
The Scheduler provides the capability to schedule jobs within the platform to run at a later date on a defined schedule.  

Table of Contents

Currently, the scheduler supports the scheduling of Imports, Exports, Standard Report generation and Ad-hoc Report generation. Additionally, custom jobs can be supported per study. Upon completion of the job, the scheduler can also send a link to specified recipients to retrieve the results or provide a notification that the results can be retrieved by logging into Fountayn.

Access Scheduler

Those with either Job Admin or Job Scheduler permissions can access the Scheduler from the Desktop in the My Tools menu, which is located in the navigation menu on the left side of the screen.

Scheduler Building Blocks

In the Scheduler, jobs of different types can be created. Each job has its own recurrence schedule and recipient settings. A job is made up of one or more tasks that match the job’s type. The tasks can span multiple studies, sites and task sub-types. The following sections describe the building blocks at a high level. For additional information, view the help page corresponding to each building block.

Job Types

The Scheduler currently supports four job types.

  • CTMS Report – CTMS Report Jobs can contain any ad hoc or standard report from within a CTMS tool
  • Export – Export Jobs can contain export tasks with output types: Text, Excel, PDF and SAS
  • Import – Import Jobs import data files from File Manager and can contain import tasks with input types: Text, Excel and XML
  • Report – Report Jobs can contain report tasks for both standard reports and ad-hoc reports; currently, only ad-hoc reports of types Text, Excel and SAS are supported
  • Custom – Custom tasks can be developed by Fountayn for a trial in order to fulfill special needs

The results of each job are combined into a single job package that can be accessed through the job’s log. Additionally, a link to the job package can be shared with job recipients via email.


The recurrence of a scheduler job can be set to occur Hourly (only applicable to Import jobs), Monthly, Weekly, Daily or Never. The start time is specified by a one-hour time range. Once the job begins, each task within the job is executed as long as the owning workgroup has more than zero job credits.

Recipient Settings

Job owners and job recipients can receive notifications upon job completion. These notifications can be customized to include a link to the job package or to simply inform recipients of a job’s success or failure. Recipients can be specified by name (internal users) or by email address (external users).

Abstract Example

In the following graphical example, the Export Job has a weekly recurrence, two recipients and uses the Recipient Default email template when notifying recipients of the job’s completion. During job execution, four exports spanning multiple studies, sites and export types are ran. Upon job completion, the results of the four exports are combined into a single package that is made available to download for each recipient who receives the link to the package as part of the email notification.


Job Credits

Three categories of credits exist: Reports, Export/Import and Custom. Each task within a Report, Export or Import job costs one credit to run. Credit costs for custom tasks vary based on the custom task. Credits are used for both manual and scheduled runs. Credits are deducted from the workgroup associated with the job. This means that if a Report Job associated with workgroup Demo contains three report tasks, when the job runs, three Report Credits will be deducted from the Demo workgroup.

Job Permissions

Scheduler permissions are spread across two defined scheduler roles but divided into three distinct groupings based on job ownership. While the two roles share some permissions, they have distinct purposes. Based on your organization, some users may have a single role while others may be both Job Schedulers and Job Admins for a workgroup. Job permissions are configured in Enterprise Manager.

Job Scheduler

Job Schedulers create and manage the details of jobs that they own. Job Schedulers also have view access to jobs they don’t own in order to be aware of other jobs for workgroups they work within.

Job Admins

Job Admins are not super-users. Job Admins have view access to jobs and administrative privileges to disable and enable jobs and change ownership of a job.

Permission Summary

The following table summarizes the permissions available to Job Schedulers and Job Admins.

ActionJob SchedulerJob Scheduler & Owner of JobJob Admin
Create JobXX
Delete Job
Disable Job
Enable Job
View Job Type, Name and WorkgroupX
Edit Job Type, Name and Workgroup
Manually Run Job
Edit Job Tasks
View Job TasksX
Edit Recurrence
View RecurrenceX
Edit Recipients
View RecipientsX
View LogXXX
Download Job Packages From Log
Change Job Ownership

Manage Email TemplatesX

View Email Templates

Manage Archive EncodingsX

View Archive Encodings


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