
The profile page houses your personal contact information. It also provides access to an audit log for your personal information, a log of login attempts and access to the Security Question feature.

Table of Contents

Access Your Profile

  1. After logging in, located your name in the upper-right hand corner of the page.
  2. Hover the mouse over your name and select ‘Profile’.

Edit User Information

The Edit User Information page acts as a portal to all other Profile-related pages. On this page you can view and edit your contact information as well as enable or disable the role selection feature. Most user information is automatically added when a user’s account is created. These fields may all be changed so long as First Name, Last Name, Timezone and Language are not left blank. Your email, phone, and mailing addresses may either be altered (by clicking the notepad icon), deleted (by clicking the trash can icon), or added (by clicking ‘New Address’).

Merging Roles

If your account has multiple roles assigned to it, your user account will have more than one set of permissions that it is allowed. By default Role Selection is turned off, granting you the permissions of all roles that you have been assigned. This eliminates the need to change roles as you navigate to different features of the Fountayn software suite. In the event that you require your roles to be divided, this can be done from your Profile screen.

To do this, navigate to the bottom of your screen where you will find a single checkbox labeled ‘Role Selection.’

By default this box should be unchecked. Checking this box and clicking the Save button will separate your roles, requiring you to choose from the list available in the Actions menu.

Configuring List View Preference

By default your account is configured to display static forms in tabular view when the form is configured for tabular view. A global preference for list view can be set on the Profile page. Additionally, study-specific preferences for list view can be removed through the Profile page. For more information regarding the study-specific and global list-view preferences, see the Tabular Data Entry and Review page.

Enable List View Global Preference

  1. On the Profile page, navigate to the bottom of the screen where you’ll find a checkbox labeled “Prefer list view.”
  2. Check the Prefer list view checkbox.
  3. Click the Save Button.

All static forms for all studies that do not have a study-specific tabular view preference will be displayed in list view and the “FormName Table” link will be removed from all dynamic form summaries for all studies that do not have a study-specific tabular view preference.

Disable List View Global Preference and Delete Study-Specific Preferences

Disabling the list view global preference removes all study-specific list view and tabular view preferences for all studies. This action causes the following to occur across all studies:

  • All static forms configured for tabular view shall be displayed in tabular view by default
  • All dynamic form summaries shall contain the “FormName Table” link

When Global Preference for List View is Enabled

When the Prefer List View preference is enabled, the following steps can be performed to disable the global preference and delete all study-specific preferences.

  1. On the Profile page, navigate to the bottom of the screen where you’ll find a checkbox labeled “Prefer list view.”
  2. Uncheck the Prefer list view checkbox.
  3. Click the Save Button.

When Global Preference for List View is Disabled

In the case that study-specific preferences exist and the “Prefer List View” checkbox on the Profile page is unchecked, the following actions can be performed to remove all study-specific preferences.

  1. On the Profile page, navigate to the bottom of the screen where you’ll find a checkbox labeled “Prefer list view.”
  2. Check the Prefer list view checkbox.
  3. Click the Save Button.
  4. Navigate back to your profile.
  5. Uncheck the Prefer List View checkbox.
  6. Click the Save Button.

All study-specific preferences will be deleted.

Encoding for Zip File

Using the Encoding for Zip File option in the Profile section a user can determine the encoding option used when a zip file is downloaded from Fountayn. The encoding options are “UTF-8”, “SJIS”, “GB2312″, and “Big5″.

Edit Sign In Information

On the Edit Sign In Information screen you can change your password and configure email notifications related to your password expiration date.

  1. On the Profile page, click the ‘Edit Sign In Information’ button.
  2. Complete the ‘Edit Sign In Information’ form.
  3. Click the ‘Save’ button.

View Audit Log

You are able to view any activity on your account from this page. Visible data includes actions taken, whom they were taken by, when they were taken, and the original values in the event of a change.

On the Profile page, click the ‘View Audit Log’ button to view this page.

View Login Attempts

From this page you may view any previous login attempts on your account. It displays both the time of the attempt and whether or not it was successful.

On the Profile page, click the ‘View Login Attempts’ button to view this page.

On the View Login Attempts screen, the user can sign out of all active sessions that occur across all environments (Design, Test, Approve and Secure) by selecting the ‘Sign Out of All Devices’ button.

Add Security Question

From this page you may add your own custom security question, should you choose to not use one of the presets. The answer to this question will be requested at each login. View the page on Security Questions for more information.

  1. On the Profile page, click the ‘Add Security Question’ button.
  2. Complete the ‘Add Security Question’ form.
  3. Click the ‘Save’ button.

Need more help?

Please visit the Fountayn Contact Information page.