
This article covers how to add, edit, and delete site personnel. 

Table of Contents

The Site Personnel page allows the ability to define the site personnel who will be working on the study. For detailed record-keeping, note the personnel’s role and study participation start/stop dates. Site personnel identified during the Add Site to Study process will automatically be included on the Site Personnel Page. Additional personnel can be added to the site by selecting “Add New Site Personnel” from the Actions Menu.

Add Site Personnel

On the Site Personnel form select the Action “Add New Site Personnel”. If all site personnel have been added, the option to Add New Site Personnel will be present.

The Add New Site Personnel dialog will appear with site personnel not yet associated with the study and/or the ability to add new personnel. The Add New Personnel button allows users to initiate the creation of a new personnel record in the Personnel Manager (to be completed at another time). If the new personnel information matches an existing record in the Personnel Manager, the existing record will be added and a duplicate will not be created.

Role Field

The dialog will populate with the roles defined for each personnel on their initial Add Personnel Form. Only roles defined on the Edit Study form will appear in the role option.

To remove a role, select the x by the role name.

To remove all roles auto-populated from personnel records, select the Clear All button.

To remove a record for an individual not participating in the study, remove all the roles and leave the role field blank. They will not be listed as site personnel on this study.


Start Date

From the calendar, select the date the personnel began working on the study.


Add New Personnel

To add new site personnel that does not currently have a personnel record or has an existing personnel record to which you do not have access, select the Add New Personnel button.

Complete the First Name, Last Name, and Email Address fields and click the Add button.

The name and email address will be compared to existing personnel records in the Personnel Manager. If a match is detected, the existing record will be selected as the personnel added to the site. If a match is not detected, a new personnel record will be created to be completed when convenient.

Click Next.


Assign the appropriate site role and start date. Click Save.


Edit Site Personnel

On the Site Personnel screen site personnel information can be updated.


Roles can be updated by adding or removing roles for the site personnel.

Start Date

The Start Date collected in the Add Site to Study or Add Personnel Dialog will display for each personnel. The Start Date can be changed if needed.

Stop Date

When a site personnel is no longer on a study the Stop Date field can be completed by selecting the date in the date calendar.

Delete Site Personnel

Site personnel added in error can be removed by using the delete icon.

A confirmation dialog will appear requesting confirmation the deletion. Select OK to remove the personnel. Select Cancel and the request to delete is cancelled.


Importing Site Personnel

The ability to import this information will be included in the 14.6 release.

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