
This article provides instruction on the use of the tabular display feature within the Fountayn system.

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Design | System

The ability to use tabular display is available within the Fountayn EDC & Medical Coding solution. There are two formats used for tabular displays, one for use with dynamic forms and one for static forms. In terms of tabular display, dynamic and static forms differ in that tabular display is set as a default feature for dynamic forms and must be enabled for static forms. Tabular display can be used to support both data entry and data cleaning processes in either dynamic or static form types. The following information provides instruction on the use of the tabular display feature within the Fountayn system.

For more information on dynamic and static forms in relation to Tabular Display, view the Tabular Display Configuration page.

Tabular Displays of Dynamic Forms

The tabular display feature allows system users to view all occurrences of a dynamic form type under a common parent form within a single table. The following example demonstrates the use of the tabular display feature through the completion of the Adverse Event form.

Access Tabular View

The tabular view of dynamic forms is accessible from that dynamic form’s Form Summary page. To access that view from the Form Summary page, click the ‘Table’ link.

To return to the Form Summary page from tabular view, click the left-facing arrow in the green box located at the upper-left corner of the table.

Capture the Data

Initially, the dynamic form Tabular view will show a single row of blank fields, arranged in columns.  If the entire table is not visible within the browser window, scroll bars will be present at the bottom and right sides of the table. Always scroll fully in each direction to be certain that all fields are addressed within a table.

Note: Capturing Data is not supported by all roles.

Add New Forms/Table Rows

Within the dynamic form tabular view, each row represents an individual form occurrence. To add new occurrences, click the “Add Form” icon with the yellow “+” sign in the upper-left corner of the table. A new row/occurrence is added each time this icon is clicked.

Save the Data

To save data within tabular view, click the “Save Form” button in the upper-left corner of the table. If any fields have been edited incorrectly, alerts will trigger automatically and prompt the user to make the necessary corrections. Once all fields have been successfully edited or all alerts have been resolved and reasons for change recorded, clicking the Save Form button will save all captured data.

Note: The rows/occurrences added by using the “Add Form” button do not permanently exist until the Save Form command is given.

Review and Respond to Alerts

If alerts are triggered, users will be advised of the issue automatically.  Within the column of the incorrectly edited field, an alert will appear in red.  Additionally, the ‘Save Form’ button appears as ‘Cannot save.  Why?’  Clicking this button gives further instruction on the correction of editable fields.

Note: Those with permission to sign and remove signatures can only do so within the standard view.

Clean the Data

Data cleaning activities can also be performed within the dynamic tabular display mode. Note the down-facing arrow icons found at various locations within the table.  Click any of these icons, either at the individual question level (columns) or for an entire form (rows), to generate a smaller table from which Data Review, Source Document Verification (SDV), Freeze and Lock statuses can be applied.  In the example below, both an instance of the arrow icon and the status table which generates upon clicking the icon have been noted.

Note: The application and removal of the “Complete” status within the Answer Status column cannot be done from the tabular display. This status can only be modified from the standard form summary view.

Access the Audit Trail

Note the icons which appear as square ‘audit’ lists found at various locations within the table.  Click any of these icons, either at the individual question level (columns) or for an entire form (rows), to access an audit log.  In the example below, both an instance of the audit icon and the Audit Trail which generates upon clicking the icon have been noted.

Tabular Display of Static Forms

The tabular display feature can also be used for static forms. However, as previously noted, this feature is not set to default for static forms and must be enabled.  The following examples demonstrate the tabular display feature being used with static forms, using the Screening Summary as an example.

Switch Between List and Tabular View

The default view for static forms is set to standard list view.  To alternate from standard list view to tabular view, first click the down-facing arrow icon to the left of the page summary title at which point a smaller table will generate.  Next, click the ‘Table View’ button.  The two following examples demonstrate moving from the default list view to tabular view.

To alternate from tabular view to the default list view, first click the down-facing arrow icon to the left of the page summary title at which point a smaller table will generate.  Next, click the ‘List View’ button.  The two following examples demonstrate moving from tabular view to list view.


Hybrid Views

In addition to standard tabular and list view, the Fountayn system also supports hybrid or combined views of forms which combine tabular and list views.

In the example below, the Demographics form demonstrates Hybrid view. Note that tabular view appears at the top while list view appears at the bottom of the image.

Save the Data

To save data within the tabular view of a static form, click the “Save Form” button which will generate at the bottom of the screen once all fields have been successfully edited and/or all alerts have been resolved and reasons for change recorded.

Clean the Data

Data cleaning activities can also be performed within the static tabular display mode and differ very little from data cleaning tasks within the dynamic tabular display mode. For further instruction on Data Cleaning, see previous ‘Clean the Data’ section above.

Setting a View Preference

When using older browser versions that are not supported by our browser policy, users can experience issues with the tabular view of forms. To avoid these issues, a user preference for the list view is available. The preference for list view and tabular view can be controlled at both a global and study level for each user. The study-specific setting takes precedence over the global setting. Therefore, the global setting is used only when no study-specific setting exists.

Global Setting

Specify the Global Setting

The global setting is controlled through the “Prefer List View” checkbox on the Profile page. When the “Prefer List View” option is checked, it creates a global preference for list view across all studies that do not have a study-specific preference. When the “Prefer List View” option is not checked, it creates a global preference for tabular view across all studies that do not have a study-specific preference.

Effects of Global List View

The global preference for list view causes all static forms for all studies without a study-specific preference to be displayed in list view. This preference also causes the “FormName Table” link to not be displayed on any dynamic form summaries in any study that does not have a study-specific preference. In the following example of a dynamic form summary, the “FormName Table” link is not displayed.

Effects of Global Tabular View

For all studies without a study-specific preference, the global preference for tabular view allows users to use the “FormName Table” link to switch to list view for dynamic forms. This preference also causes all static forms configured for tabular view to be displayed in tabular view by default. In the following example of a dynamic form summary, the “FormName Table” link is displayed.

Study-Specific Setting

Create the Study-Specific Setting

By default, static forms configured for tabular display are initially displayed in tabular view. The opportunity to set the study-specific list view preference becomes available only if the execution of the tabular view on a static form exceeds the amount of seconds configured for the study (45 seconds by default). When this occurs, the system shall display a message prompting you to switch to list view. You can either confirm the switch to list view by clicking the “Default to List View” button or deny the change by clicking the “Cancel” button. Switching to list view by means of this message creates a study-specific preference for list view.

Change the Study-Specific Setting

If a study-specific preference exists, its value can be changed by switching the view between static list and static tabular view. For example, when the user has a study-specific preference and switches a form to tabular view, the study-specific setting is set to tabular view and remains as such until the user switches a static from to list view.

Effects of Study-Specific List View

The study-specific list view preference causes all static forms for the currently viewed study to be displayed in list view and removes the “FormName Table” link from all dynamic form summaries in the study for the user.

Effects of Study-Specific Tabular View

The study-specific tabular view preference causes all static forms configured for tabular view for the study to be displayed in tabular view by default. The “FormName Table” link is also available from all dynamic form summaries in the study.

Delete Study-Specific Settings

All study-specific settings can be removed through the Profile page.

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