
This article covers the contents that will be included in the contact list report.

Table of Contents

The Contact List report will show the contact information for personnel assigned at the Study, Vendor, and Site level, along with a Site Contact list. This report includes:

Study Team: Displays the Study Team contact information.

Vendor Personnel: Displays the Vendor Personnel contact information.

Site Personnel: Displays the Site Personnel contact information.

Site List: Displays each site added to the study with the site information based on the Site Form.

When the Contact List report is accessed the Select a Study screen will appear, a study must be selected to display the contact list report.

When a study is selected and the Save button is clicked, the Contact List Report for the selected study will appear.

Select from the navigation menu to get each section of the report to display. Once the report section is displayed, select the report type again to not display the section on the screen.

The tables for each section contain filters and search options for each column.

Study Team

The Study Team is a table that displays the personnel information for all Study Personnel assigned to the study. The table will display the role, start and stop date and the assignment level defined on the Study Personnel screen. The contact information for each personnel will display based on the initial data entry on the Personnel Form for each member.

Vendor Personnel

The Vendor Personnel is a table that displays the personnel information for all Vendor Personnel assigned to the study. The table will display the role, start and stop date as defined on the Vendor Personnel form, and the services the vendor is performing for the study as defined on the Vender Study form. The contact information for each personnel will display based on the data entered on the Personnel Form for each member.

Site Personnel

The Site Personnel is a table that displays the personnel Information for all Site Personnel assigned to the study. The table will display the role, start and stop dates as defined on the Site Personnel form, and the Study Site Name as defined on the Study Site form. The contact information for each personnel will display and is based on the data entered on each individual’s Personnel Form.

Site List

The Site List is a table that displays the site contact information for each site added to the study. The Table will display the Principal Investigators assigned on the Site Personnel Screen and the study specific study site name as defined on the Study Site form. The site contact information displayed is based on the data found on the Site Form.


By clicking the options Excel, CSV or PDF in the Actions menu, the system will provide an export with data tables for each table on the Contact Report. The export will also contain an Export Summary table to provide details of the report (user who exported the report, the study used, the role of the user, the generation time and start time of the report export).


Before exporting as a PDF, configure your exports by following the instructions for PDF Configuration.

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