
This article covers partial editing capabilities.

Table of Contents

The Fountayn system supports the partial editing capabilities. Each role can be explicitly granted write access to certain forms and questions or can be explicitly forbidden from certain forms and questions but not both. The only exception to this rule is that you can use allowForms and restrictQuestions.

The Partial Editing permission must be defined on the App Properties tab of the DataArchitect.

Allow Write Access

When a role is given permission to edit forms, the following properties can be used to restrict write permissions such that the role can only edit a specified set of forms and/or questions. If either the allowQuestions or allowForms property is set for a role, the role will not have write access to all forms and questions not specified.


Accepts a comma-separated list of form types or form aliases (IDs).  This property allows the specified role to have write access to all forms in the list.


Accepts a comma-separated list of question types or question aliases (IDs). This property allows the specified role to have write access to all questions in the list.

Note: If Role Selection is not enabled and you are assigned multiple roles and one or your roles has access to edit or update forms and another role does not, through Combined Roles you will be granted access.

Restrict Write Access

Write access can also be restricted for a particular role at the question and form level. If either the restrictQuestions or restrictForms property is set for a role, the role will have write access to all other forms and questions not specified.


Accepts a comma-separated list of form types or form aliases (IDs) that should be restricted. This property prevents the specified role from having write access to all forms in the list.


Accepts a comma-separated list of question types or question aliases (IDs) that should be restricted. This property prevents the specified role from having write access to all questions in the list.

Note: If Role Selection is not enabled and you are assigned multiple roles, you may have write access to a form or question from any of your assigned roles.

Hide Forms in Form Links Tree

This section can now be found on the App Properties help page.

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