
The Invite User e-mail template is sent to inform system users that their participation in a Fountayn based clinical study has been requested. 

Table of Contents

Only the portions of the email marked in yellow can be easily modified. If modifying other portions of the email template, view the page related to customizing email templates.

Context Keys

Context Keys are used to access data from the system. Examples of their use can be seen in the following template. These context keys can also be added to the email template or relocated within the template.

Request Related Keys

  • $request.getFirstName() – Invited user’s first name
  • $request.getLastname() – Invited user’s last name
  • $applicationName – Name of the clinical study that the user is invited to participate in
  • $sponsor – Name of the sponsor of the clinical study

Take care when using the following context keys in ways that differ from the standard setup in the email template. These keys will return unexpected results if not contained within a 'for' loop. 

  • $request.getCustomTools() – List of sites accessed through a ‘for’ loop
  • $customtool – One site from the $request.getCustomTools() list that is accessed through a ‘for’ loop
  • $customtool.getName() – The name of the site referenced by $customtool
  • $request.getRolesName($customtool) – The roles allowed for the specified site that is accessed through a ‘for’ loop

Existing User Related Keys

  • $matchedAccounts.isEmpty() – Determines if an account already exists based on the user’s name and email address and returns ‘true’ or ‘false.’

Take care when using the following context keys in ways that differ from the standard setup in the email template. These keys will return unexpected results if not contained within a 'for' loop. 
  • $matchedAccounts – A list of the accounts related to the user’s name and email address that can be accessed through a ‘for’ loop
  • $login – One account from $matchedAccounts that is accessed through a ‘for’ loop
  • $login.getUsername() – The username for the account referenced by $login
  • $login.getPersonInfo().getListName() – The list name for the account referenced by $login

Link Related Keys

  • $loginLink – The URL that leads to the ‘Login’ screen
  • $createLink – The URL that leads to the ‘Create New Account’ screen


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Please visit the Fountayn Contact Information page.