This article presents the steps necessary for managing email template files and identifies each of the user administration email templates currently available.
Table of Contents
- Access Pre-Existing Email Templates
- Create Custom Templates
- Delete Custom Templates
- Customizable Email Templates
Fountayn customers are able to customize the emails associated with their user administration functions. The following guide presents the steps necessary for managing email template files and identifies each of the user administration email templates currently available.
Access Pre-Existing Email Templates
- On the Desktop, select ‘Enterprise Manager’.
- From this screen, right-click the root node to view the Workgroup Actions menu.
The root node will be the first listing at the top of the Enterprise Manager workgroup tree. - Select the ‘Manage Email Templates’ option from the Workgroup Actions menu.
The Email Templates screen will display a list of the emails available for customization. - To access a template, click the ‘View’ link within the email template display.
Create Custom Templates
- On the Email Templates display, select the ‘View’ link beside the email template that needs to be customized.
- Copy and paste the template content to a text editor such as Textpad or Notepad++.
- Edit the file within the text editor.
For information regarding how to make minor edits to the file, view the section related to customizable email templates. For a more in depth look at editing email templates, view the page on editing email templates. - Using the file extension, ‘vm,’ save the file to your hard drive.
Example: Save the NEWACCOUNT_PART1 template as newAccountPart1.vm - On the Email Templates display, click the ‘Customize’ link within the email template display that needs to be customized.
- On the Customize Email Templates form, give the template a unique name for the Subject field and select the proper file.
- Click the ‘Save’ button.
The ‘Owner’ and ‘Subject’ columns will be updated for each email that is customized. - Repeat this process for each template that needs to be customized.
Delete Custom Templates
Only customized emails can be deleted. When a custom template is deleted, the standard template will replace the custom one.
- On the Email Templates display, select the ‘Delete’ icon, which is represented by a trash can.
The browser will progress to the ‘Delete Email Template’ screen.
- Click the ‘Delete’ button to confirm the deletion.
The template will be deleted, and the system will revert back to using the default template.
Customizable Email Templates
The following email templates are available for customization. Click each type to view a sample of the template content and a list of available context keys.
Note: Only the content shaded yellow within each template should be modified when customizing the templates.
New Account
This is a notification sent to a new users upon creation of their user accounts. The notification identifies their Fountayn username and includes a link to create the password for the account.
Course Status Change
This notification is sent to the course owner and Fountayn training department when a user’s training course status changes.
Access Change
This notification is sent to a user when changes are made to their Fountayn system access. Usually this notification indicates access has been granted to a new study.
Password Change
This notification is sent to a user if their password has been reset from the Enterprise Manager.
Invite User
This notification is sent to inform system users that their participation in a Fountayn based clinical study has been requested.
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