This article describes how to manage courses in the Enterprise Manager.
Table of Contents
Course Management takes place within the Enterprise Manager. To access the Manage Courses screen, navigate to the appropriate workgroup and click the ‘Courses’ tab.
Create Courses
Courses created will be available to the current and child workgroups for registration. For example, a sponsor-specific process training that is applicable to multiple studies can be created at the sponsor workgroup in order to make it available to all current and future study sub-workgroups.
- On the Manage Courses screen, click the ‘Create Course’ tab.
- The system will display the ‘Create Course’ screen.
- The system will display the ‘Create Course’ screen.
- Course Name: Enter the name of the course that users will see.
Note: The Course Name shall be limited to 60 ASCII characters or 50 non-ASCII characters.
- Course Type: Enter the knowledge category for the course.
- Description: Enter a description for the course.
- Trainer Company: Enter the name of the company responsible for managing and administering the course.
Note: The Trainer Company shall be limited to 40 ASCII characters or 33 non-ASCII characters.
- Course Format:
- Select ‘Remote Training’ if the course is to be administered by telephone or Desktop-sharing software.
- Select ‘Classroom’ if the course will take place at a site within a classroom environment.
- Select ‘ Online’ if the course will take place online.
- Based on the answer selected in step 6, the remaining fields will change to pertain to the course format type.
- Trainer Name (Remote Training and Classroom Only): Enter the name of the trainer who will be administering the course.
- Creation Date (Remote Training and Classroom Only): Enter the date that the course is created.
- Completion Date (Remote Training and Classroom Only): Enter the target date for course completion.
- Files (Online only): Browse to the zip file containing all the necessary configuration information for the online course.
- Once the form has been completed, click the ‘Create’ button.
Edit Courses
If a course needs to be edited after creation, those with the edit permissions can edit active courses. If the Trainer Company is set to “DT” or contains “Fountayn,” case insensitive, the user must have permission to edit Fountayn courses in order to edit the course.
Note: In order to edit a course, the name of the ‘Managing Workgroup’ for the course must match the workgroup that you are currently viewing. Otherwise, you will not be able to click the ‘Edit’ button in the following steps.
- On the ‘Manage Courses’ screen, click the ‘Edit’ icon beside the course that you want to edit.
- On the ‘Edit Course’ screen change any course details that need to be changed. If uploading a new course file, it will be immediately available to all existing registered users.
Note: If the course format is set to a non-online course, the format can be changed to another non-online format. The format of online courses cannot be changed.
Additional Course Actions
Additional actions can be performed on a course to add registrations, change the course’s statuses, view the Course History and preview online courses. Note that only those with the correct permissions can change statuses. Furthermore, if the Trainer Company is Fountayn, the user must also have permission to edit Fountayn billing and active statuses.
Add Registrations
Multiple courses can be assigned in a single action through the ‘Add Registration’ option on the Manage Courses screen.
- On the Manage Courses screen, check the checkbox beside each course that should be assigned to a particular set of users.
- Click the ‘Add Registrations’ tab.
- On the ‘Add Registration(s)’ screen, check the checkbox beside each user who should be registered for the courses that were selected on the previous screen.
Note: If a user is selected that has already been registered for that course, no duplicate registration will occur.
- Click the ‘Add’ button.
Change Course Active Status
When changing courses from ‘Active’ to ‘Inactive,’ an email notification will be sent to the course creator.
- On the ‘Manage Courses’ screen, click on the green ‘Active’ icon to make an inactive course active.
- To make a course active, click the red ‘Inactive’ icon.
Change Billing Status
In order to change the billing status for a course, the name of the ‘Managing Workgroup’ for the course must match the workgroup that you are currently viewing. Furthermore, billing statuses can only be changed for active, non-online courses.
- On the ‘Manage Courses’ screen, check the checkbox beside all courses for which the billing status needs to be changed.
- Click the ‘Billing’ tab.
- Use the dropdown menu to select the new Billing Status for the course.
- Click the ‘Change’ button.
Preview Online Courses
After uploading a course file during online course creation, the preview button can be used to view the course at any time.
- On the ‘Manage Courses’ screen, click the Preview icon in the Preview column to view the course.
- The course will open in a new browser window.
- Click through the course to see what the course will look like for trainees.
- Close the browser window to exit the course preview.
View Course History
The course history records when courses are created for the current workgroup, when the completion status or billing status for a course changes and when registrations are added or removed.
Note: The course history can only be viewed for courses whose ‘Managing Workgroup’ matches the currently viewed workgroup.
- On the ‘Manage Courses’ screen, check the checkbox beside all courses for which you would like to view the course history.
- Click the ‘View History’ tab.
- Click the ‘Export’ button to export the history to an excel file.
Equivalency Column
The Equivalency column displays an icon that indicates equivalent courses exist for a course in the list, to provide a way to track which new courses are equal to past modules. Clicking the icon launches a Course Equivalency dialog that displays a list the equivalent courses.
Assigning Course Equivalencies
The make sure users do not lose their study access based on any newly defined pre-requisites for courses already taken, we can assign course equivalencies at the course level from either the Create Course or Edit Coursescreens. The system tracks which new courses are equal to all modules.
Managing Active Status
The Active Status: field for the course listing now defaults to the Active option listing all available courses with a status of Active.
Batch Export of Certificates
We can batch export training certificates in PDF format from 1 up to 100 at a time, for one or more users in the same course. On the Manage Courses screen, select a course name from the table to display the corresponding course details page. At the top of the course details page, you have a Download Certificates tab:
- Click one or more checkboxes next to the desired Registration from the table.
- Select the Download Certificates tab.
A dialog prompts you to save or open the zip file containing your certificates. The system generates a zip file containing training certificates in PDF format for each of your registration selections with the naming convention (username.coursename). The .zip file default naming convention is a time stamp detailing [year >> milliseconds]:
You need to select at least one (1) registration to start the download process or the system displays a No Item Selected prompt.
Downloading document prerequisite completion certificates
- Once the prerequisite document has been completed, navigate to your study, site, or workgroup screen in the Enterprise Manager.
- Click on the green check under the Prerequisite column.
- Click on ‘View’ under the ‘Details’ column of the desired Prerequisite.
- Click on the green checkmark in the Certificate column For the desired user and click the download tab at the top of the page. Alternatively, you can batch download certificates by selecting all of the checkboxes next to the desired users and then clicking the download tab at the top. A PDF copy of the Prerequisite Completion certificate will start to download.
Note: When Batch exporting certificates, there is a limit of 100.
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