
This article covers metadata status.

Table of Contents


This property defines the display text of the create record link on the study homepage. The default setting is for the link to read as ‘Enroll Patient’. The property can be set to overwrite the entire text string or you can simply overwrite the word ‘Enroll’.

To overwrite the entire string, set the property to the desired display text. The following example will cause the link to be displayed as ‘Click to Screen a Subject’.

  • addRecordTerm = Click to Screen a Subject

To override only the word enroll, set the property to contain your replacement text for the word Enroll followed by {0}. The following example will cause the link to be displayed as ‘Screen Patient’.

  • addRecordTerm = Screen {0}

Note: The word ‘Patient’ can be set to ‘Subject’ by using the recordName and recordNamePlural parameters in the Application Setup tab of the DataArchitect file.


This property defines a text message presented to a user prior to the application of the user’s electronic signature. The message to be presented to the user should be defined as the property’s value.


This property defines the confirmation message for users with user profiles set to English.

The default English Translation text shall be displayed if confirmationMessage property is not defined.

The default English Translation of the signature confirmation shall read: By providing my electronic signature, I certify that I have reviewed and approved the data and I understand that electronic signatures are the legally binding equivalent of traditional handwritten signatures.


This property defines the confirmation message for users with user profiles set to Japanese.


This property defines the confirmation message for users with user profiles set to the Chinese.


This defines the first identifier used when using the ‘chooseRecord’ permission. The Primary Identifier is the most often identifier used. The entire path to this question must be specified by this attribute. The string must be formatted as such: #form.questionID where ‘#’ signifies “start at the root.” (e.g., “#baseline.registrationForm.subjectNumber”)


This defines the second identifier used when using the ‘chooseRecord’ permission. The Secondary Identifier is the most often identifier used. The entire path to this question must be specified by this attribute. The string must be formatted as such: #form.questionID where ‘#’ signifies “start at the root.” (e.g., “#baseline.registrationForm.subjectNumber”)


This property can be used to specify which documents in the study’s workgroup File Manager should be included in the Study Documents widget. The documents are specified by document ID. The document ID can be found by navigating to the study’s workgroup File Manager, placing the cursor over the document link and viewing the URL associated with the link. For multiple documents use a pipe delimiter (|) between the form names. Additionally, files can be added to the Study Documents widget by checking ‘Include in Study Home Page’ checkbox on the File Properties screen in File Manager.


Please refer to the Configuring Double Data Entry section.


Please refer to the Configuring Double Data Entry section.


This property is not used in the double data entry process anymore. You might need to use property diffParentXXXXXPartner instead. Refer to the Configuring Double Data Entry section.


This defines the use of a confirmation enrollment prompt when enrolling a new patient. If set to ‘true’ the user will be presented with a prompt asking them to confirm that they want to enroll a patient. If the user indicates that they want to continue enrolling the record will be created and the user will go to the initial form in the casebook. If the user presses cancel at the prompt, they will be taken back to the study homepage. If set to ‘false’ the user will not be prompted and the record will be created as soon as the user clicks the ‘Enroll Patient’ link. If not set at all, the default is ‘false’.


When set to “always”, the user will always be forwarded to the “next” form when editing forms in a sequence of forms. If set to “whenStatusWasBlank”, it will only forward to the next form when the answer status was previously blank. The “forwardTo” attribute will always override this property unless it is forwarding to the parent form.


This defines the date and time format of the audit trail used in the casebook. The default format is ‘dd/MMM/yyyy HH:mm’. The audit trail date format must include the time but this setting was provided for those users who may be used to a different date format (ie. ‘yyyy/mm/dd HH:mm’). The format settings are based on Java date and time formats.


Note: This parameter has been disabled. Using it no longer provides value as the system it conected to is no longer part of the platform. Our eTrain modules are now part of eClinical.

This defines the eTrain Site ID. This creates a link on the study homepage that gives the user access to the Learning Management System (LMS) that provides them with training history and any web-based training being used in the study. This is the same for all studies within your sponsor. This ID must be provided by a Learning Solutions Administrator (LSA).


This property is deprecated for the Unified UI. 


This property is deprecated for the Unified UI. 


This property allows the designer to specify that the Reason for Change (RFC) is not required if a question is saved blank and then updated later. Example: the end user saves a form with 10 questions and one is left empty because the user does not have the information. When they come back at a separate time and update that question and this property is set to “yes”, they will not be required to enter a Reason for Change. The values are “yes” and “no”. The default is “no”.


This property allows the designer to specify whether dynamic forms can be added to a form summary that has been frozen. If the property is set to “true” the dynamic form link will be present and forms can be added even when the form summary is frozen. If the property is set to “false” dynamic forms cannot be created from a frozen form summary. The default setting is false.

Note: addDynamicWhenFrozen enables this ability on all dynamic form summaries.


This property allows the designer to specify which formTypes can be created from a frozen form summary. The formTypes should be recorded in a comma separated list.

Note: This should not be used together with addDynamicWhenFrozen. Using this property allows this ability to occur only on the specific list of formTypes. If addDynamicWhenFrozen is used, this property will be ignored.


This property allows the designer to specify whether the PI Signature can be applied to locked data. If the property is set to “true” the signature can be applied to locked data. If the property is set to “false” the signature cannot be applied to locked data. The default setting is false.


This property allows the designer to specify whether a subject with locked or partially locked data can be randomized. If the property is set to ‘true’ the subject will be randomized even though locked data is present. If the property is set to ‘false’ the subject cannot be randomized with locked data. The default setting is false.


This property allows the designer to specify whether native language references will be used as file and directory names within the PDF export. If the property is set to “true” the native language references will be displayed, however, no index files or cross PDF file navigation is created. If the property is set to “false” the standard PDF configurations will be used. The default setting is false.


This property is used to enable the ability to provide default values for questions that have answer options defined on the Question Definitions Tab. To enable default values for these question types, set this property to true. Then configure each default value with the questionTypeId_defaultValue property. This property must be defined before default values can be set for the following display types:

  • Radio
  • RadioCheckbox
  • MultiCheckbox
  • Select
  • PopUpSelect
  • MultiSelect
  • Slider


After setting the extendedDefaults property to true, each default value is set as a separate property. To set the default value for a question, enter the question’s TypeId followed by ‘_defaultValue’ for the property name. Then for the property’s value, enter the expression or value for the default value. The value should refer to the database value (not the display value) of the question. The value can be an expression that points to another data point in the casebook.

In the following example, the default value for the questionTypeId ‘sex’ is set to 1, which is the expression for male.


This property is used to suppress compiler warnings related to names and IDs that the compiler does not recognize. For example, when using the absolute value command, abs, in the DataArchitect file, the compiler will give a warning during compilation. By adding the property, is-id-abs, to the App Properties worksheet as shown in the following example, the warning will no longer be displayed. No value is associated with this property, so the value column should be left blank.


When set to true, this property removes whitespace from the beginning and end of a question value prior to saving it or evaluating dependencies. The default value for studies existing prior to September 19, 2013 is false. The default value for studies created on or after September 19, 2013 is true.

Acceptable Values: true or false


This setting is only applicable for queries downloaded as PDFs through the PDF mode. This mode is enabled with the “getQueriesPdf” action permission and “viewQueryPDF” screen permission. This property sets the date format for the Creation Dates displayed in query PDFs. This property accepts any standard date and/or time format. When no pdfReportTimeStampFormat is specified, this property defaults to the studyDateFormat.


This property is used for questions of display type ‘Select.’ This property determines the approximate maximum number of characters that are displayed in select boxes prior to the user clicking the select box so that the options appear. The default value is 30. While this property sets the default value for all questions of type ‘Select,’ the Field Size property on the Question Types worksheet of the DA can be used to override the setting at the question level.


When using older browser versions that are not supported by our browser policy, users can experience issues with the tabular view of forms. This property specifies the amount of time (in seconds) that the system should attempt to display the form in tabular view before prompting the user to switch to list view. The default value is 45 seconds. For more information regarding the behavior of this feature, see the Tabular Data Entry and Review page.


In the Unified UI, HR tags specified in the Group Title column of the Display tab in the DA are ignored by default. When set to true, this property causes the system to include the HR tags. The default value is false.

Acceptable Values: true or false

Configuring Metadata Status Needs Properties

A study may be configured to need certain metadata-related actions based on triggers that are themselves metadata statuses. The Managers can then display this information to users in the Progress Bars. For example, the study may be configured to need Data Review once a form or question has the ‘Completed’ status applied to it. This is performed using the needsXXX property, where “XXX” is the name of the metadata status, and the value assigned is the metadata status that triggers the action requirement. Assigning a value of ‘none’ flags the action as optional for the workflow visually established with these properties. A Form will not show a Needs parameter until the dependent form has a full status. In the example below, the study has “needsDataReview” configured to “completed”. When a form is changed to “complete”, the Data Review Status changes to “Review Needed”

Note: These properties do not restrict the workflow for forms or the actions that can be performed on them. Rather, they are used to help guide users as to when a form is ready for the next step in the process.


This should be configured in the AppProperties worksheet, and has the following possible values: InProgress, Completed, Reviewed, Frozen, Verified, and None.


This should be configured in the AppProperties worksheet, and has the following possible values: InProgress, Completed, Reviewed, Verified, Signed, and None.


This should be configured in the AppProperties worksheet, and has the following possible values: InProgress, Completed, Reviewed, Frozen, Verified, Signed, and None.


This should be configured in the AppProperties worksheet, and has the following possible values: InProgress, Completed, Reviewed, Frozen, Signed, and None.


This should be configured in the AppProperties worksheet, and has the following possible values: InProgress, Completed, Frozen, Verified, Signed, and None.

Configuring Partial Editing

See the page on Partial Editing to learn how to configure this feature.
For more information about App Properties, please click here.

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