
This article covers editing task settings and specifying report details. 

Table of Contents

Reports of the following types can be included in Report Jobs as Report Tasks. The results of the report job are combined into a job package that can be shared with others through email notifications.

  • Standard Reports that can export to the excel or text format
  • Ad-Hoc Reports with an Output Setting of Excel, Text or SAS

After adding a report task to a job, the Task Dialog will populate with options based on your level of access and permissions.

Edit Basic Task Settings

  1. Select the Study and Site for which the report task should run.
  2. Select the role that should be used to run the report. 
    • The selected role impacts the list of reports you can choose from in the Report Settings section.
  3. Review the list of recipients currently set to receive notifications related to the job’s completion.

Specify Report Details

This section describes the process for configuring both standard report and ad-hoc report tasks.

Configure Standard Report Task

Standard reports can be packaged into Excel or Text reports.

  1. In the Report Settings section, select the standard report type that should be included in the job package.
  2. Select whether or not the report should be output as an excel or text file.
  3. If any standard filters or study-specific filters should be applied to the standard report, select a filter option from the appropriate menus and enter the filter text into the filter text field.

  1. Click the Save Button

Configure Ad-Hoc Report Task

  1. In the Report Settings section, select the name of the ad-hoc report that should be included in the job package.
    • If the Ad-Hoc report you want isn’t listed, check the report’s Output Settings and Permissions. Only Ad-Hoc Reports with an output type of Excel, Text and SAS can be added. Furthermore, the role selected to run the report must have View Access Permissions for the report.
  2. Review the Output Settings and edit the report through the Ad-Hoc Report feature if any changes should be made.
Note: You can only edit the report through Ad-Hoc Reports if you have permission to edit such reports for the study.

  1. Click the Save Button.

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