
This article describes the different scheduler permissions, the process for granting access to the scheduler and the credit system used with the scheduler. 

Table of Contents

The Scheduler provides the capability to schedule jobs within the platform to run at a later date on a defined schedule. This page describes the different scheduler permissions, the process for granting access to the scheduler and the credit system used with the scheduler. See the Scheduler manual for instructions related to creating and managing jobs. View the Credits page for additional information on how credits work for a job.

Manage Scheduler Access

Access to the Scheduler is granted through Enterprise Manager, and all requests for access should go through the Project Manager. Two types of access for the Scheduler exist. To learn the differences between the two roles, view the permissions table on the Scheduler help page.

Manage Job Admins

Job Admins are managed per workgroup. To manage Job Admins, navigate to the appropriate workgroup in Enterprise Manager and click the ‘Job Admins’ tab.

Add Job Admins

  1. On the Manage Job Admins Screen, click the ‘Add Job Admin’ tab.
  2. On the Add Job Admin Screen, enter the username of the user who should be granted Job Admin access for the workgroup.
  3. Click the Save Button.

Remove Job Admins

  1. On the Manage Job Admin Screen, check the checkbox beside the user who should no longer be a Job Admin for the workgroup.
  2. Click the ‘Remove Job Admin’ tab.
  3. On the Remove Job Admin Screen, click the Remove Button to confirm the removal.

Manage Job Schedulers

Job Schedulers are managed per workgroup. To manage Job Schedulers, navigate to the appropriate workgroup in Enterprise Manager and click the ‘Job Schedulers’ tab.

Add Job Schedulers

  1. On the Manage Job Schedulers Screen, click the ‘Add Job Scheduler’ tab.
  2. On the Add Job Scheduler Screen, enter the username of the user who should be granted Job Scheduler access for the workgroup.
  3. Click the Save Button.

Remove Job Schedulers

  1. On the Manage Job Scheduler Screen, check the checkbox beside the user who should no longer be a Job Scheduler for the workgroup.
  2. Click the ‘Remove Job Scheduler’ tab.
  3. On the Remove Job Scheduler Screen, click the Remove Button to confirm the removal.

Manage Scheduler Credits

Job Credits are managed per workgroup, and all requests for credit packages should go to the Project Manager. To manage Job Credits, navigate to the appropriate workgroup in Enterprise Manager and click the ‘Credits’ tab. Only those with the “Credit Creator” or “Credit Distributor” roles have access to the ‘Credits’ tab.

Credits Main Screen

The Credits Main Screen provides a summary of credit usage. The screen also contains a table of credit information related to when credits are created, revoked, transferred and archived.

Create Credits

Packages of credits can be added through the Credits Screen by those with the “Credit Creator” role.

  1. On the Credits Screen, click the ‘Create Credits’ tab.
  2. On the Create Credits Screen, specify the Billing Category for the credit creation.
  3. Enter a billing comment which may include the name of the original requester or more detail about the billing category.
  4. Select one of the three Permission Categories (Reports, Exports/Imports, Custom Tasks).

Note: Since exports and imports are billed in the same way, they are combined into a single credit type.


  1. In the Credit Count text field, enter the number of credits that should be granted to the workgroup.

  1. Click the Create Credits Button.

Revoke Credits

If credits are added to a workgroup in error or should be revoked for a workgroup, those with the “Credit Creator” role can revoke them through the Credits Screen.

  1. On the Credits Screen, click the ‘Revoke Credits’ tab.
  2. On the Revoke Credits Screen, enter a billing comment which may include information about the reason for revoking the credits.
  3. In the Permission Category dropdown menu, select the type of credit that should be revoked.
  4. In the Credit Count text field, enter the number of credits that should be revoked for the workgroup.
  5. Click the Revoke Credits Button.

Revoked credits are categorized as “used” until they are archived.

Archive Credits

Those with the “Credit Creator” role can archive packages of credits once all granted credits in the package have been used. Archiving credits can be useful to clear out old, used credits from past years or quarters. While archived credits are still tracked in the credits table, they aren’t included in the Credit Usage summary, which only includes non-archived credits. Only the oldest credit package can be archived, and the package cannot be archived until all credits in the package have been used.

  1. On the Credits Screen, click the ‘Archive Credits’ tab.
  2. On the Archive Credits Screen, specify the date through which credit packages should be archived for each credit type.
    Credits can only be archived when all credits in the package have been used.
  3. Click the Archive Credits Button to archive the credit packages.
  4. Repeat the steps if additional packages for a credit type are ready for archival.

Transfer Credits

Those with the “Credit Distributor” role can also transfer credits from one workgroup to another through the Credits Screen.

  1. On the Credits Screen, click the ‘Transfer Credits’ tab.
  2. On the Transfer Credits Screen, select the workgroup that should receive the credits.
  3. Enter a billing comment which may include information about the reason for the transfer and who requested the transfer.
  4. In the Permission Category dropdown menu, select the type of credit that should be transferred.
  5. In the Credit Count text field, enter the number of credits that should be transferred from the Source Workgroup to the Destination Workgroup.
  6. Click the Transfer Credits Button.

The transferred credits will be categorized as “used” for the Source Workgroup and “available” for the Destination Workgroup.

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