
This article covers the default fields available on the configurable study site form.

Table of Contents

The study site information is managed through the Study Site form, one of many Configurable Forms. It is from this screen that relevant information concerning the site is collected for the study. Each site added to the study contains the Study Site form (labeled the Site Name).

Once a site has been added to a study, the site will appear under the site’s country sub-menu. Selecting the site name will launch the site’s Study Site form

Default Fields

The Study Site form contains the following fields by default:

Site Name Field

Site Name is prepopulated with the designated name assigned in Step 2 of Adding a Site to a study. The Site Name field can be edited by updating the text field.

Site Status Field

The Site Status field is a dropdown field, and is used to identify current status of the site. By default options are:

  • Feasibility
  • Evaluation
  • Initiation
  • Conduct
  • Close

The Site Status field defaults to the first answer option listed in the managed list. These options can be changed via the Site Status Managed List found in CTMS Settings. By default, the Site Status field is a preferred field and a red alert will fire if the Site Status data is not provided. The Site Status field’s visibility settings cannot be changed.

Regulatory Bodies Reporting To Field

The Regulatory Bodies Reporting To field is a multi-dropdown field used to identify the regulatory bodies to which the site reports. The list will list all regulatory bodies defined in the Study Regulatory Bodies screen for the study.

By default, the Regulatory Bodies Reporting To field is a preferred field and a red alert will fire if the Regulatory Bodies Reporting To data is not provided. The Regulatory Bodies Reporting To field’s visibility settings cannot be changed.

Site Address Field

The Site Address field is a plaintext field that displays the institution name, location and contact information from the Edit Site screen for the displayed site. When the Edit Site screen is updated the Site Address field on the Study Site form will automatically update. The Site Address field’s visibility settings cannot be changed.

Save Actions

Save Button

When the Save button is selected the data entered for the questions will be saved and the user will be directed to the back to the Study Site screen.

Cancel Button

When the Cancel button is selected the data entered for the questions will not be saved and the user will be directed back to the Study Site screen.


Importing Study Site Information


Note: The Visit Schedule Budget Item tab on the Study Sites Template requires a Visit Name to be listed. The Visit Name must be configured within the study for the Visit Schedule Budget Item import to be successful.

Primary Identifiers & Required Fields

TabIdentifiersRequired Fields
Study Site
  • Study Site
  • Institution Name
  • Study Site
  • Institution Name
Site Personnel
  • Study
  • Study Site Name
  • Name
  • Study
  • Study Site Name
  • Name
  • Role
Study Site Level Personnel
  • Study
  • Name
  • Study
  • Name
  • Sites
  • Role
Site Budget
  • Study
  • Study Site Name
  • Budget Name
  • Study
  • Study Site Name
  • Budget Name
Site Budget Item
  • Study
  • Site Name
  • Description
  • Study
  • Study Site Name
  • Description
Visit Schedule Budget Item
  • Study
  • Study Site Name
  • Visit Name
  • Study
  • Study Site Name
  • Visit Name
Site Contract
  • Study
  • Study Site Name
  • Study
  • Study Site Name
  • Type of Contract
  • Contract Status
  • Effective Date

For all Import guidelines click here.


This information can be imported as part of the Study Vendor Import. Click here for more information.

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