
This article provides an overview of the standard reports available.

Table of Contents

Fountayn’s Standard Reports collect information related to the study and organize the information into several reports pertaining to different aspects of the system. Most reports also include a set of filters specific to the data they contain.

Depending on how a trial is configured, some subset of the reports described on this page will be accessible from the ‘Reports’ tab within a study.

Access Standard Reports

When viewing a particular trial, select ‘Reports’ from the Hamburger menu and select a report.

Alert Statistics

The Alert Statistics report displays a table of all the questions with alerts along with the total number of alerts for each question. The total number of alerts is further broken down to display the total number of alerts with each status.

Averages Report

The Averages Report displays the average time that it takes for an alert, form, query, question or subject to change states. The average is calculated in days and grouped into three categories: Subject, Form, and Other. The report is also available as a study homepage widget.

Data Point Report

The Data Point Report displays the total number of data points and their current status in the study. For example, the number of data points (questions) that have been frozen will be listed in the ‘Frozen’ column.

Note: Currently, if the study’s needsDataReview property is configured to ‘none’, the needsSDV column will display 0 regardless of whether or not questions are ready to be SDV’d.

Form Statistics

The Form Statistics report logs the total number of forms of each form type and how many are in each of the possible metadata-related states. These statuses may be configured as available or unavailable to users depending upon preference. The form types are also listed by the location of the form type within the casebook.

Note: For SDV and Data Review metadata statuses, the ‘Needs’ portions will not keep an accurate log unless these statuses have been configured properly. For more information on accurate configuration of ‘Needs’ statuses such as these, view the ‘Configuring Metadata Status Workflows’ section of the App Properties page.

Missing Forms

The Missing Forms report displays the total count of forms by study, site, and subject that are expecting data entry based on the trial configuration. These totals are divided into expected forms that are blank, and expected forms that have data entered. Additionally, the report shows how overdue the expected but blank forms are and how timely the expected and entered forms were completed. The projections for expected dates are based on the configured Visit Manager windows by default, but can be modified by roles enabled to configure the report. View the Missing Forms Report page for more information.

Query Statistics

The Query Statistics report displays a table of all the questions with queries along with the total number of queries for each question. The total number of queries is further broken down to display the total number of queries with each status.

Subject Statistics

The Subject Statistics report displays a table of color-coded subject status information and is only available for trials with the Subject Status feature enabled. Green text corresponds to the subject’s current status while black text corresponds to past statuses.

Trial Summary

The Trial Summary report provides several summaries that describe, in various levels of detail, the metadata relating to the state of subjects, forms, alerts, queries and visits within the trial. The report also includes a table of questions most queried and a table of questions with alerts, both of which are also available as a widget on the Study Homepage.

Visit Schedule

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When configured, the Visit Schedule report tracks and projects each subject’s visit schedule. As with Subject Management reports, the trial configuration may allow for this report to display information on a visit-basis. This report can be useful to determine when a subject should be expected for a visit and can help Monitors determine when visits are ready to be reviewed.

Note: In order to view the Visit Schedule report, the ‘Run’ button must be clicked.

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