
This article covers adding and deleting a site feasibility form, the fields in the form, and how to import site feasibility.  

Table of Contents

A study team can choose to utilize the Site Feasibility Form to collect feasibility questionnaire responses or to track the site feasibility progress. Those with CTMS configuration permissions can create as many template options as needed. Only one Site Feasibility template can be selected per study. This selection occurs on the Study Form. While only one template can be selected per study, the selected site feasibility form can be added to a site as many times as needed.

Add Site Feasibility Form

The Add Site Feasibility form can be reached by clicking the “Add Site Feasibility” action found in the Actions Menu on the Study Site form.

Feasibility Form Fields

The Feasibility form fields depend on the template and questions added through Site Feasibility Templates.

Once a Site Feasibility form is saved, the form can be accessed in the site sub-menu:

If the Site Feasibility form template defined on the Edit Study form is updated mid-study, the new template can be used simply by adding a new Site Feasibility form.


Delete Site Feasibility Form



From the Actions menu, select Delete Site Feasibility.


Importing Site Feasibility

Primary Identifiers & Required Fields



Required Fields

Site Feasibility Forms

  • Study
  • Study Site Name

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