
This article covers the 13.1.0 DBP Release notes. 


Welcome to the DATATRAK Business Platform 13.1.0 Maintenance Release!

DBP 13.1.9 – September 18, 2014

System Feature Enhancement
DATATRAK is moving its Disaster Recovery servers to Amazon Web Services (AWS). For this project, server properties have to be added.

40912: eCRF: Offer a reconnect option, if the network connection is lost

UX EDC & Medical Coding Feature Correction
If the network connection is lost during data entry, a dialog will pop up forcing the reload of the eCRF and causing all pending changes to be lost. This should be changed such that the user is notified of the lost connection and given the opportunity to restore connectivity.
For more information, review the Knowledge Base page on Completing Forms.

40923: Modifications to DA template DATATRAK roles

UX Trial Design Feature Enhancement
The standard DATATRAK roles in the blank Data Architect template shall be updated to reflect current workflows.

DBP 13.1.8 – July 9, 2014

19548: Reconcile attribute of Assign Script command should be retired

UX Trial Design Feature Correction
The Assign script command accepts a reconcile attribute that is currently not supported. This attribute should be removed from the Assign command.

19844: Reconcile should not generate audits if the value is not changing on assignment.

UX Trial Design Feature Correction
When the Reconcile utility is used, an audit is recorded reporting that the old value changed to the old value and any SDVed questions are unSDVed. This should be changed such that when the utility is used, the audit and metadata reset should not occur if the value is not changing on an assignment.

29122: The text editor for editing announcements does not work well in IE

UX EDC & Medical Coding Feature Correction
The text editor used for the Announcements widget displays the following errors in IE 10:

  1. The enter key will occasionally skip lines and randomly jump
  2. The color picker does not work
  3. Right-click functionality does not work

31768: Inline query response clears signature status

UX EDC & Medical Coding Feature Correction
If a form has been signed and a query on the form is responded to inline (i.e. the response text is entered from the eCRF screen) the signature will be cleared. Modifying a query in the system in any other way does not affect the signature status.

33113: Deleted Forms cannot be signed in the Unified UI

UX EDC & Medical Coding Feature Correction
In the Classic UI, deleted forms can be signed to show approval of deleted forms/data. In the Unified UI, you cannot sign forms that have been deleted. You must restore them, sign them, and then delete them again. The Unified UI should allow signature on deleted forms.

33290: New line character on “MultiLineText” question is not consistent between Unified and Classic UI

UX EDC & Medical Coding Feature Correction
Text exports in the Classic UI replace newlines with 2 spaces. In the Unified UI the newlines export as 1 space.
All data entered into the system with \n should be converted to \r\n before being saved.

33305: Alert text and inline query text boxes might be empty in IE7 and IE8 in compatibility view

UX EDC & Medical Coding Feature Correction
On IE7 and IE8 in compatibility view for the Unified UI, the text boxes for alerts and inline queries can appear to be blank with only the background color being displayed.

UX Trial Design Feature Correction
The View Changes screen/compared results in Trial Manager is unreadable in IE8 due to a visual bug related to the shadow effect on the page. This visual defect is also present at the top of the form links tree in the casebook. The defect should be corrected.

33438: Preprocessing scripts might not be executed during preprocessing for dependent and target on the same form

UX EDC & Medical Coding Feature Correction
When a preprocessing script uses a dependent on the same form as the target, then the script is not executed during preprocessing, when

  • the dependent is changed
  • the target is unchanged.

33443: Custom formulas need access to additional context information

UX Trial Design Feature Correction
While the TodayTZ standard custom formula can find the current user during processing, it cannot during preprocessing. Custom formulas should be updated to be able to access such information during both preprocessing and processing. To account for studies that have already customized the standard custom formula TodayTZ, an additional formula should be created called TodayTZX that functions in the same way as TodayTZ but works during both preprocessing and processing.

Trial Design – Formulas
If TodayTZ has already been customized at the study or sponsor level, the standard custom formula TodayTZX should be used in Unified trials. Otherwise, TodayTZ can be used.
To find out more about the functionality of TodayTZ, see the Knowledge Base page on Formulas.

33455: In the Unified interface, disabled input elements do not show all contents in some cases

UX EDC & Medical Coding Feature Correction
In the Unified UI, it is possible that disabled input elements do not show all the text contained within the element. This should be fixed such that users can always see all contents of the input elements.

33514: In the Unified interface, the viewComment permission is not checked

UX EDC & Medical Coding Feature Correction
In the Unified UI, the eCRF does not check the viewComment permission before displaying comments. This should be changed such that the user can view comments when one of the following applies:

  • When the user has screen permission “viewComment”.
  • When the user has screen permission “commentManager” and thus access to the Comment Manager
  • When the user has action permission “createComment”.

Affects Existing Studies: The viewComment permission is now observed in the Unified UI. Roles granted any of the permissions listed below can now view comments.

Trial Design – Roles
The following Comment permissions can be combined as necessary per study configuration.

ActionsActions RequiredScreens Required
comments- Comment ManagercommentManager
comments- create commentscreateComment
comments- view commentsviewComment

For more information on the Comments permissions, see the Unified Knowledge Base page on standard actions.

33586: Disabled sites are not removed from the Unified UI Desktop

DATATRAK ONE® Unified Platform Feature Correction
When a site is disabled in Enterprise Manager, the site should be removed from the user’s desktop so they cannot access the site. Currently in the Unified UI the site is not removed when it is disabled.

33596: Environment Property Updates

DATATRAK ONE® Unified Platform Feature Correction
Update Environment properties per internal platform needs.

33603: “Inventory Transfer Shipment Notification” email is not generated in some cases

UX Randomization & Trial Supply Management Feature Correction
If the user has a role on a child site but not at the parent site and a shipment is triggered at the parent site level for the child site, the user at the child site does not receive a notification. Since the shipment impacts the child site, this should be fixed such that the user is notified in such cases.

33604: Packaging Company is not displayed as “Destination for shipment” in Notification emails

UX Randomization & Trial Supply Management Feature Correction
For the “Inventory Transfer” and “Restore Shipment” notifications emails configured with a Location of “Packaging Company”, the “Destination for shipment” and “Location” in the email display the Site from where the actions was performed rather than the Shipment Destination.

33605: “Inventory Threshold Notification” email was not sent when drug was assigned

UX Randomization & Trial Supply Management Feature Correction
When a container was assigned from Drug Container manager to a subject and threshold was met, the “Inventory Threshold Notification” email was not sent. It was sent in case when Subject was activated.

33649: In the Classic interface, a query cannot be reopened or closed from the casebook

UX EDC & Medical Coding Feature Correction
In the Classic UI, when a user with the formMonitor role attempts to reopen or close a query from within the subject casebook, they receive a permission error.

33753: Meta data changes after filtering lead to a permission denied screen

UX EDC & Medical Coding Feature Correction
After applying a search filter in record manager, if the user applies a metadata action to a record from the resulting search, a permission denied screen is displayed.

33856: Form Flow Meta Data Changes Can Fail (Form Flow Dependencies, Form Flow Transitions)

UX EDC & Medical Coding Feature Correction
When a form flow transition is configured with a flow dependency that unfreezes a question and sets its status to “openWithQuery,” if the form is frozen and a query is created on a previously clean question, the question is not unfrozen. This should be fixed such that the question is unfrozen, as expected.

33775 – DBP 13.1.8 Documentation

33673: DBP 13.1.8 Release Notes

System Documentation Enhancement
Draft release notes for the 13.1.8 patch release.

33774: Update UX Trial Design manual for the 13.1.8 release

System Documentation Enhancement
Update the UX Trial Design manual for the 13.1.8 release.

DBP 13.1.7 – June 11, 2014

22681: Enhance the Email Notification feature to support record statuses

uEDC Feature Enhancement
Notification types related to record statuses shall be added to the Email Notification feature.

For additional information, see the Email Notifications help page.

23426: Enhance the Email Notification feature to support Randomization/Drug Inventory emails and editable Subject lines

uEDC Feature Enhancement

Notification types for the following drug supply and randomization operations shall be added:

  1. Randomized/Activated
  2. Drug Assigned
  3. Shipment Restore
  4. Inventory Empty
  5. Inventory Threshold
  6. Shipment Confirmation
  7. Shipment Request
  8. Inventory Transfer
  9. Shipment Cancellation
  10. Emergency Unblinding
  11. De-Randomization

Additionally, the Subject line for email notifications shall be editable within the interface.

For additional information, see the Email Notifications help page.

29352: DT Billing & DT Internal Roles Cannot Access Enterprise Manager

Clinical ERP Feature Correction
The Enterprise Manager roles need to be updated to provide access to DT Billing and DT Internal Roles.

29389: Data Genie Search Reports feature does not work in the Classic UI

uEDC Feature Correction
When the user goes to the Data Genie reports in the Classic UI, the Search Reports functionality does not work.

29432: The “Edit Aggregator” settings should be displayed in a screen rather than a pop-up

uEDC Feature Correction
To avoid redirection issues, the “Edit Aggregator” dialog should be changed to a screen.
When creating aggregators, the If condition logic shall only be available after an aggregator is created and saved.

For additional information, see the DTLC page on aggregators.

29461: Cannot attach a file to a task in the Classic UI

Clinical ERP Feature Correction
In the Classic UI collaboration tools, it is not possible to attach a file to a task when using Internet Explorer.

29468: A user’s login attempts cannot be viewed by admin users from Enterprise Manager

Clinical ERP Feature Correction
It is not possible to view another person’s View Login Attempts page. This should be possible through Enterprise Manager’s Edit User action for those with Enterprise Manager Admin permissions.

30352: Enhance the Email Notification feature to accept email addresses as email recipients

uEDC Feature Enhancement
In addition to being able to specify recipients by roles, those creating notifications shall be able to specify recipients by email address.
The option “Email Recipient” shall be added to the role list. Upon selection of that “role,” a textarea shall appear so that the user can enter email addresses. To specify multiple email addresses, each address should be separated by a new line or a comma.

For additional information, see the Email Notifications help page.

31735: On the Manage Notifications Screen, clicking the Copy icon causes display issues

uEDC Feature Correction
On the Manage Notifications Screen, all dropdown menus on the page increase in width each time the user clicks the “Copy” button. This occurs when the user clicks the “Copy” button repeatedly.

32727: The Enterprise Manager shall support the export of detailed user information

Clinical ERP Enhancement
The user export out of Enterprise Manager shall include user contact information (address, email, phone and timezone). Only the primary contact information must be included.

32813: A user without ViewBlind permission should not see Expiration Dates

uIRT Feature Correction
If a user does not have the viewBlind permission but does have access to Drug Containers Manager, they should not see the Expiration Date field.

Affects Existing Studies: Previously, users without the ViewBlind permission could see expiration dates in the Drug Containers Manager. Now, only users with the ViewBlind permission can see the expiration date.

32839: The site name is not displayed properly on the Unified Desktop in some browsers

Clinial ERP Feature Correction
In some browsers, the site name is not displayed properly on the Unified UI Desktop.

32901: Add Username and Primary Email to Manage Registrations

Clinical ERP Feature Enhancement
On the Manage Registration screen two new columns need to be added to display the User’s Username and primary email address. The columns need to be added between Name and Managing Workgroup. These new columns should also appear when data is exported and should be searchable and filterable.

32907: Add Username and Primary Email to Registration Page for Each Course

Clinical ERP Feature Enhancement
On the Registration screen for each Course two new columns need to be added to display the User’s Username and primary email address. The columns need to be added between Name and Managing Workgroup.

32912: Export all records on Manage Registration Screen

Clinical ERP Feature Enhancement
The existing export feature on the Manage Registration screen exports only those records that have been selected. The Manage Registration screen shall be updated to include an additional export option to export all records at once.
The existing export option shall be labeled “Export Select Registrations”. The new option shall be labeled “Export All Registrations”.

For additional information, see the DTLC page on managing registrations.

Clinical ERP Feature Enhancement
The email notification templates related to user access shall contain the name of the study that the user is being assigned to.
The subject line of the email shall read as “DATATRAK ONE access notification for <Protocol Name>”. A new line shall be added after the “User” line. This line shall read as “Study: ” if the user is receiving access to a single study. Otherwise, the line shall read as “Product: “.

For more information, see the Unified and Classic DTLC page on the Access Change template.

32954: IsDuplicate command does not use preprocessing values

uDesign Feature Correction
Scripts functionality should be updated to support preprocessing for the isDuplicate command.

Previously, there was a possibility that the evaluation of alerts that used the isDuplicate command was delayed until the save process. Now any alerts using the isDuplicate command will evaluate at the time of data entry.

32955: Implement Automatic Date Format System

uEDC Feature Enhancement
A new property called “autoCorrectDateFormat” shall be created that when enabled, causes all unambiguous dates that are in one of the following formats to be translated into the question date format for the question: dd/MMM/yyyy, dd-MMM-yyyy, dd/MMM/yy, dd-MMM-yy, ddMMMyyyy, ddMMMyy, MM/dd/yyyy, MM-dd-yyyy, MM/dd/yy, MM-dd-yy, MMddyyyy, MMddyy, yyyy-MM-dd or yyyy/MM/dd.

Trial Design – App Properties
Property Name: autoCorrectDateFormat
Possible Values: true or false (false by default)

In the following example, when the user enters a date that is determined unambiguous based on the Unambiguity table and the date is in a format other than the format expected for the question, the system will reformat the date to match the question’s expected date format.


The following should be kept in mind when using this feature.

  • When the year is typed in a two-digit format and the question expects a four-digit format, the date is first evaluated as occurring in the current century (i.e. 2000). If the date is greater than the current year, the date will be interpreted to be the previous year that ended with the two-digit number. Otherwise, the most recent year ending with the two-digit number is used. For example, the user-input date of 8-22-15 is interpreted as August 22, 1915 while 8-22-14 is interpreted as August 22, 2014.
  • When the date entered is six numbers in length and contains no slashes or dashes, the date is assumed to be in the format MMddyy
  • When the date entered is eight numbers in length and contains no slashes or dashes, the date is assumed to be in the format MMddyyyy
  • If dates are entered in the MMddyyyy or MMddyy formats, the system expects the use of leading zeroes. For example, January 20, 2014 would need a leading zero for the month: 01202014
  • If the date is determined to be ambiguous (i.e. the date can be interpreted to be more than one date), the system will not attempt to reformat the date.

Unambiguity Table

Date FormatAmbiguity Notes
dd/MMM/yyUnambiguous when yy is greater than the number of days in the month
dd-MMM-yyUnambiguous when yy is greater than the number of days in the month
ddMMMyyUnambiguous when yy is greater than the number of days in the month
MM/dd/yyyyUnambiguous when dd is greater than 12
MM-dd-yyyyUnambiguous when dd is greater than 12
MM/dd/yyUnambiguous when dd is greater than 12 and yy is greater than 31
MM-dd-yyUnambiguous when dd is greater than 12 and yy is greater than 31
yyyy-MM-ddUnambiguous when dd is greater than 12
yyyy/MM/ddUnambiguous when dd is greater than 12
MMddyyyyUnambiguous since all dates of length 8 that contain no slashes or dashes are expected to be in this format
MMddyyUnambiguous since all dates of length 6 that contain no slashes or dashes are expected to be in this format

For additional information, see the DTLC page on App Properties and completing forms.

32973: Add the ability to Assign Multiple Courses in a Single Action to Users on Manage Courses Screen

Clinical ERP Feature Enhancement
On the Manage Courses screen add the ability to assign multiple courses in a single action. Allow the user to check the check-box beside each required course. Add a new action button at the top named “Add Registrations’. If the action button is selected, display the Add Registration screen, which allows the user to check the users who should be added. If a user is selected that has already been registered for that course, no duplicate registration should occur.

For more information see the DTLC page on managing courses.

32975: Add the ability to Add Exemptions to Prerequisites in a Single Action to Users on Manage Prerequisites Screen

Clinical ERP Feature Enhancement
On the Manage Prerequisites screen, add the ability to add an exemption across prerequisites in a single action. Allow the user to check the check-box beside each prerequisite. Add a new action button at the top named “Add Exemptions’. If the action button is selected, display the Exemption For screen which allows the selection of users who are exempt from the prereq.

For additional information, see the DTLC page on prerequisites.

32983: Update the DA template to contain different descriptions for the Delete Difference Archive permissions

uDesign Feature Correction
In the DA template, the deleteDiffArchive Action permission and deleteDiffArchive Screen permission have the same description. The DeleteDiffArchive Screen permission should have the description, “Confirm Delete Differences Archive”.

33021: Custom screens and actions cannot be added to the action menu in the unified UI

uDesign Feature Correction
In the Classic UI, custom screens and actions can be added to the study home page. This functionality should be added to the Unified UI and accessible in the green actions menu.

33209: The Status Filters for the Alert Manager in the Unified UI are inconsistent

uEDC Feature Correction
In the Unified UI Alert Manager, the Alert Status column shows the various statuses that are available but the filters only show ‘Open’ and ‘Closed’. The column contains ‘Open W/ Reason’, ‘Open W/O Reason’, ‘Closed W/ Reason’, and ‘Closed W/O Reason’. These need to be included in the filter as well.

33210: EM Audit Log should show the User’s name at the time of the audit entry

Clinical ERP Feature Correction
Currently the audit log accessible through the Edit User Information screen in Enterprise Manager displays the current name of the user. This should be updated to display the user’s first and last name at the time of audit entry.

33225: The Classic UI Subject Manager page Go button submits actions

uEDC Feature Correction
In the Classic UI, when an action is selected in the subject manager and then the pager “Go” button is clicked, the action is initiated.

33244: Create a single call hook to support custom reporting

Clinical ERP Feature Enhancement
Add support for custom reporting through the addition of a single call hook.

33414: Add Order of Drug Assignment feature in uIRT 3

uIRT Feature Enhancement
Allow the order of drug assignment to be configurable such that it is either random (select the drug with random order) or sequential (select the drug using sequential order).

33268 – DBP 13.1.7 Documentation

33019: DBP 13.1.7 Release Notes

System Documentation Enhancement
Draft release notes for the 13.1.7 patch release

33269: Update uEDC manual for the 13.1.7 release

System Documentation Enhancement
Update the uEDC manual for the 13.1.7 release.

33270: Update Clinical ERP manual for the 13.1.7 release

System Documentation Enhancement
Update the Clinical ERP manual for the 13.1.7 release.

33274: Update uDesign manual for the 13.1.7 release

System Documentation Enhancement
Update the uDesign manual for the 13.1.7 release.

DBP 13.1.6 – April 17, 2014

31689: Embedded scripts in an expression are not evaluated with preprocessed values

uDesign Feature Correction
When a local lab configuration uses CALLSCRIPT{} evaluations in expressions, the script sees the database value from the previous save option rather than the preprocessed value.

31690: For the Local Lab feature, RowMatch does not work with preprocessed values

uDesign Feature Correction
A local lab configuration with the following setup is not matched correctly during preprocessing.
RowMatch labname||labname
This currently only evaluates correctly for the previously saved database value. This should be fixed such that preprocessing is supported.

31691: For the Local Lab feature, record expressions do not work during preprocessing in some cases

uDesign Feature Correction
The Local Lab handling should be updated such that record expressions work for preprocessing.

32475: The Local Lab feature shall be updated to populate the reference ranges and units during preprocessing

uEDC Feature Enhancement
The Local Lab feature shall be updated to support dynamic lab ranges in preprocessing mode. Local lab divisions shall be updated with new preprocessing information.

Affects Existing Studies: Previously, local lab functionality did not execute until after the save process. Now the local lab feature operates during preprocessing.

Note: The data used for the local lab feature may not be clean due to alerts present on forms. For example, during preprocessing if a black alert is present on a date field, the invalid value is used in the local lab calculation. This may lead to undesired intermediate values until all alerts are resolved. 

32481: In the Classic interface, the Application Setup setting saveOnExit can trigger branching

uEDC Feature Correction
If the user answers a branching question to trigger branching and navigates away from the form without saving the question, the branching still occurs. This will be fixed such that the form must be saved in order for banching to occur.

32500: The Timepicker addon inserts value into the eCRF question even when the user makes no changes

uEDC Feature Correction
If a question on a form is using the timepicker plugin and the user clicks on the question, a default value is inserted into the question. Even if a user then navigates away without entering any values into a question, the default value is being evaluated. There should be no default values inserted.

32538: The Parent Audit table does not wrap or break text in Internet Explorer

uEDC Feature Correction
In the parent audit table at the top of a eCRF, words longer than the width of the cell are truncated and not shown when viewed in Interet Explorer. They should be broken and wrapped around so that the full value can be seen.

32565: The Export Summary does not match the record count in the domain

uEDC Feature Correction
The summary in the export includes the number of records for each domain. This count does not account for the removal of blank forms. Therefore, the count in the smmary rarely matches the number of records in t each domain. The summary should match the number of rows of data for each formtype and account for the skipRowIf instruction and the removeBlankRows parameter, both of which impact the count reported in exports.

Affects Existing Studies: Previously, the summary in the export included blank forms in the total count of records for each domain even when the removeBlankRows parameter was set to true. Rows that were excluded through the use of the skipRowIf instruction were also included in the total count for the Export Summary. Now when the removeBlankRows parameter is set to true and blank records exist, they will not be included in the total count. Now when rows are excluded through the skipRowIf instruction, they will not be included in the total count.

32630: The lack of DA Template info triggers an error on uIRT enabled studies in some cases

uIRT Feature Correction
When accessing a subject for a uIRT-enabled study, an error occurs if the uIRT configuration has not yet been defined. This is due to a blank field in the DA. To address this issue, the “Drug Assignment Upon Activation” value should default to “no” when it is not defined on the “Inventory” worksheet of the DA.

32634: The DA template is missing the difference manager permissions

uDesign Feature Correction
The permissions of the difference manager are missing in the DA template file. This causes the permissions to be lost during decompilation. These permissions should be added to the DA template file.

uEDC Feature Correction
The footer should be updated to link to the website rather than the website.

32765: In Trial Manager, help text is lost during decompile

uDesign Feature Correction
When a version of a study is opened through the Edit Architect action in Trial Manager, the help text found on the “Question Type – Definition” worksheet of the DA is not decompiled with the file. Help text entered in the DA should appear when a DA is opened through the Edit Architect action.

32773: Enhance email fail-over functionality

System Feature Enhancement
When mail failures occur on the primary, high availability mail service, the system shall catch the error and reroute email though an alternate mail server automatically.

32775: Create an internal report for trial configurations

Clinical ERP Feature Enhancement
An internal report for tracking trial configurations shall be created.

Note: This report is only available internally by DATATRAK ONETM personnel. 

32898 – DBP 13.1.6 Documentation

32747: DBP 13.1.6 Release Notes

System Documentation Enhancement
Draft release notes for the 13.1.6 patch release

32899: Update uEDC manual for the 13.1.6 release

System Documentation Enhancement
Update the uEDC manual for the 13.1.6 release.

DBP 13.1.5 – March 15, 2014

30864: When reconcile is run, script alerts set to “before” can be created on questions that have not been previously saved

uDesign Correction
Alerts should not be created on questions that have not been previously saved when reconcile is run with script alerts set to “before”.

31208: Form flow read only behavior shall be updated such that the form flow restriction only affects the visibility and editing of the question values

uEDC Correction
Form flow permissions and Partial Editing App Properties only affect visibility and editing of question values and not data cleaning status. These restrict the role’s ability to changes the value of a question but do not affect whether the role can change or add metadata, queries or comments.

Affects Existing Studies: Previously, use of the Partial Editing App Properties RoleName-allowForms, RoleName-allowQuestions, RoleName-restrictForms, or RoleName-restrictQuestions could prevent comments from being added or queries from being added. Now, Partial Editing App Properties will not affect the role’s ability to change or add any comments, queries or metadata.

31244: In the Classic UI, the “updateQuery” permission behavior should be updated to allow users to update query text for unconfirmed queries

uEDC Feature Correction
For Unconfirmed Queries, if the user has “updateQuery”, they should be allowed to update the query text.

Affects Existing Studies: Previously, in the Classic UI, if a query was in the unconfirmed state, no user could update the query text regardless of permissions. Now, in the Classic UI, if the user has the “updateQuery” permission, they can update the query’s text if the query is in the unconfirmed state.

32098: Space needed in query text when a query is created

uEDC Feature Correction
A space is needed between the sentences if the query is auto-populated with the alert text.

32111: Improve DATATRAK Trial Manager access time

System Feature Maintenance
Improve performance of Trial Manager.

32131: Question Definition attribute definition should be case insensitive

uDesign Feature Enhancement
Question Attributes, such as display type and data type should be evaluated without regards to case.

32161: Prevent studies from being created in the Classic UI after March 31

uDesign Feature Enhancement
Starting April 1st, 2014, new studies first committed in the Trial Manager will be defaulted to the Unified Interface.

Trial Design – App Properties
As of April 1, 2014 the ui2012 property will no longer be supported for new trials. Trials with an initial trial version commit date occurring on or after April 1, 2014 will default to the Unified user interface.

32175: Tasks without due dates causes exceptions when user tries to access unified UI Desktop

Clinical ERP Feature Correction
Calendar task without due dates cause exceptions when users try to access the Unified Desktop.

32199: Desktop is Inaccessible Because of Null Organizations

Clinical ERP Feature Correction
Users with access to older Enterprise Managers that do not contain the EntitiyID receive an error message when the users access the Desktop.

32229: Audit Date Columns incorrectly parse time values that are not “HH:mm”

uEDC Feature Correction
Filtering in the Audit Manager by the HH:mm does not evaluate the hours or minutes. This should be changed such that Date filters in the Audit Manager can be filtered using the time. The format of the text entered into the filter must match the studyAuditDateFormat exactly.

32232: Widget Report with created parameters shows Back button when it should not

uEDC Feature Correction
The Back button on ad-hoc reports with a parameter that is run from the homepage shows a Back button that should not appear.

32240: The properties file shall be updated to include new server IP addresses for staging and production

System Feature Correction
The properties file shall be updated to reflect a new IP address.

32241: Trial Manager shall inform the user if a cvs commit does not succeed

uDesign Feature Enhancement
In Trial Manager, if a cvs commit is not successful, the system shall display the message “The commit was unsuccessful. Please commit the changes again.”

32242: The database shall be cleaned when partial commits occur

System Feature Enhancement
If the CVS servers go down during a commit the database should be updated to resolve any partial commits.

32276: Edit User Phone Information gives clickOS error

Clinical ERP Feature Correction
When updating a Phone number through Enterprise Manager, upon saving an error is occurring.

32291: Update the View Document Detail Screen such that the user can switch between pages of results

Clinical ERP Feature Correction
For Document Prerequisites in Enterprise Manager, the user is not able to navigate to the next page.

32319: Tabular view calculation optimization

uEDC Feature Enhancement
When users are using older versions of IE that are not supported by our browser policy, they can experience issues with tabular eCRF Design. This enhancement will allow the users who experience long wait times on loading to determine if they would like to default to the list view.

If the execution of the tabular view on a static form exceeds the amount of seconds specified by the new tabularWaitTimeInSec property (45 seconds by default), the user shall be presented with a message prompting the user to switch to list view. The user can either confirm the switch to list view by clicking the “Default to List View” button or deny the change by clicking the “Cancel” button. Switching to list view by means of this message creates a study-specific preference for list view.

Trial Design – App Properties
Property Name: tabularWaitTimeInSec
Possible Values: Any integer value (45 by default)

In the following example, the system will attempt to load the tabular view of a static form for 50 seconds before displaying the message that prompts the user to switch to list view.


For more information regarding the study-specific preference as well as a global preference in the Unified interface, see the help page on App Properties, the User Profile and Tabular Data Entry and Review.
For more information regarding the study-specific preference as well as a global preference in the Classic interface, see the help page on App Properties, the User Profile and Tabular Data Entry and Review

32354: Coding tab is inaccessible for studies with over 1000 question types

uEDC Feature Correction

If a study has more than one thousand question types the Coding Manager would not load.

To address this issue, the following changes should be made:

  1. If a QuestionType is removed that is tied to coding, the question details should return ‘Not Found’ in the managers as well as the exports.
  2. Code removal should be recorded in the audits regardless of the presence of the question type.
  3. Code approval should not be allowed in these cases.

Affects Existing Studies: Previously, codes on questionTypes which had been removed from the DA were not visible in the Codes Manager or exports. Now, entries will exist in the Codes Manager and relevant exports for these codes with the text ‘Not Found’ for the question sections of the code. Now, an audit entry is visible for codes that are removed even if their questionType is no longer in the DA.

32460: When the new export parameter “exportQuestionTemplate” is set to true, the data exported shall be based on the Question Layout template rather than the Form Display

uDesign Feature Enhancement
A new export formatter parameter called “exportQuestionTemplate” shall be created. When set to true, the data exported shall be based on the Question Layout template rather than the Form Display. The default value shall be false.

Trial Design – Exports
Formatter Parameter Name: exportQuestionTemplate
Formatter Parameter Value: true or false (false by default)

Param NameParam Value

Additional Notes

  • When this parameter is set to true, the list of questions to be used in the export is generated from the set of questions that are contained on the Question Template. Order of the questions is not guaranteed. When this parameter is set to false, the list of questions to be used in the export is generated from the set of questions that are contained on the Display worksheet.
  • This Formatter Parameter can be used for Excel, Text and SAS exports.

For additional information regarding this feature, see the Exports help page for the Classic and Unified interfaces.

32482 – Translation for 13.1.5

31007: Audit comment for changing duplicate query ID should be replaced with translation keys

uEDC Feature Correction
The audit generated when the duplicate query ID is changed should be translated.

31010: The “Events” key should be translated

Clinical ERP Feature Correction
The key for “Events” should be translated

32483: Translation for Tabular view enhancements

uEDC Feature Correction
The new tabular display features should be translated.

32439: Translation incorrect for Create Slot

uIRT Feature Correction
The Create Slot Screen should be fully translated.

32696 – DBP 13.1.5 Documentation

32323: DBP 13.1.5 Release Notes

System Documentation Enhancement
Draft release notes for the 13.1.5 patch release

32697: Update uDesign manual for the 13.1.5 release

uDesign Documentation Enhancement
Update the uDesign manual for the 13.1.5 release.

32698: Update uEDC manual for the 13.1.5 release

uEDC Documentation Enhancement
Update the uEDC manual for the 13.1.5 release.

32699: Update Clinical ERP manual for the 13.1.5 release

Clinical ERP Documentation Enhancement
Update the Clinical ERP manual for the 13.1.5 release.

DBP 13.1.4 – February 13, 2014

31699: Synonym is not used immediately after the first synonym is created per trial

uEDC Feature Correction
When the first synonym is created per trial, the synonym is not available immediately. The synonym will start to be available after some times passes.

32112: Testing Manager does not display all testing items

uDesign Feature Correction
It is possible that the Testing Manager does not display all changes.

32215: Enterprise Manager function optimization

System Feature Maintenance
Improve performance of functions within Enterprise Manager.

32239: DA based reports no longer respect the type field

uDesign Feature Correction
If a report is configured in the DA, all fields are treated as expression fields when the report is ran. This prevents display values of questions from being reported even when their type is identified as “data” in the DA.

32249: Query text may display incorrectly in some cases

uEDC Feature Correction
When viewing queries in the Unified and Classic UI, in some cases the query text can be displayed incorrectly.

32257: It is possible to submit 2 query text in one request

uEDC Feature Correction
In the Unified UI, it is possible to get the query creation text from the wrong question when multiple query creation dialogs are used on the same eCRF.

32267: DBP 13.1.4 Release Notes

System Documentation Enhancement
Draft release notes for the 13.1.4 patch release

32268: Alerts not shown on untouched forms

uEDC Feature Correction
Alerts should be triggered and visible on the form even if the form has not been saved.

32272: Classic UI Training Note about IE 10 & IE 11 Not Working

uTrain Feature Correction
The following text shall be added to the Training Courses header within the Prerequisites section of the Desktop:
- Classic User Interface training courses are not currently compatible with Internet Explorer 10 (IE10) or Internet Explorer 11 (IE11)
- Please use Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Safari or compatibility view of IE when completing training courses.

Additionally, the following test shall be added to Training Screen:
NOTE: Classic User Interface training courses are not currently compatible with Internet Explorer 10 (IE10) or Internet Explorer 11 (IE11). Please use Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Opera or Safari when completing training courses.

32281: DB properties are ignored for trimValues

Clinical ERP Feature Correction
Database properties are ignored for trimValues when they should not be.

32283: Loading of properties can cause null pointer exceptions when using record dynamic status

uEDC Feature Correction
Reports in the Billing tool can trigger errors if they use the record level dynamic status filters.

DBP 13.1.3 – January 31, 2014

32151: “Required type script alerts” are not handled as “required” during preprocessing

uEDC Feature Correction
A script alert with correction “required” is not displayed as black alert after entering a value that triggers the alert to fire.

32188: Enterprise Manger – Edit User screen loads slowly

Clinical ERP Feature Correction
Accessing the ‘Edit User’ screen from within Enterprise Manager results in a 1.5 – 2 min or more wait for the page to load. There is also a delay saving or canceling from that form.

32189: Enterprise Manager – Change Password screen loads slowly

Clinical ERP Feature Correction
The ‘Change Password’ screen accessed from within Enterprise Manager takes 1.5 – 2 min or more to load. There is a similar delay when canceling from that screen.

32211: Trimming values cause RFC on untouched data

uEDC Feature Correction
In some situations where partial data entry is performed and spaces are trimmed from values entered on non-modifiable fields, the user will be requested to enter a RFC on fields they did not change. Only fields with direct user interaction should require a RFC.

32212: Search User function is slow

Clinical ERP Feature Correction
Search User function is slow for large EM tree.

32213: DBP 13.1.3 Release Notes

System Documentation Enhancement
Draft release notes for the 13.1.3 patch release.

32217: Classic UI ad-hoc report field deletion triggers an error

uEDC Feature Correction
Due to a reference to a Unified UI navigation bar, the classic UI is failing on the delete field confirmation page when attempting to remove a field from a report in the classic UI.

DBP 13.1.2 – January 28, 2014

32179: Inserted top-level forms are not put into the right position

uEDC Feature Correction
When a form is inserted under the record, the sorting does not work. The new form is not put into the right position. Instead it is placed at the end of the top-level forms.
If a new form is inserted it must be moved into the correct position according to the sequence provided in the insert form utility.

32184: DBP 13.1.2 Release Notes

System Documentation Enhancement
Draft release notes for the 13.1.2 patch release

32185: formPartialEdit view type data entry issues

uEDC Feature Correction
Roles with formPartialEdit view type do not appear to be saving data.

32186: Enterprise Manager – Exemptions screen will not load

Clinical ERP Feature Correction
In Enterprise manager, clicking on the Exemptions link opens a screen that never loads. No error messages are present.

32190: Compiler warning for long scripts prevents script from writing to the xml

uDesign Feature Correction
When compiling a long script, an error message is displayed, preventing the script from being written to the xml.

DBP 13.1.1 – January 27, 2014

32163: Enterprise manager search user function causes the database server to hang

Clinical ERP Feature Correction
In both the Classic and Unified UI, the Enterprise manager search user function causes the database server to become non-responsive on searches of large organizations.

32164: DBP 13.1.1 Release Notes

System Documentation Enhancement
Release notes supporting the DBP 13.1.1 patch release must be drafted.

DBP 13.1.0 – January 26, 2014

The 13.1.0 Maintenance Release contains enhancements that are certain to improve your eClinical experience.

30257 – DBP 13.1.0 Documentation

30490: Update uIRT manual for DBP 13.1.0

uIRT Documentation Enhancement
Update the uIRT manual for the 13.1.0 release

30491: Update uEDC manual for DBP 13.1.0

uEDC Documentation Enhancement
Update the uEDC manual for the 13.1.0 release

30492: Update uDesign manual for DBP 13.1.0

uDesign Documentation Enhancement
Update the uDesign manual for the 13.1.0 release

31265: DBP 13.1.0 Release Notes

System Documentation Enhancement
Draft release notes for DBP 13.1.0 maintenance release.

30449 – Casebook

24326: Set the correct tab order for the case that dynamic edit fields (rfc, rfo) are added

uEDC Feature Correction
When the user presses the TAB key on the keyboard for RFO and RFC fields, the order in which the browser focuses on these fields should be consistent and intuitive.

29193: Add a server side check for the creation of dynamic forms on frozen forms

uEDC Feature Correction
Add a server side check for the creation of dynamic forms on frozen forms to work in relation to the addDynamicWhenFrozen property.

29655: Data Review Column Header Requires Correction

uEDC Feature Correction
The column header of the Data Review column in the form summary views reads “Data Reviewed” and not “Data Review.”

29981: Inconsistencies between Classic and Unified interfaces

uEDC Feature Correction
The “Check data/missing data” trigger button is displayed when it should not be due to a missing check for “processForm.”

uEDC Feature Correction

Form’s Sequence Number does not work in Form Navigation Tree under Unified UI.

30012: Reason For Change Appears On Checkbox Questions

uEDC Feature Correction
In the Unified UI, sometimes the user is asked for a reason for change even if the user did not change the value.

30288: The “Check Data” button can be displayed when a form is frozen

uEDC Feature Correction
In the unified UI, it is possible that the “check data button” is displayed when a form is frozen. This should not be the case as nothing can be modified.

30303: Large text entries not displaying properly for English and Kanji characters

uEDC Feature Correction
Large text entries are not being displayed properly in the audit trail and eCRF view for the Unified UI

30382: Unified UI: MultiLineText is not escaped correctly

uEDC Feature Correction
The content of multi-line text boxes is not correctly escaped in the Unified UI. There are possible problems for ” & < >.

30409: Query status on form should respect configured query status views

uEDC Feature Correction
Currently in the Unified UI, when the Query Status view is set to “Neither” for a role, this role can still see that queries exist for a question. This does not match the functionality present in the Classic UI.

30410: Audit trail visibility should be dependent on existing audit permissions

uEDC Feature Correction
In the Unified UI users can view subject, form and question level audits when no audit permissions are configured. Audit trail visibility should be based on the viewAllAudits and viewAudit permissions.

30484: hideInTree: Restore the old UI functionality for the new UI

uEDC Feature Correction
For the Unified UI the hideInTree configuration did hide forms in the tree and in the form summary. However, the hiding is not consistent as the form manager shows all forms and the way to update meta data shows some problems. The previous functionality shall be restored. The hideInTree method should only hide the form in the tree.

Trial Design – App Properties
Two properties can be used to hide forms in the Form Links Tree for a specific role or for all roles.

Property Name: hideInTree
Acceptable Values: comma-separated list of form types
Property Name: hideInTreeRoleName
Acceptable Values: comma-separated list of form types

Additional Notes

  • This feature does not restrict access or hide forms in the form summary and managers. This feature only hides forms in the Form Links Tree.
  • If a role-specific setting is made using the hideInTreeRoleName property, only the role-specific setting is active for that role. The general setting will not apply to the role.

In the following example, the Data Manager role can see all forms in the Form Links Tree except for the Enrollment and Demographics forms. All other roles in the trial can see all forms in the Form Links Tree except for the Pregnancy form. Note that the Data Manager can see the Pregnancy form because this form is not included in the Data Manager’s specific hideInTree property.


For more information, see the App Properties help page.

30510: Unified UI time picker does not support AM/PM indication

uEDC Feature Correction
The time picker in the Unified UI should support the AM/PM indication for the “Date” datatype.

30452 – Collaboration Tools

24677: select question issue with calendar control

uEDC Feature Correction
When the calendar control pops up, “select” and “multiselect” questions can become hidden. Dragging the calendar can also wipe “select” questions out of a form.

29436: Drop Down Action Menus in Collaboration Screens Not Functional in Google Chrome

Clinical ERP Feature Correction
Some drop down menus are not functional in Google Chrome in the classic UI:
Folder menu in File Manager
New contact menu from Contact Manager
New event menu in Calendar

29969: Single-Day Event should show dates in Local time

Clinical ERP Feature Correction
Timezone is not respected in calendar collaboration tool when creating single-day events.

30188: Some study workgroups listed twice in File Manager

Clinical ERP Feature Correction
Some folders in the File Manager tree are shown multiple times or at the wrong level.

30465: Incorrect translation appeared in file manager

System Feature Correction
In some cases, when a user’s preferred language was set to English, some Japanese characters were displayed in File Manager.

30453 – Compiler

13537: Decompiler uses an outdated version of DA file template

uDesign Feature Correction
When the user decompiles a DA file, the decompiled version of the DA file has a mispelling on the Dependencies worksheet. The word, Correction, is misspelled.

24706: Script decompilation results in larger script and might exceed valid limits

uDesign Feature Enhancement
When a script in the DA is written in a condensed way such that spaces and new lines are removed from the script, the decompilation of the DA can result in a file with a larger amount of characters for the script. When the length of this script exceeds the maximum length of text allowed in a single text cell, the decompiled DA file can become corrupted. To prevent this issue from occurring, a compiler error shall be thrown when the length of a script is greater than 32,000 characters in length. Additionally, a compiler error shall be thrown when the sum of the number of characters in the script and the number of xml elements in the script is greater than or equal to 32767 characters.

29751: Compiler throws error on formulas in the DA

uDesign Feature Correction
Formulas in the question definition, dependencies and question layout that reference other tabs cause compiler errors that did not occur prior to 13.0.

29902: <HR> warning is not triggered for the very first formTypeId

uDesign Feature Correction
When compiling the DA, if ui2012 is set to false and Group Title doesn’t include <HR> the warning should be triggered, e.g.

Warning: Display. Line 86: formTypeId ‘lastVisit’ does not contain a <HR> Header at the top of the form. Every form should contain a header bar at the top of the form per Best Practices.

However it is not triggered for the first formTypeId specified on Display tab.

uIRT Feature enhancement
The compiler error related to valid threshold values should only be checked if the ‘Automatic Drug Supply’ is set to ‘yes’.

Trial Design – Inventory
When ‘Automatic Drug Supply’ is set to ‘no,’ it is recommended that the ‘Threshold’ and ‘Restock Level’ fields be left blank.

30105: Decompile fails on large scripts and missing RM XML

uDesign Feature Correction
There is an issue when decompiling that triggers a Friendly Error in regards to a missing Randomization XML file. When not present, it generates an IO exception.

30467: Add compiler error if leading or trailing spaces are in answer options

uDesign Feature Enhancement
If a designer creates a set of answer options that includes leading or trailing spaces in the database value, a compiler error should be thrown to inform the user that it should be corrected.

30479: During Compilation, import question properties experience a loss in order integrity

uDesign Feature Correction
If a DA is configured to have many Question Property rows for a given Question Property Set, the ordering of Question Property rows will not maintain the ordering found in the DA file and will result in a large amount of differences between versions when queried from Trial Manager.

30454 – Data Architect

24731: Add a new custom instruction “toQuestion”

uDesign Feature Enhancement
A new instruction called “toQuestion” shall be created that will use the input value to retrieve the question.

Trial Design – Exports
Instruction Name: toQuestion

Form Type IdQuestion IdInstructionValueColumn NumberColumn TitleData TypeData Format





alias == ‘demog’





See the DTLC page on the toQuestion instruction in the Classic and Unified interfaces for more information.

30046: Remove import depth from DA template

uDesign Feature Correction
The depth configuration for imports should be removed from DA template since it is no longer used after the release of 13.0.0.

30246: Remove application delete type setting

uEDC Feature Enhancement
Retire the ability to configure the application delete type. The system should operate as if ‘bin’ is selected. The setting should be removed from visual architect. The setting should be removed from the DataArchitect template.

Trial Design – Application Setup
The deleteType attribute is now deprecated in the Unified and Classic UI.
The value entered for this attribute can be removed if it exists in your DA.

For more information, see the Application Setup help page for the Classic and Unified.

30248: Remove application use metadata setting

uEDC Feature Enhancement
Retire the ability to configure the application to use metadata or not use metadata. The system should operate as if ‘yes’ is selected. The setting should be removed from visual architect. The setting should be removed from the DataArchitect template.

Trial Design – Application Setup
The useMetaData attribute is now deprecated in the Unified and Classic UI.
The value entered for this attribute can be removed if it exists in your DA.

For more information, see the Application Setup help page for the Classic and Unified.

30455 – Maintenance

28207: Refactor Form Creation

System Feature Maintenance
Rector internal structure of Form Creation.

29858: Optimize manager and database interaction

System Feature Maintenance
Reduce the number of queries utilized across Record Manager, Form Manager, Question Manager, Alert Manager, Visit Manager, Audit Manager, Query Manager, Comment Manager, Code Manager, Synonym Manager, Drug Container Manager, Slot Manager, Drug Assignment Manager and Shipments Manager.

30027: Optimize trial setup and database interaction

System Feature Maintenance
Improve performance of managers in Trial Manager.

30035: Optimize desktop and database interaction

System Feature Maintenance
Optimize the interaction between the Desktop and the database.

30065: Optimize Enterprise Manager and database interaction

System Feature Maintenance
Optimize Enterprise Manager’s interaction with the database.

30128: Optimize calendarwidget and database interaction

System Feature Maintenance
Improve performance of the calendar widget.

30441: Improve progress bar performance

System Feature Maintenance
Improve the performance of the counts used for the progress bars.

31504: Optimize Expression Variable Resolution

System Feature Maintenance
Improve performance of Data Save Process.

30456 – Managers

29860: Adding/Removing a column resets the pagination in the managers

uEDC Feature Correction
Adding/Removing a column from any manager (e.g. Record, Form, Question) resets the pagination.
For example, if the the user is currently viewing page 4 and drags a column, they will be redirected to page 1.

30305: Hiding metadata statuses based on role does not work in the Questions Manager and Averages Report in the unified UI

uEDC Feature Correction

If the user applies hiding metadata status based on role, the Questions Manager will display all statuses. It works as expected in the Classic UI.
Also, Averages Report shows “Created -> Data Entry” transition under the Subject column if ‘hideAnswerStatus = true’. It does not show this transition under Form column. All other hiding metadata statuses work as expected in the Averages Report.

30428: Add Form Status Column To Query Manager

uEDC Feature Enhancement
A column known as ‘Form Status’ must be added to the Query Manager in the Unified interface. The applicable statuses will be ‘Active’ and ‘Deleted’ and should refer to the current status of the form on which the query is present. The column should be filterable, sortable and hide-able using these features of the existing system manager framework. When the filter is selected to Active, rows representing queries present on active forms should be included/displayed in the Query Manager. When the Deleted filter is selected, rows representing queries on deleted forms should be included/displayed in the Query Manager. If both filter options are selected, all queries on all forms should be represented in the Query Manager. The filter status should be set to ‘Active’ as the default display value.

31551: Manager display of signature status looks at “question level signature”

uEDC Feature Correction
The Manager display of the signature status looks at the signature at the form level but should look at the question level.

30457 – Miscellaneous Bugs and Enhancements

15559: The Trial Manager can display compiler errors even when a java file is checked in

uDesign Feature Correction
When checking in an extension file for a trial, a compile error can be displayed even when the file is successfully checked in to the repository. This can happen when dependencies of the new file are not yet satisfied in the live cluster.

23283: Study Visit forms are placed in the wrong order under Study Design form

uCTMS Feature Correction
In uCTMS, study visit forms are placed in the wrong order under the Study Design form.

24354: Update Question Type does not support multiple checkbox

uEDC Feature Correction
If a multi-checkbox question is saved with multiple values selected and you attempt to use the mid-study change utility ‘update question type’ to remap internal values of that question, it will not process the values correctly and the result will be a stored value that does not match the question’s values any longer which will produce a blank on the form.

The utility needs to be modified to properly replace all answer options regardless of how many are selected.

27019: Export instruction multiParamListLookup: Empty value generates unnecessary separator

uDesign Feature Correction

A separator is generated for each selected value of the export instruction, multiParamListLookup. If some values should be mapped to an empty string, then there are separators without data value.

28285: Add Date + Time Format For Standard SAS Export

uDesign Feature Enhancement
Create a defined SAS date format which functions within the standard SAS export that will match java date format dd/MMM/yyyy HH:mm.

29294: Long study names on the Desktop need improvement

Clinical ERP Feature Correction
When viewing the Desktop with IE, Firefox or Safari, if a study name is too long for the available space in the My Tools menu, the blue arrow is displayed on top of the text.

29756: Export from View Training History screen does not work in the Unified UI

uTrain Feature Correction

Nothing happens when the user tries to Export from the View Training History screen in the Unified UI.

29760: Interface setting in profile does not account for EM editing

Clinical ERP Feature Correction
If the user attempts to edit another user’s profile by accessing it via Enterprise Manager, it will not properly indicate the UI setting. It displays “Unified” if the Enterprise Manager user has the Unified UI rather than the UI setting for the user that is being edited. Similarly, it displays “Classic” if the Enterprise Manager user has the Classic UI.

29829: Login triggers Resource Not Found in some scenarios

uDesign Feature Correction

There are multiple reports of triggering ‘Resource not found errors’ related to Trial Manager, which are related to the removal of the homepage. The Resource Not found exception page is displayed and it does not include the UI styling elements.

29866: “Resource Not Found” page is displayed

Clinical ERP Feature Correction

When a user requests a password reset email for another user’s account through Enterprise Manager, the “Resource Not Found” page is displayed when the user clicks the link within the password reset email in some cases.

System Feature Correction

There are many exceptions occurring in the footer of the classic UI.

30001: Overridden by DA properties are hidden in Management Servlet

Clinical ERP Feature Correction

If all properties added to Management Servlet are also contained in the trial’s DA, no properties will be displayed in Management Servlet.

30016: Enhance internal methods for detection of server cluster

System Feature Correction
Update the internal methods to allow further testing on the staging environment.

30024: Difference manager: Archives show server time for “Report Generation Time”

uEDC Feature Correction
When the user views an archive in the Difference Manager, the “Report Generation Date” shows the server time rather than the time in the current user’s timezone.

30062: The My Tools and My Studies menus should not appear on the Desktop when they are empty

Clinical ERP Feature Enhancement
The ‘My Tools’ box is shown for users that do not have access to any tools that would fall into that category.
The ‘My Studies’ section is shown as empty when the user has access to Trial Manager but no studies.

30070: Optimize Code Manager

System Feature Maintenance
Optimize recent codes coding functionality in Code Manager.

30254: PDF page generation performs inconsistently

uEDC Feature Correction
PDFs that are generated from the ‘Actions’ menu in the Unified UI are formatted incorrectly if the primary and secondary identifier are not provided for the patient.

30276: Optimize storing of XML data

System Feature Maintenance
Optimize storing of XML data across the system.

30339: Missing questions not handled gracefully

uEDC Feature Correction

Missing questions are not handled gracefully in the Unified UI. In some cases, removing questions can result in exceptions that should be properly handled by the system.

30346: DataGenie field selection should not persist when creating additional reports

uEDC Feature Enhancement
Field selections in the tree should not persist between report creations.

30403: Code status change during reconcile should be recorded in audit trail

uEDC Feature Correction
Code status change should be recorded during reconcile medical coding status.

30412: Update Management Servlet Access

System Feature Enhancement
Update ManagementServlet access per current tech team personnel.

30511: 12 hour times do not use the correct format/informats in exports

uDesign Feature Correction
There is a missing time format in the definition for informat/format in the SAS import scripts. The DATE9 format is generated for a time format in the question definition when the following format should be generated: TIMEAMPM8.0

30531: Automatically archive import logs

uEDC Feature Enhancement
When the total number of import logs reaches 750, the 500 oldest import logs shall be automatically archived.

30781: Update management servlet access

System Feature Enhancement
Add new tech team personnal to ManagementServlet access list.

30934: Excel export cleanUp method is not working

System Feature Correction
When deleting temporary excel files for exports and managers, excel files in the .xlsx file format remain in the directories. These should also be deleted.

31813: The Update Code screen does not display the codes for partially coded questions in the Unified UI

uEDC Feature Correction
The Update Code screen does not display the code tree in Unified UI for partially coded questions.

30458 – Randomization

29029: The system should inform the user when locked forms are preventing randomization of a subject

uIRT Feature Enhancement
When a user checks the activation criteria or attempts to activate a subject that is partially locked or locked, the system shall display the following message: Forms are locked and this is preventing the action from completing.

30003: action=”confirmShipment” fails if partial shipment is confirmed as “Confirm Shipment”

uDesign Feature Correction
Partial shipments with the “Confirm Shipment” button checked does not send out the expected alerts.

30055: A compiler error should be displayed when the activation ID is longer than 90 characters

uDesign Feature Enhancement
When the activation ID is too long, it triggers an exception.
If the activation ID is longer than 90 characters in length, an error should be displayed to inform the user.

30184: Edit Container should display error page if applied for invalid drug type

uIRT Feature Enhancement
An error screen should be displayed when the user attempts to edit a container with an invalid drug type id.

30229: IRT Audits should show in user’s time zone

uIRT Feature Enhancement
Currently the audits for IRT 3.0 in the unified UI show in UTC. They should show in the user’s time zone as selected in the profile.

30368: uIRT Import Strata and Import Inventory functions shall warn against importing files without headers

uIRT Feature Enhancement
The system shall warn against not using headers when importing strata and inventory.

30369: Extra column is shown in uIRT import mapping

uIRT Feature Correction
If the import file is an excel file, the uIRT import mapping page shows one extra column which is not listed in the import file.

31176: Change the way to create slot display ID in Minimization algorithm

uIRT Feature Correction
Currently the slot display ID is set as the strata name + seqNumber. However, since the display ID has a length limit, this should be changed to a use a sequential number.
New trials will use a sequential number starting with 1. Existing trials will use the old method.

30459 – Training

29452: The system should inform the user when a training course file is not published or is configured incorrectly

uTrain Feature Enhancement
A message should be displayed to notify the user when the course file is not published or is configured incorrectly.

30333: No sorting logic is present for prerequisites

uTrain Feature Correction
Sorting logic is needed so that prerequisites will display in proper order. The 13.0 elearning configuration requires users to complete several small courses in a preferred order. Sorting should be alphabetic based on prerequisite name.

30334: Removal of course tracking does not update success/completion status display

uTrain Feature Correction
When removing a user’s course history, the status display is not refreshed, still showing the previous status

30461 – Translation

System Feature Correction
The “Location” key should be changed such that it is consistent with the “location” key for users viewing the product in Japanese.

30165: Update Chinese translation for training certificate

uTrainFeature Correction
Update both Simplified and Traditional Chinese translation for training certificate.

System Feature Correction
The translation key ‘Schedule’ is used in multiple places. This created a problem if used by users viewing the product in Chinese since the translation has different meanings in different context.

30507: Translation key used wrong

uEDC Feature Correction
The ‘OpenQuery’ translation key is used incorrectly in several places.

30539: Missing key in Chinese and Japanese key files

System Feature Correction
The translation key “Previous” is missing from the following files:


30770: Update Japanese resentInfo.vm

System Feature Correction
Update the Japanese email template, resentInfo.

31059: Wrong translation key was used on the Edit Drug Assignment Description page

System Feature Correction
On the Edit Drug Assignment Description page, the text field should be noted as ‘Description’ instead of ‘Edit Description’.

30462 – Trial Manager

29109: Sub Clients’ names Are Not Properly Escaped

uDesign Feature Correction
Entering a sub client name in quotations when creating it will receive an error stating “Name is a required field.”

29361: Attach Files’ dialog shows ‘…’ instead of check boxes in the file table in Opera

uDesign Feature Correction
When using Opera, the column that should display a checkbox for Attached Files shows ‘…’ instead.

29362: ‘Attach Files’ dialog has missing icons in the file table in Safari

uDesign Feature Correction

The ‘Attach Files’ dialog layout in Trial Manager needs to be fixed. The files table has missing icons and check boxes.

29796: The user’s company and title shall be displayed in the autocomplete dialog of contact questions

uEDC Feature Enhancement
To distinguish contacts with the same name, the system shall include the user’s company and title information from the user’s profile in the contact question autocomplete dialog when users with the same name are returned. If the additional information is not available, the system shall not display it.

29810: Trial Progress report dates and counts do not work

uDesign Feature Correction
The Trial Progress report does not appear to be functional in the Unified UI.

29868: Trial Manager site import function fails in IE8

uDesign Feature Correction
The site import functionality in Trial Manager fails in IE8 with a javascript error.

29875: Trial Manager Site table fails with exception

uDesign Feature Correction
In Trial Manager, the site table fails with an exception in certain circumstances.

29955: Trial Progress button does not work in IE8

uDesign Feature Correction
The Trial Progress button does not work in IE8.

30010: Error Message shown when ‘Tester’ and ‘Trial Designer’ tries to add a site

uDesign Feature Correction
An error message is shown when a user with “Tester” and “Trial Designer” roles attempts to add a site.

30025: Commit messages with double quotes causes flag page to hang

uDesign Feature Correction
If there is a prior commit message with a version that contains double quotes, it will cause the flag page to hang due to the fact that they are not being escaped properly.

30394: Extra characters appear near the checkboxes

uDesign Feature Correction
In Trial Manager on the Manage Data Files page, some extra characters(.. in this case) appear near the checkboxes.

30463 – UI Style

24330: Dynamic space between end of form and footer.

uEDC Feature Enhancement
When a form is not long enough to cover the complete area of the window, space should be dynamically added in front of the footer so that the footer is displayed at the end of the window. If the form is larger than the window height, the footer shall be displayed normally at the end of the form.

28288: ‘My Tools’ menu loses its styling in IE browser after bottom tool is expanded

Clinical ERP Feature Correction
On the Desktop, when the “My Tools” menu is expanded in IE, the bottom of the menu loses its styling.

29466: EULA page needs to be styled

Clinical ERP Feature Enhancement
Make the EULA acceptance page for creating new users more aesthetically pleasing.

29633: Alerts in casebook are not centered

uEDC Feature Correction
When an alert is fired on a question, the input box and text that says “Reason for Override:” are currently shown to the right of the alert text. The input and “Reason for override” text should be in a static position that does not move.

29937: Unstyled membership screen shown after login

Clinical ERP Feature Correction
Occasionally, immediately after logging into the system, the request membership page is shown, and is unstyled.

29940: Select Fields should use the Field Size attribute to set an approximate width

uDesign Feature Enhancement
The width of select fields shall be configurable through the Field Size parameter for a question type. A new property called “maxUnrestrictedSelectlength” shall also be created for when no Field Size is specified for a Select question type. By default maxUnrestrictedSelectLength shall be set to 30.

Trial Design – Question Types – Definition
Possible Values for Field Size column: Any integer value (blank by default)
Note: This feature can only be used in the Unified interface and only impacts the size of the box when it is closed. When the user clicks the box so that the options appear, the size of the dropped down box will depend on the data content and the available size of the browser.

In the following example, the max field size for question cssi2 is 15 while the max field size for question pregrsn is 25 due to the App Property, maxUnrestrictedSelectLength being set to 25.

QuestionTypeIdQuestion TextData TypeDisplay TypeDate FormatAnswer Options / Default ValueField Size
cssi22. Ease of useIntegerSelect1||1 – Very Satisfied::2||2 – Satisfied::3||3 – Somewhat Satisfied::4||4 – Neither Satisfied Nor Dissatisfied::5||5 – Somewhat Dissatisfied::6||6 – Dissatisfied::7||7 – Very Dissatisfied15
pregrsnReason:IntegerSelect1||Male::2||Surgical Sterilization::3||Post Menopausal::4||Other, specify in no more than 150 words and complete the follow up form

Trial Design – App Properties
Possible values: Any integer value (30 by default)


For more information, see the Question Type help page for the Unified interface and the App Properties help page for the Unified interface.

29983: List of sites in header menu have extra padding

uEDC Feature Correction
In the header menu, there is extra padding below the names of each trial. This padding should be removed.

29988: Unified UI desktop listing alignment issues in IE

Clinical ERP Feature Correction
In some versions of IE, the site list on the desktop under a study can be misaligned.

30331: “Choose a Record” selection box in the Rename Form window is too narrow

uEDC Feature Correction
If the user selects a patient, goes to the Rename Form and clicks “This Record” button, the “Choose a Record” selection box will be too narrow.

30537: DataGenie ‘Excel’ export button is labeled wrong

uEDC Feature Correction
The Data Genie ‘Excel’ export button is labeled wrong. The button actually invokes a CSV export, not an excel export.

30538: ‘Help’ button in Header doesn’t revert from ‘hover’ color

uEDC Feature Correction
The ‘Help’ button does not revert from the ‘hover’ style if it is clicked.

30464 – Widgets

27213: Widget at the bottom of the page is not displayed properly

uEDC Feature Correction
If the user drags the vertical bar on the study homepage all the way in one direction, the widget shall expand beyond the page area.

30098: Modified Subjects Widget should display friendly error message for subjects on parent site

uEDC Feature Enhancement

When a subject in the Recently Accessed Subjects widget belongs to the currently viewed site’s parent site, the link to the subject shall still exist. However, when the user clicks the link, she following message shall be displayed: “This {recordName} cannot be accessed from this site. Please access the site associated with this {recordName} to review that casebook.”
Additionally, subjects linking to parent sites shall have a small warning icon beside the link.

30348: Unauthenticated announcement clicks cause exceptions

uEDC Feature Correction

When a user becomes unauthenticated, attempting to mark an announcement as read or collapsing an announcement appears to work but does not save the action. Instead, when a user attempts these actions, they should be directed to the login screen.

30351: Widgets don’t load if not logged in

uEDC Feature Correction

In the Unified UI, when the user is on the study homepage, logs out and then clicks the “back” button in the browser, the system generates one exception per widget.

30545: Widget screen is blank when code references are invalid

uEDC Feature Correction
The widget screen appears blank when a code reference in the DA is invalid. The widget screen should still appear even with an invalid code reference.

Outstanding Issues

Note: DATATRAK recently converted to a new ticket management system for our internally developed products. As part of this conversion, all open enhancements and defects have been assigned new IDs, which are reflected in these Release Notes.

40402: Custom export crashes if a formtype is mapped to more than one dataset and the the formtypeID ends with an integer

If a formTypeID ends with an integer and the form type is mapped to more than one dataset in a custom export, the export will not complete.

40403: Double data entry: Basic parameters do not list the Frozen Status restriction

If a double data entry difference report is restricted by the Frozen Status, the restriction is not included in the Basic Parameters for the results.

40404: Question audit is created when the value has no change during reconcile

When reconcile is run, a question audit is created for questions with assignments even if the value of the question is not changed.

40405: Entering dates in the wrong format in the EM Search Tools screen generates an error

When the user enters a date by hand in the search tools instead of using the datepicker, an error is displayed.

40406: Today Option on Date Calendar on Confirm Shipments Does not Work

On the Confirm Shipment screen, when the date calendar pop up appears, the ‘Today’ button does not work. If you select it, nothing happens. This option should populate today’s date like it does in the eCRF.

40407: Unable create course under Classic UI

When the user attempts to create a course in the classic UI an error is displayed.

40408: Select Organization page should be converted to the Unified UI

The screen that the user sees when being prompted to select a root entity for an enterprise manager is not styled for the Unified UI. Since this page is not styled correctly, clicking links on this page can cause errors messages to be displayed.

40409: Loading of properties can cause null pointer exceptions when using character set restrictions

Very rarely, checking character set restrictions may cause an error to be displayed to the user.

40410: “Attach” button for the ‘singleDocument ‘ or the ‘multiDocument’ questions stops working if “Upload” action performed first

For singleDocument or multiDocument questions, the user is unable to attach a document after the upload action is performed.

40411: It is not possible to save single “Radio-button” question in Classic UI.

If a radio button is created with only one option, when the form is saved, the radio button question will not be saved.

40412: Back button after sorting doesn’t work

In the file manager sub folders, when the user clicks the back button, the user receives a confirm resubmission page instead of the previous page.

40415: Basic Setup in Visual Architect Library Panel does not have “Overwrite Design” option

If you go to the Visual Architect, load library, and right click on the Basic Setup node in the Library pane, the “Overwrite Design” option should be displayed.

40417: Translation in the actions menu are not generated properly

In headermenu there is an instance where there are 2 keys separated by a space. In some languages this may not be appropriate.

40419: Function ‘Length’ of Ad-hoc report does not work properly

In Data Genie a zero length string is considered null and will make the Length function not work properly.

40420: Alert might not fire when some RFC is missing

When the user saves a form with 2 changes, an RFC and an alert are fired. If the user only answers the RFC and resaves the form, the alert is not saved.

40421: Poor performance in tabular view for the Unified UI

When viewing a form in Tabular View, if the add form button is repeatedly clicked, the system may become slow or unresponsive.

40422: EULA Modification of Chinese Taiwan shows English in preview

If the user is editing the EULA and clicks a preview for Chinese (Taiwan) EULA, the english version will be displayed instead of the Chinese (Taiwan) one.

40425: Dependency variable evaluation can fail depending on date format

It is possible for dependencies with date calculations to work with certain date formats and fail with others.

40427: characters not displaying properly in SAS database due to utf-8 encoding

In the sas database, some characters may not be displayed due to the utf-8 encoding.

40428: Form Flow Transition page is not refreshed correctly when the form is locked

When the user attempts to use form flow transitions with locked forms, the user may receive an error.

40429: “IsUniqueWithinDynamicForms” dependency allows to restore the role with the same name

It is possible to create two roles with the same name by creating the role, deleting it, creating it again and then restoring the deleted role.

40434: Hidden questions should be displayed if an open query exists

Questions that have open queries should not be hidden form data entry users, even if the expression to hide them determines it should be so.

40435: “Email Subject” issue for inventory transfer email

When the Email Subject for the inventory transfer email references the [toolID] and the shipment for a child site is initiated from the All Sites node, the Tool ID in the email subject is reported for the All Sites node rather than the destination site.

40436: Billing Report tables expand to incorrect width

When viewing a billing report with at least one facet, expanding and minimizing tables can cause the width of the table to expand until it is no longer completely visible.
When the user expands tables repeatedly. The tables may slowly expand until they are not usable.

40437: Several places missing horizontal scroll bar for the small screens

When the user views the system on a small screen, there are some places in the system that will not have a scroll bar. This issue appears in the contacts, enterprise manager, and uCTMS reports.

40438: Announcements will have delay before being synced

If an announcement is updated, a user on a different cluster may still view the old announcement for some time before it gets updated.

40439: PDF Export of Deleted Subjects With Same Subject ID Should Produce Appended File

If two or more deleted subjects have the same primary record ID, only the casebook of the one with the lowest primary record ID is exported.

40440: Managers screens jump left

If the user scrolls to the very right of a scroll bar in a manager and then changes the sorting order on the filter, the screen will jump left in some browsers.

40441: uIRT Reports > Shipment Summary report > Shipment Counts – does not display ‘Shipments Partially at Destination’.

Partial shipments are not displayed in the shipment summary table count and pie chart.

40442: In Zoom mode extra button click is required to get back to container

If the study is configured with useSavePrompt set to ‘yes’ and saveOnExit set to ‘no’, when the user navigates to a dynamic form in the tabular view, fills the form out and clicks the back button, the dialog asking if the user wants to leave the page is displayed twice.

For some browsers, enterkeyaction does not work to go to the next field properly when the enterKeyAction is set to nextField. In other situations when enterKeyAction is submitted, the form is not submitted properly with certain browsers.

40444: In zoom mode ‘Lock’ and ‘Lock All’ do not disable Close/Open Alert boxes

In the regular list view, the “Lock” and “Lock All” function as expected. However, in the tabular view, locking the question or form does not disable the close alert and open alert check boxes. This issue exists in the Classic UI.

40445: Chrome and Safari do not save data when SaveOnExit is yes in the Classic UI

If a trial is configured to use saveOnExit and SavePrompt, when the user navigates away from the form without saving in safari or chrome, these features do not work properly and the data is not saved.

40446: Some characters cause errors in Visual Architect

Some characters can be entered into a DA which will not allow the file to be opened in VA and will display an error to the user.

40447: Only 1 instance of EM tool should be created

When a sub client is configured on a stand alone server and not a cluster, the Enterprise manager is created 4 times.

40448: notSet Missing Data Flag is saved as red alert

if notSet flag is set in the DA and a question has a red alert, it will be saved as red alert with no reason for override instead of open without reason or closed without reason.

40449: Synonym Manager Export gives clickOS error

In the Classic UI, the user will be presented with an error upon attempting to export the synonym manager.

40450: Dynamic formIds are incremented

When the user copies and pastes a dynamic form into visual architect, the formid is incremented. All dynamic forms of the same formTypeId should have the same formId.

40452: Email Notification cause import to fail

Under the following conditions an error can occur during import:
- updateQueryWhenValueChange=answered
- updateQueryWhenValueChangedByImport=true
- “Query Answered” notification set up at the “Query Manager” location

40453: ‘Paste Item’ in Visual Architect does not work until you publish or commit trial

In Visual Architect, if the user attempts to paste an item in a tab other than the casebook tab, the paste item will not work until the trial has been published or committed.

40454: VA delete does not work in IE

In Internet Explorer if the user attempts to delete a VA item using the delete key, there may not be a confirm deletion dialog and the item will not be deleted.

40455: In VA, dropdown menu stays in place on browser resize

In VA, if a browser is resized on the properties page while a dropdown menu is open, the menu will not adjust to the new location. It should adjust location along with the rest of the elements on the page.

40457: Dropdown lists move when highlighted in VA

If the user is using Internet Explorer, the items in a VA dropdown list may shift unexpectedly.

40458: Resolved values in the expression language are parsed and interpreted

Resolved variables in the expression language are further interpreted by the expression language. For example, if a data value of a question is 5<6, the value will be resolved to true instead of '5<6'.

40459: When the toolname is numeric only it drops leading zeros

The scripting language drops leading zeros for a toolname that is completely numeric

40461: Improve Scatter Chart

For scatter plots, it is possible that the scale of the chart is incorrect and will cut the point in half.

40463: Property commands are not processed upon reconcile

The setProperty command will not be reconciled even if shouldReconcile is “true”. For incrementProperty, if target is set to “before” is not executed correctly. In following script only the first command will be executed. If target is set to “after” all commands will be executed upon reconcile.

40464: patient wasn’t reported missing in Difference Report

In some cases the Difference Manager does not report all missing patients

40465: Do Not Write Branching To XML If Forward To Is Empty

If the forward to is empty, the branching XML is still published.

40466: createForm command issue

Forms may have duplicate sequence ids if createform with sequence is used and the forms are added under a container on a remote server.

40467: Role names containing non-ASCII characters can cause display errors

If role sets contain non ascii characters and the encoding is not utf-8, the name of the roles may be displayed incorrectly in Enterprise Manager.

40468: Remove Randomization permission defaults from dataArchitect template

When a DA is decompiled, the randomization permissions are enabled by default. For trials without randomization they have to be deleted and added back if randomization is configured later.

40470: Secure the user interface to not allow adding invalid chars

If the user copies characters from a different application, these characters may be invalid and stored as a special error character.

40471: Cannot Cleanly Increase Block Sizes

When a randomization schedule needs to be amended, it is not possible to increase the block size without creating a partial block. If this is done, the treatment ratios may also not be correct.

40472: Freeze scripts are not shown in form debug page

If the user is accessing the form debug page, freeze scripts will not be displayed

40473: Decompiler drops certain permissions

When a DA is decompiled, the “Visit Manager” permission is lost. Also, viewAllAudits, viewAudit, viewCodeAudit and ViewSynonymAudit screens are treated as 1 permission and roles that have access to some but not all of these will lose access.

40474: Total time spent for a parent activity not calculated correctly sometimes

Training time calculation is sometimes not accurate for parent activities. The time should be the sum of all the child activities but sometimes the values do not add up correctly.

40475: With large Case Books sequencing of forms is out of order in some cases

When a very large casebook is created, the order of the forms may not be according to the sequence numbers.

40476: Audit Manager Export issues

If the user views an audit type of Audit Object in Japanese, it will not be translated.

40477: Managers can display an error if the same filter is applied to same manager on different servers simultaneously

If the user has the same manager open in two browsers, each pointing to a different server, and the user runs a filter in both browsers for that manager, one of the managers will display an error.

40478: Nested functions do not parse correctly

If there is a formula with a nested function, the result may be inaccurate.

40480: DA: Remove Visit Schedule granted permission

The DA Template has permission granted for the visit schedule by default which usually will need to be changed by the designer

40481: Add the Shared Inventory ID to the DA

Randomization supports multiple sites sharing inventory, but there is not a place to specify it in the DA

40483: Alert script commands will trigger text commands to work at the wrong time in some cases

A script will fire alert only if both questions are not blank if any of the questions is blank the alert should be removed. A null pointer is generated in some cases.

40484: Audits of type OLD are still being written

There are still a few places in the system where audit types can be created that have a type of OLD.

40485: Activation receipts for blinded fields are not generated in RM

If a user without ‘viewBlind’ permission activates a subject, the blinded fields are not generated and users with the ‘viewBlind’ permission will be unable to review the blinded fields and activation status.

40486: Restriction on Start and End Levels should work in Search Results

When searching for codes, if non-standard start and end export levels have been specified in the study configuration, only those levels should appear in the search.

40487: Actions can be submitted twice on some randomization actions

Across the randomization actions, it is possible to click submit or populate buttons repeatedly. This can cause actions to be executed twice in quick succession

40488: The time zone should be consistent across the randomization trial

When a subject is activated, the time zone that is saved is in local time. For the rest of the system times are stored in UTC.

40489: “missing or broken” container should be considered “Confirmed” in Confirm Shipment table.

If a container is missing or broken, it still displays in the confirm shipment table. The status is partially received.

40490: DataGenie: contact control should resolve to user name

Sometimes data genie will return the id of a user rather than the username for a contact control.

40492: alert script behavior inconsistent when changing dependent question

In the Classic UI it is possible for there to be dependent questions organized in a way that alerts need to fire but will not appear until after the first save.

40495: issue with form rename if a question used in naming is also referenced from another question

If a DA has a rename expression and a form is changed that would alter the expression but the reason for change is ignored, the form is not saved but the rename value is changed.

40496: Problems if two users commit VA at the same time

If two users commit to a VA file at the same time from different servers one of the user’s changes will be lost.

40497: ‘Is Default’ can be answered ‘Yes’ for multiple portals

In Management Servlet, it is possible for there to be more than one default portal and the order of returned default portals is not consistent.

40498: OC4J holds onto message classes used with JGroups

The wrong class can be used during redeployment for JGroups messages.

40499: If one of design server is down, it still publishes da file

If a user attempts to publish a DA file while a design server is down, it still publishes the DA file to the other design server. It should not publish to the other server if either server is down.

40500: Management Tool entries are incorrect

In management servlet if the search filter is changed to address only, the entries in the dropdown menu are not correct.

40501: Report creation does not present wizard screen for permissions

When using the creation wizard for Ad-Hoc Reports, it is possible for the Permission screen to not appear if certain fields are modified during report creation. The workaround is to access the screen through the “Permission” link rather than through the wizard.

40502: Exporting auto code variables in all caps does not work

When an export is configured with the parameter columnUpperCase, auto coded variables and non-question columns do not export in all caps as desired.

40503: Question-Select option in Audit Manager does not work

In the classic UI, using the audit type filter in audit manager does not work in some cases.

40505: In Contact Manager if the page is not saved after adding files, the files may not be added

If the user adds a file in contacts but does not save the page, the item will not be attached.

From the calendar day view, if the user has a filter applied and then clicks on a different day, the filters are forgotten.

40507: Text can be cleared when the “Enter” key is hit while adding a calendar event

If the user hits the “Enter” key when adding a calendar event, it clears the text and does not submit the form.

40860: Some numeric comparisons need to be surrounded by quotes in order for them to work in edit checks

When an edit check is created without quotes, in some cases it will not fire. This only exists for the greater than and less than comparators and “0″.

40943: Locked questions should have disabled checkboxes in the Alerts and Codes Managers

If a question is locked, the checkbox should be disabled in the Alerts and Codes Managers. It’s disabled in the Query Manager but not in the Alerts and Codes Managers. It’s disabled in the all managers in the Classic UI.

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