
This article covers export settings and specifying subjects and forms to include in the export.

Table of Contents

Exports can be added to Export Jobs as Export Tasks. Export tasks can generate both full and subset exports. The results of the export are combined into a job package that can be shared with others through email notifications.

Note: The Export Manager will also contain the output of the export for users who have access to the role running the job and have Role Selection enabled.

After adding an export task to a job, the Task Dialog will populate with options based on your level of access and permissions.

Edit Basic Export Settings

  1. Select the Study and Site at which the Export should run.
  2. Select the radio button beside the role that should be used to execute the job.

The selected role impacts:

  • The list of exports to choose from in the Export Settings section
  • The role that will have access to the completed export in the site’s Export Manager
  • The data included in the export if any role-specific data is configured for the study

  1. Review the list of recipients currently set to receive notifications related to the job’s completion.
  2. In the Export Settings section, select the name of the export that should be run.

The availability of the list options depends on the exports available to the role selected in step 2.

Note: When selecting the File Export, select the Export Contents – “Files and Summary” or “Attachment Summary Only”. The default value is “Files and Summary”.

  1. If the export should be run in full, select the ‘Export’ radio button. Otherwise, select the ‘Subset Export’ radio button.
  2. If running a full export, click the Save Button. Otherwise, skip to the next section.

Edit Subset Export Settings

The Subset Export Settings section is similar to the Subset Export feature available through the Subject Manager. In this section you can specify the subjects to include in the export by selecting them directly or through a Boolean expression. You can also select the forms that should be included in the export if the export supports form selection.

If running a full export, skip this section and save the export task as is.

Specify Subjects to Include in Export

Follow the instructions in one of the following three sections based on how you would like to specify the set of subjects to include in the export.

Include all Subjects

  1. If all subjects should be included in the export, select the ‘All Subjects’ radio button.
  2. Skip to the Specify Forms to Include in Export section if available.

Select Static List of Subjects

  1. If a static subset of subjects should be included in the export, select the ‘Selected Subjects’ radio button.
  2. Click the Add Subject Button.

  1. If you know part of the subject name, enter the name in the ‘Partial Subject Name’ text field and click the Go Button. Otherwise, click the Go Button beside the ‘All’ label to view a list of all subjects.

  1. Check the checkbox beside each subject that should be included in the export or click the ‘All’ checkbox to check all of them.
  2. Click the Add Selected Button to add the checked subjects.

  1. Skip to the Specify Forms to Include in Export section if available.

Specify Dynamic List of Subjects Through Boolean Expression

  1. If a dynamic subset of subjects should be included in the export, select ‘Matching Subjects’ radio button.
  2. Enter a Boolean expression into the ‘Expression for matching Subjects’ text field.

A simple Boolean expression should include the path to a question, a comparison operator and a value to compare the question to. You can also use more complicated expressions containing AND and OR conditions similar to the syntax used in dependency expressions. Only subjects who meet the condition specified by the expression will be included in the subset export.


  1. Skip to the Specify Forms to Include in Export section if available.

Specify Forms to Include in Export

For exports that support the option, a subset of forms can be specified for inclusion in the export.

  1. If all forms should be included in the export, select the ‘All Forms’ radio button and skip to step 4.
  2. If a subset of forms should be included in the export, select the ‘Selected Forms’ radio button.
  3. Check the checkbox beside each form that should be included in the export.


  1. Click the Save Button to save all settings for the task.

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