a red alert will fire if the email is not provided.

Main Contact Field

The Main Contact field will provide a dialog for selecting personnel when clicked. By making a selection, one or more personnel can be associated with the regulatory body as the main contact(s). By default, the Main Contact field is a preferred field and a red alert will fire if the contact is not provided.

Regulatory Categories Table

The Regulatory Categories table will list all regulatory categories that have been added to the regulatory body. Clicking on the name of any regulatory category will direct you to the Edit Regulatory Category screen for that particular item. Clicking on the delete icon in the same row as a regulatory category will provide you with a prompt to delete the category and all contained requirement sets.


The Actions Menu can be expanded by clicking and contains the following options.

Add Regulatory Category

By clicking the Add Regulatory Category Action, a new regulatory category will be created within the regulatory body and you will be directed to the Add Regulatory Category screen.

Duplicate Alert Check

If a regulatory body name matches an existing regulatory body name in the Regulatory Body Manager, upon saving of the form a warning will display notifying the user of the existing record. Selecting Save will save the regulatory body, selecting Cancel will close the notice and the form will not save. 

Importing Regulatory Bodies

Primary Identifiers & Required Fields



Required Fields

Regulatory Body

  • Regulatory Body
  • Regulatory Body
  • Countries
  • Type

For all Import guidelines, click here.

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