
This article describes the widgets available on the Study Homepage. 

Table of Contents

This section describes the widgets available on the Study Homepage. View the pages on Configuration and Interaction to see how to gain access to and perform basic functionality with the widgets. Upon first entering a trial, several default widgets will appear on the Study Homepage. These default widgets depend on the configuration of the trial but usually include the ‘Announcements,’ ‘Study Documents’ and ‘Subjects’ widgets. If Randomization is configured for the study, you have permission to confirm shipments and there are shipments to be confirmed, the ‘Confirm Shipments’ widget will also be displayed.

Note: These default widgets cannot be removed from the Study Homepage.


The Announcements widget displays announcements created by workgroup administrators. When an announcement is posted at the study level, the widget will also be visible on the Desktop. All users can toggle the view of the Announcements with the ‘Collapse’ and ‘Expand’ buttons.

Additionally, Administrators can edit the Announcement by clicking the “Edit” button.

When in Edit mode, an administrator can change the content and appearance of the announcement text. They can also switch between basic edit view and source edit view.

Averages Report

The Averages Report widget acts in the same way as the Averages Report. This widget displays the average time that it takes for an alert, form, query, question or record to change states. Up to ten data points can be selected on the Widgets Configuration page and the average time is displayed in days.

Ad-Hoc Reports

If configured, Ad-Hoc reports can also be added to the Study Homepage. The output of these reports will depend on the Output Settings configured in the report. To see more on Ad-Hoc report configurations, review the Ad-Hoc Reports manual.

Note: Only those with the correct permissions can view Ad-Hoc reports.


The Calendar widget displays the monthly view of the calendar for the study along with the workgroup and study-workgroup events occurring that month. The information on the calendar can be filtered by four types: Visit, Events, Expiration Date and Tasks. You can access and edit the information for any date by selecting it on the Calendar. You can also access the day view of the Calendar collaboration tool by clicking the numerical date.

Confirm Shipments

The Confirm Shipments widget is available to all trials with the Randomization & Trial Supply Management product enabled. This widget is only displayed when there are shipments ready to be confirmed. This widget displays information related to the shipment and includes the option to Confirm the shipment when it arrives at the site or Cancel the shipment.

Medical Coding

The Medical Coding widget displays a table of dictionaries configured for the study and the total number of uncoded, partially coded, and completed terms currently used for each dictionary. By clicking on any of the numbers within the table, you can quickly access the list of terms that fit into that category.

Note: Only Roles configured to view the Codes Manager can view this widget.

My Checklists

Checklists are generated by saving searches in the managers.

When searches within the managers have been saved as checklists, the widget displays a table of checklists. These checklists are displayed in ascending order based on creation date. The table contains the name of the checklist and the number of items that meet the criteria for the checklist. The table also displays the name of the checklist creator (the Owner) and a delete icon that can be used to delete the checklist. Roles granted sharing privileges will also have the option to share the checklist with other roles that have the permission to view the manager associated with checklist.

Questions Most Often Queried

This widget displays a table containing questions with the most open queries and the question text for each. The ‘Count’ column displays the number of queries for each of the questions. The number of results this widget returns is configured by a standard property in the Data Architect. To access the Queries Manager, click the name of the widget. To access all the queries for a specific question, click the blue number in the Count column.

Questions With Alerts

This widget displays a table containing questions with the most open alerts and the question text for each. The ‘Count’ column displays the number of alerts for each of the questions. The number of results this widget returns is configured by a standard property in the Data Architect. To access the Alerts Manager, click the name of the widget. To access all the alerts for a specific question, click the blue number in the Count column.

Recently Accessed Subjects

The Recently Accessed Subjects widget displays a table of the five subjects whose casebooks have been most recently viewed within the study. By default the table includes the subject’s ID, the site and the date that the subject’s casebook was created. If the Subject Status feature is configured, an additional column in the table will display the current status of the subject. If Randomization is configured, an additional column will indicate whether or not the subject has been randomized. To quickly access the subject’s casebook, click the subject’s ID.

Note: Only those subjects at the currently viewed site can be accessed by clicking the subject’s ID. Subjects from other sites are marked with a yellow warning symbol. To access a subject from the table that is at another site, navigate to the appropriate site.

Study Documents

The Study Documents widget displays those documents from the File Manager that should be included on the Study Homepage. The widget displays the file type, file name and the date last updated. The document can also be accessed by clicking the name of the document.

See the Files Manager page for more information on uploading documents.

Subjects or Subject Status

The appearance of this widget varies depending on whether or not the Subject Status feature is enabled. The use of the name “Subject” may also vary based on the trial configuration.

If the Subject Status feature is not enabled, the widget displays the total number of subjects enrolled in the study and an ‘Enroll Subject’ button to enroll subjects in the trial.

If the Subject Status feature is enabled, the widget displays a table containing additional information related to the status of each subject. The first column in the table lists all the Subject Statuses configured for the trial. The second column displays the total number of subjects currently in each state. The third column displays the historic total (e.g. how many subjects have had that status at any point in time).

The fourth column displays the number of subjects that have changed since a designated time. The designated time used for calculating the fourth column is selected on the Widget Configuration page.

Note: that the initial status of a subject is not set until the first form in the casebook is saved. If a user enrolls a patient but does not save any forms, the ‘Total’ value will be higher than the combined total of the ‘Current’ status count.

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