
This article covers the 14.3.0 DBP Release Notes

Table of Contents

DATATRAK ONE® 14.3.4 – March 17, 2019

For 14.3.4, we have a total of five (5) enhancement and correction items outlined below.

14.3.4 Enhancements

For 14.3.4, we have included the one (1) enhancement item outlined below:

Prerequisites turned on for CTMS tools [Ticket 196248|CTMS|Training]

Adding the ability to add Prerequisites to CTMS tools.


14.3.4 Corrections

For 14.3.4, we have included four (4) correction items outlined below:

Script command setProperty does not provide the new value to the execution context [Ticket 189014|EDC & Medical Coding|Scripts]

Updating the setProperty command to work correctly with the combination of commands “incrementProperty”, “setProperty” and “local”.

Duplicate DCProperty with same property name generated by IncrementProperty command [Ticket 197887|EDC & Medical Coding|Scripts]

Correcting how IncrementProperty command checks cache before creating a property.

Visit Schedule Payment was created on empty questions [Ticket 203035|CTMS|CTMS - Budget Manager]

Correcting when a Site Payment value is entered for existing blank data to not incorrectly create a payment.

Redundant user tasks can be created [Ticket 203044|EDC & Medical Coding|Data Entry & Cleaning]

Correcting how user task can create redundant task across different servers.

DATATRAK ONE® 14.3.3 – February 10, 2019

For 14.3.3, we have a total of seven (7) enhancement, correction and maintenance items outlined below.

14.3.3 Enhancements

For 14.3.3, we have included the four (4) enhancements items outlined below:

All Studies option in CTMS Calendar Widget & Milestone Gantt Report [Ticket 180705|CTMS|CTMS - Desktop Widgets]

Updating the default selection for the Calendar Widget and Milestone Gantt Chart Report, instead of all studies appearing individually, an All Studies option will default with the ability to remove and select the individual studies.

Monitoring Report PDF Formatting Updates [Ticket 201013|CTMS|CTMS - Study Manager - Monitoring]

Updating the Monitoring Report PDF output by decreasing the font size and top aligning the question text and answers.

Form Flow Enhancement for Adjudication [Ticket 201459|EDC & Medical Coding|Data Entry & Cleaning]

Adding study configuration to automate the Adjudication Process. Adding a User Task Manager and Widget to identify task users are assigned in the adjudication process.

Translate keys for 14.3.3 release [Ticket 201912|DATATRAK ONE|User Interface]

Translating Adjudication and CTMS features implemented in 14.3.3


14.3.3 Corrections

For 14.3.3, we have included one (1) correction item outlined below:

Push comment might be too long [Ticket 201891|Trial Design|Trial Manager]

Updating Teamwork push comments to limit the characters to 250.

14.3.3 Maintenance

For 14.3.3, we have included two (2) maintenance items outlined below:

Session timeout logging changes [Ticket 201825|DATATRAK ONE|Login]

Adding logging for sessions in the system.

Cannot create a new CTMS study with Safari browser version 11 [Ticket 202640|CTMS|CTMS]

Correcting an error that appears when a CTMS form with a file fields is saved in Safari browser version 11.

DATATRAK ONE® 14.3.2 – October 11, 2018

For 14.3.2, we have a total of eight (8) correction and maintenance items outlined below.

14.3.2 Corrections

For 14.3.2, we have included the five (5) correction items outlined below:

CSRF Attack for Form Saving not checked correctly [Ticket 199538|EDC & Medical Coding|Data Entry & Cleaning]

Updating CSRF processing during form save for the AJAX processing.

drugAssign and drugAssignCheck commands store data in a place, where it might get used for other patients [Ticket 199569|EDC & Medical Coding|Scripts]

Correcting how information of the drugAssign and drugAssignCheck commands are processed during the script processing.

Monitoring Report Populating Data function populates with data that is entered in non ASCII characters as ???? [Ticket 199782|CTMS|CTMS - Study Manager - Monitoring]

Correcting how non-ASCII characters are populated within the Monitoring Visit form.

Exception thrown when CTMS Study change is saved [Ticket 199788|CTMS|CTMS - Study Manager - Plans]

Correcting how CTMS responds when a null alias exist for Study Set-up.

Display English Text action removes the required parameter ‘returnURL’ [Ticket 199830|CTMS|CTMS]

Correcting when Display English Text function for translated CTMS instances to not throw errors.


14.3.2 Maintenance

For 14.3.2, we have included three (3) maintenance items outlined below:

Change the Session Has Timed Out Dialog [Ticket 199610|DATATRAK ONE|Data Entry & Cleaning]

Updating the Session Timed Out Dialog to allow a check session when the user is Timed out to ensure the timeout is accurate.

Translate newly added translation keys to Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese and Japanese [Ticket 199833|DATATRAK ONE|User Interface]

Translating the Timed Out Dialog updates implemented in 14.3.2.

The CSRF checking should accept older token for the user [Ticket 199611|DATATRAK ONE|Other]

Updating how CSRF tokens are processed when using different tabs and how they are retrieved.


DATATRAK ONE® 14.3.1 – September 21, 2018

For 14.3.1, we have a total of six (6) correction and maintenance items outlined below.

14.3.1 Corrections

For 14.3.1, we have included the five (5) correction items outlined below:

Announcements Marked Read on Design, Test and Approve Clusters should be updated when the Announcement is updated in Secure [Ticket 199385|DATATRAK ONE|Collaboration]

Correcting Announcements that are Marked Read on Design, Test and Approve Clusters to remove the Marked Read and update the announcement text once it is updated on Secure.

Revert Branching Code from Ticket 40879 back [Ticket 199386|EDC & Medical Coding|Data Entry & Cleaning]

Reverting the Branching Code from Ticket 40879 that was released in 14.3.0. This code is causing errors when the Form Type Forward To is defined to a form that does not exist in the casebook for the record.

Visit Schedule Connect to EDC Truncates Question Text to 60 [Ticket 199403|CTMS|CTMS - Study Manager - Plans]

Removing the truncation on the Visit Schedule Dialog for Question Text.

TodayTZ Edit Checks Fires incorrectly when the Question Value is assigned via a script on a blank form. [Ticket 199407|EDC & Medical Coding|Data Entry & Cleaning]

Correcting how TodayTZ edit check processes when used on a Script assignment on another form.

Loading Reports Across Clusters with different role sets can cause a NullPointerException [Ticket 199472|EDC & Medical Coding|Ad-Hoc Reports]

Correcting loading of Ad-hoc reports across clusters when the clusters have different role sets.


14.3.1 Maintenance

For 14.3.1, we have included one (1) maintenance item outlined below:

Database Script to Update CTMS Managed List for Monitoring Visit Type [Ticket 199408|CTMS|CTMS]

Implementing a Database Script that will update the Monitoring Visit Type Managed List in Secure to reflect the updated question configuration made in 14.3.0.


DATATRAK ONE® 14.3.0 – September 9, 2018

For 14.3.0, we have a total of sixty-nine (69) updates including enhancement, maintenance, and correction items outlined below.


For 14.3.0, we have included the twenty-three (23) enhancement items outlined below:

Missing Forms Report [Ticket 50335|EDC & Medical Coding|Standard Reports]

Adding a Missing Forms standard report, which allows online configuration to display eCRFs expected based on the subject’s visit schedule.

Ability to configure and test an ad-hoc report in one environment and copy that configuration to another environment [Ticket 50435|EDC & Medical Coding|Ad-Hoc Reports]

Adding the ability to Load Ad-Hoc Report configuration from one cluster into another cluster.

Teamwork (previously known as Design Concurrency) [Ticket 57029|Trial Design|Data Architect]

Adding the ability to perform Teamwork trial design in separate applications and the ability to merge the design into a master trial, providing the ability for multiple trial designers to design for a single study.

Improve Account Request Functionality [Ticket 57080|DATATRAK ONE|Enterprise Manager]

Updating the User Request Invitations to allow invites without having to associate with a site, adding the ability to withdraw an invitation, improving the Manage Sent Request Screen, adding the ability to resend invites in bulk and adding a Search Invite screen.

Query Creator Role Only Allowed to Close or Edit Query [Ticket 122255|EDC & Medical Coding|Data Entry & Cleaning]

Adding a new App Properties, “queryCreatorEditOnly” when set to true only the role that created the query is allowed to update the query text and query status. The property will default to false, which allows all roles with query edit permissions to update the query text and status.

Query Manager & Export – Add Who Closed Query [Ticket 133749|EDC & Medical Coding|Managers]

Updating the Query Manager to contain a “Closed By” column to display who closed the query.

Inline Query – Show Responses and Closed Queries [Ticket 133750|EDC & Medical Coding|Data Entry & Cleaning]

Updating Inline Queries to display the Response Text and adding a new App Properties, “displayClosedQueries” when set to true a the inline query will show Closed queries. The property will default to false, which will not display a closed inline query.

Ability to define Reason for Override Values [Ticket 145730|EDC & Medical Coding|Data Entry & Cleaning]

Adding new App Properties, “drugAssignmentRFO”, “scriptAssignmentReconcileRFC”, “assignmentReconcileRFC” and “alertReconcileRFO” when set sets the Reason for Override and and Reason for Change values is set by Reconcile or Drug Assignment.

Add ability to Lock Questions [Ticket 180107|CTMS|CTMS - Study Management]

Adding the ability when a user has Write Access to the Study form to Lock CTMS Studies to prevent further data entry on all study forms and the ability to unlock CTMS studies.

PDF of Monitoring Reports with eSignature Information [Ticket 180644|CTMS|CTMS - Study Manager - Monitoring]

Adding a Site Visits Manager to allow bulk download of Site Visit Reports in Excel and PDF. The PDF report will contain the eSignature and transition audits of the Site Visit Report.

Export options needed for Payments and Payment Approvals details screens [Ticket 181337|CTMS|CTMS - Budget Manager]

Adding the ability to export the tables on the Site Payment Details Screen and Payment Details Screen.

DATATRAK Support Role for CTMS [Ticket 181536|CTMS|CTMS - Roles and Permissions]

Adding a read-only support role for CTMS User Administration.

Progressive Save Button on Account Creation and Password Reset [Ticket 181831|DATATRAK ONE|Enterprise Manager]

Updating the Save button on the Account Creation and Password Reset to a progressive Save button to prevent double clicking of actions.

Ability to Delete Study Site Contracts [Ticket 181838|CTMS|CTMS - Study Manager - Site Selection]

Adding a Site Contract Table for Study Sites and the ability to delete a Site Contract Form.

Documentation Manager [Ticket 181945|CTMS|CTMS - Reports]

Adding a Documents Manager to display all Personnel Documentation.

Update the SAS export feature to generate SAS transport files [Ticket 181987|EDC & Medical Coding|Exports]

Adding a SAS Transport File export options to generate the transport file for SAS.

Making CTMS Multilingual [Ticket 182271|CTMS|CTMS]

Adding the ability to define CTMS Translations to capture and view data in multiple languages in CTMS.

Implement the ability to populate Action Items from studies and sites in Monitoring Reports [Ticket 183338|CTMS|CTMS - Study Manager - Monitoring]

Adding the ability to populate Action Items on the Monitoring Edit Monitoring Template Configuration Form.

Add expiration dates to configurable document fields [Ticket 184417|CTMS|CTMS - Settings]

Adding the ability to configure a Multi Document Field Answer Option Type to capture the expiration date of the uploaded document.

Translate Entire CTMS to Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese and Japanese [Ticket 186598|CTMS|CTMS]

Adding the ability to define CTMS Translations to capture and view data in Japanese, Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese in CTMS.

Enhance drugAssign, drugAssignCheck [Ticket 186900|RTSM|Scripts]

Updating the drugAssign and drugAssignCheck script command to work in preprocessing.

The Standard Reports should be alphabetically sorted in the UI [Ticket 189785|EDC & Medical Coding|Standard Reports]

Updating the Reports menu to list Ad-hoc Reports at the top and Standard Reports in alphabetical order.

Add Document Expiration Field to CTMS Ad-hoc Reports [Ticket 192593|CTMS|CTMS - Ad-Hoc Reports]

Adding to the CTMS Ad-Hoc Reports the expiration date value for Documentation questions.



For 14.3.0, we have included the thirty-nine (39) correction items outlined below:

Custom export crashes if a formtype is mapped to more than one dataset and the formtypeID ends with an integer [Ticket 40402|EDC & Medical Coding|Exports]

Correcting the export to not crash when a formTypeID is mapped to more than one data set and end with an integer.

Announcements will have delay before being synced [Ticket 40438|DATATRAK ONE|Collaboration]

Updating the sync of Announcements updates across clusters.

Only 1 instance of EM tool should be created [Ticket 40447|DATATRAK ONE|Trial Manager]

Correcting when a sub client is configured on a standaloneserver and not a cluster, the Enterprise manager will create 1 instance.

Actions can be submitted twice on some randomization actions [Ticket 40487|RTSM|Randomization]

Correcting the Submit and Populate buttons on Randomization Actions to execute once upon repeatedly clicks.

Inconsistency in the display of children for “form.note” role [Ticket 40867|EDC & Medical Coding|Data Entry & Cleaning]

Correcting the display of children forms in the Forms Table to not display when the parent contains form.note for Form Flow.

“Forward To” doesn’t work for branching if forwardToNextForm=always [Ticket 40879|EDC & Medical Coding|Data Entry & Cleaning]

Correcting the forward to logic to respect the Forward To Expression over the forwardToNextForm setting and when forwardToNextForm=always is set and a form is created by a script.

Record Status Widget comparative counts do not propagate to other tools [Ticket 40885|EDC & Medical Coding|Widgets]

Correcting the Change counts for the Record Status Widget to display based on the Widget time interval setting.

Import File Name could cause Missing information on import history screen [Ticket 61272|EDC & Medical Coding|Imports]

Correcting the Import History screen to display correct information when the import file contains an underscore.

Preprocessing sequence problem [Ticket 61976|EDC & Medical Coding|Data Entry & Cleaning]

Updating the handling of preprocessing results in the eCRF to additionally delete hidden alerts, just before the preprocessing results are processed in the browser.

Non-english profiles cannot update the expiration date of a container [Ticket 122360|RTSM|Trial Supply Management]

Correcting the ability for non-English profiles to be able to update the container expiration date.

drugAssign command fails to update frozen question with overrideFreeze=”true” [Ticket 136226|RTSM|Randomization]

Updating the drugAssign command in scripts to update a frozen question when overrideFreeze=”true”.

updateShipmentProgress Not Working [Ticket 145712|RTSM|Trial Supply Management]

Correcting when a role only has updateShipmentProgress and not editShipment permissions the role can perform Update Shipment Progress actions.

Form Statistics report shows incorrect values for Answer Status [Ticket 166050|EDC & Medical Coding|Standard Reports]

Correcting the Answer Status counts in Form Statistics to display the data point count for the individual formID.

Cannot login to DTLC when certain special characters are in password [Ticket 183905|DATATRAK ONE|Documentation]

Correcting the DATATRAK Learning Center (DTLC) login to allow passwords with special characters to log into the help center.

Export subset selection does not support multiple selection [Ticket 183962|EDC & Medical Coding|Exports]

Correcting the Subset Export to provide exports with all filtered results when more than one filter option is set in the Subject Manager and Filtered Results is selected on the Subset Export screen.

Number of records per page count in Question Audits manager is reset [Ticket 184049|EDC & Medical Coding|Managers]

Correcting the Question Audits Manager to persist the Records per Page setting.

Float values do not throw the Format Alert when it contains a non integer field [Ticket 184078|EDC & Medical Coding|Data Entry & Cleaning]

Correcting the Format Alerts to fire for Float values when f, F, d, D, and e, E are entered.

Saved Search to Question Audits should apply filters [Ticket 184081|EDC & Medical Coding|Managers]

Correcting when a Checklist for Question Audit Manager is selected, the manager shall load with results based on the filters.

My Checklist widget performance issue [Ticket 184121|EDC & Medical Coding|Widgets]

Updating the performance of the My Checklist widget when a saved search on Question Audits Manager is displayed.

User shows access to CTMS tool when the role is deleted [Ticket 184472|CTMS|CTMS]

Correcting in Approve the access to CTMS when a CTMS role is deleted.

Permission Denied Exception is thrown when editing or deleting the restricted or unrestricted access of a user that is not a member of the CTMS tool owner workgroup or its children workgroup [Ticket 184478|CTMS|CTMS - Roles and Permissions]

Correcting the ability to update CTMS users permission when the user no longer has member access to the CTMS workgroup or its children workgroups.

Study Status report display deleted SAE records [Ticket 186604|CTMS|CTMS - Ad-Hoc Reports]

Correcting the Study Status report to not show deleted Additional Study Setup items from the Clinical Plans Project Plan form.

Future Date Checks Remove with Reconcile if No longer a Future Date [Ticket 188833|Trial Design|Mid-Study Change Utilities]

Correcting future date edit checks from re-evaluating when Reconcile is execute.

Subset export can result in hanging (‘Running’) export [Ticket 188923|EDC & Medical Coding|Exports]

Correcting Sub-set exports from showing running in the export status when the Select Records are unchecked and left blank.

The SAS Writer shall support inFormat “dd|MMM|yyyy HH:mm:ss” and be configurable for more inFormat values similar to the outFormat configurability [Ticket 189690|EDC & Medical Coding|Exports]

Correcting SAS Writer to use

  • formats “DATETIME20″ for internal date format “dd|MMM|yyyy HH:mm:ss”,
  • inFormat “YMDDTTM16″ and outFormat “DATETIME19″ for “yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm” and
  • inFormat “DATETIME17.0″ and outFormat “DATETIME19″ for “dd-MMM-yyyy HH:mm”

and adding he ability to define new inFormats with a writer parameter (example: name=”inFormatdd|MMM|yyyy HH:mm:ss”, value=”DATETIME20″).

Edit and Delete icons related to CTMS and EDC Ad-Hoc reports don’t have tooltips [Ticket 189881|EDC & CTMS|Ad-Hoc Reports]

Correcting the tooltips for Edit and Delete icons in the Field Names, Aggregators, Filters, Sorts, and Parameters screens.

Scheduler shows problems with Japanese file names [Ticket 190378|DATATRAK ONE|Scheduler]

Correcting when downloading a file with a file name or an archive with Japanese characters the name displays correctly.

Traditional Chinese is not displayed in CTMS [Ticket 190600|CTMS|CTMS]

Adding Traditional Chinese to the CTMS Definition file.

Hard coded English is used in some places of CTMS [Ticket 190939|CTMS|CTMS]

Correcting locations in CTMS that are hard coded to English and adding translation keys.

An intended role switch might be ignored [Ticket 191905|EDC & Medical Coding|Systems]

Correcting the loading of requests when switching roles based on saved bookmarks.

Trial Manager uses arbitrary role, when initially accessed from the desktop [Ticket 191912|Trial Design|Trial Manager]

Correcting in Trial Manager the role selection order when a user has more than one role.

dynamic form sequence numbers should be sorted as numbers [Ticket 192078|CTMS|CTMS]

Correcting for dynamic form sequences on the Patient form when 10 or more dynamic forms exist.

Site Status table displayed blank if Site Status List option has single quotes [Ticket 192142|CTMS|CTMS - Reports]

Correcting the Site Status table display when the Site Status Managed List contains characters of single quotes, double quotes, lower than and greater than.

CTMS Ad-Hoc Personnel Report is slow when over 2,500 records exist [Ticket 192225|CTMS|CTMS - Reports]

Improving the run time of the Personnel Report when the personnel count is over 2,500 records.

Session time out dialog should be displayed [Ticket 192713|CTMS|CTMS]

Updating the CTMS Session time-out dialog to display when the session expires.

Simple table does not show the arrow menu at the correct position [Ticket 192761|EDC & Medical Coding|Data Entry & Cleaning]

Correcting the arrow menu for eCRFs with simple tables.

‘MAIL_DATASOURCE’ is not configured in and [Ticket 192819|DATATRAK ONE|Systems]

Updating the Server Setup file to include the Mail datasource for the Disaster Recovery servers.

Experienced timeout during the creation of a workgroup [Ticket 195606|Trial Design|Trial Manager]

Updating the server settings to extend timeouts when creating a sub-client.

Action Items cells/data fields do not display correctly based on their header on servers other than the server that uploaded them [Ticket 196183|CTMS|CTMS]

Correcting the cache process for Action Items.



For 14.3.0, we have included the seven (7) maintenance items outlined below:

Datapoint based queries (Billing Reports and Data Point Usage Report) have database performance problem [Ticket 56857|DATATRAK ONE|Billing]

Improving the performance of the billing reports and the Data Point Usage report in Enterprise Manager by implementing a materlized view. With this change these reports will no longer be real-time, the report data will display the prior days and before data.

Question Audits Manager loads slowly [Ticket 183557|EDC & Medical Coding|Managers]

Continuing performance improvements on the Question Audits Manager.

Remove Classic Interface Setting in Code [Ticket 183851|DATATRAK ONE|Systems]

Removing the calling for classic interface check in areas of DATATRAK ONE (Training, Trial Set-up, JSP and VM Files).

Replace CVS with Mercurial [Ticket 183919|Trial Design|Trial Manager]

Replacing the versioning software of CVS with Mercurial.

Eclipse Oxygen shows Error for our recommended Error/Warning Setup [Ticket 189660|EDC & Medical Coding|Standard Reports]

Updating the Eclipse Oxygen for developers view to remove unneeded errors for the PDFReportWriter

Log request information in situation where the JSP body content buffer is really large [Ticket 189808|DATATRAK ONE|Systems]

Updating application logs to log effective used bugger size for JSP tags.

Search code function can create very long SQL which exceeds the database limit [Ticket 194949|EDC & Medical Coding|Medical Coding]

Updating the SQL query when searching for WHO Drug medical codes. With this change when a search is performed that is very broad only the top 10,000 results will return.


Outstanding Issues

Double data entry: Basic parameters do not list the Frozen Status restriction

If a double data entry difference report is restricted by the Frozen Status, the restriction is not included in the Basic Parameters for the results.

Entering dates in the wrong format in the EM Search Tools screen generates an error

When the user enters a date by hand in the search tools instead of using the datepicker, an error is displayed.

Today Option on Date Calendar on Confirm Shipments Does not Work

On the Confirm Shipment screen, when the date calendar pop up appears, the ‘Today’ button does not work. If you select it, nothing happens. This option should populate today’s date like it does in the eCRF.

“Attach” button for the ‘singleDocument ‘ or the ‘multiDocument’ questions stops working if “Upload” action performed first

For singleDocument or multiDocument questions, the user is unable to attach a document after the upload action is performed.

Back button after sorting doesn’t work

In the file manager sub folders, when the user clicks the back button, the user receives a confirm resubmission page instead of the previous page.

Basic Setup in Visual Architect Library Panel does not have “Overwrite Design” option

If you go to the Visual Architect, load library, and right click on the Basic Setup node in the Library pane, the “Overwrite Design” option should be displayed.

Translation in the actions menu are not generated properly

In header menu there is an instance where there are 2 keys separated by a space. In some languages this may not be appropriate.

Function ‘Length’ of Ad-hoc report does not work properly

In Ad-hoc Reports, a zero length string is considered null and will make the Length function not work properly.

Poor performance in tabular view for the Unified UI

When viewing a form in Tabular View, if the add form button is repeatedly clicked, the system may become slow or unresponsive.

EULA Modification of Chinese Taiwan shows English in preview

If the user is editing the EULA and clicks a preview for Chinese (Taiwan) EULA, the English version will be displayed instead of the Chinese (Taiwan) one.

Dependency variable evaluation can fail depending on date format

It is possible for dependencies with date calculations to work with certain date formats and fail with others.

Form Flow Transition page is not refreshed correctly when the form is locked

When the user attempts to use form flow transitions with locked forms, the user may receive an error.

“IsUniqueWithinDynamicForms” dependency allows to restore the role with the same name

It is possible to create two roles with the same name by creating the role, deleting it, creating it again and then restoring the deleted role.

Billing Report tables expand to incorrect width

When viewing a billing report with at least one facet, expanding and minimizing tables can cause the width of the table to expand until it is no longer completely visible.
When the user expands tables repeatedly. The tables may slowly expand until they are not usable.

Several places missing horizontal scroll bar for the small screens

When the user views the system on a small screen, there are some places in the system that will not have a scroll bar. This issue appears in the contacts, enterprise manager, and uCTMS reports.

PDF Export of Deleted Subjects With Same Subject ID Should Produce Appended File

If two or more deleted subjects have the same primary record ID, only the casebook of the one with the lowest primary record ID is exported.

Managers screens jump left

If the user scrolls to the very right of a scroll bar in a manager and then changes the sorting order on the filter, the screen will jump left in some browsers.

UX RTSM Reports > Shipment Summary report > Shipment Counts – does not display ‘Shipments Partially at Destination’.

Partial shipments are not displayed in the shipment summary table count and pie chart.

In Zoom mode extra button click is required to get back to container

If the study is configured with useSavePrompt set to ‘yes’ and saveOnExit set to ‘no’, when the user navigates to a dynamic form in the tabular view, fills the form out and clicks the back button, the dialog asking if the user wants to leave the page is displayed twice.

Issues related to the ‘enterKeyAction’ configuration

For some browsers, enterKeyAction does not work to go to the next field properly when the enterKeyAction is set to nextField. In other situations when enterKeyAction is submitted, the form is not submitted properly with certain browsers.

Some characters cause errors in Visual Architect

Some characters can be entered into a DA which will not allow the file to be opened in VA and will display an error to the user.

notSet Missing Data Flag is saved as red alert

If notSet flag is set in the DA and a question has a red alert, it will be saved as red alert with no reason for override instead of open without reason or closed without reason.

Dynamic formIds are incremented

When the user copies and pastes a dynamic form into visual architect, the formid is incremented. All dynamic forms of the same formTypeId should have the same formId.

Email Notification cause import to fail

Under the following conditions an error can occur during import:

  • updateQueryWhenValueChange=answered
  • updateQueryWhenValueChangedByImport=true
  • “Query Answered” notification set up at the “Query Manager” location

‘Paste Item’ in Visual Architect does not work until you publish or commit trial

In Visual Architect, if the user attempts to paste an item in a tab other than the casebook tab, the paste item will not work until the trial has been published or committed.

VA delete does not work in IE

In Internet Explorer if the user attempts to delete a VA item using the delete key, there may not be a confirm deletion dialog and the item will not be deleted.

In VA, dropdown menu stays in place on browser resize

In VA, if a browser is resized on the properties page while a dropdown menu is open, the menu will not adjust to the new location. It should adjust location along with the rest of the elements on the page.

Dropdown lists move when highlighted in VA

If the user is using Internet Explorer, the items in a VA dropdown list may shift unexpectedly.

Resolved values in the expression language are parsed and interpreted

Resolved variables in the expression language are further interpreted by the expression language. For example, if a data value of a question is 5<6, the value will be resolved to true instead of ’5<6′.

When the toolname is numeric only it drops leading zeros

The scripting language drops leading zeros for a toolname that is completely numeric.

Improve Scatter Chart

For scatter plots, it is possible that the scale of the chart is incorrect and will cut the point in half.

Property commands are not processed upon reconcile

The setProperty command will not be reconciled even if shouldReconcile is “true”. For incrementProperty, if target is set to “before” is not executed correctly. In following script only the first command will be executed. If target is set to “after” all commands will be executed upon reconcile.

Patient wasn’t reported missing in Difference Report

In some cases the Difference Manager does not report all missing patients.

Do Not Write Branching To XML If Forward To Is Empty

If the forward to is empty, the branching XML is still published.

createForm command issue

Forms may have duplicate sequence ids if createform with sequence is used and the forms are added under a container on a remote server.

Role names containing non-ASCII characters can cause display errors

If role sets contain non ascii characters and the encoding is not utf-8, the name of the roles may be displayed incorrectly in Enterprise Manager.

Secure the user interface to not allow adding invalid chars

If the user copies characters from a different application, these characters may be invalid and stored as a special error character.

Freeze scripts are not shown in form debug page

If the user is accessing the form debug page, freeze scripts will not be displayed.

Total time spent for a parent activity not calculated correctly sometimes

Training time calculation is sometimes not accurate for parent activities. The time should be the sum of all the child activities but sometimes the values do not add up correctly.

With large Case Books sequencing of forms is out of order in some cases

When a very large casebook is created, the order of the forms may not be according to the sequence numbers.

Audit Manager Export issues

If the user views an audit type of Audit Object in Japanese, it will not be translated.

Managers can display an error if the same filter is applied to same manager on different servers simultaneously

If the user has the same manager open in two browsers, each pointing to a different server, and the user runs a filter in both browsers for that manager, one of the managers will display an error.

Nested functions do not parse correctly

If there is a formula with a nested function, the result may be inaccurate.

DA: Remove Visit Schedule granted permission

The DA Template has permission granted for the visit schedule by default which usually will need to be changed by the designer

Alert script commands will trigger text commands to work at the wrong time in some cases

A script will fire alert only if both questions are not blank if any of the questions is blank the alert should be removed. A null pointer is generated in some cases.

Audits of type OLD are still being written

There are still a few places in the system where audit types can be created that have a type of OLD.

Ad-hoc Reports: contact control should resolve to user name

Sometimes Ad-hoc Reports will return the id of a user rather than the username for a contact control.

Problems if two users commit VA at the same time

If two users commit to a VA file at the same time from different servers one of the user’s changes will be lost.

‘Is Default’ can be answered ‘Yes’ for multiple portals

In Management Servlet, it is possible for there to be more than one default portal and the order of returned default portals is not consistent.

If one of design server is down, it still publishes DA file

If a user attempts to publish a DA file while a design server is down, it still publishes the DA file to the other design server. It should not publish to the other server if either server is down.

Management Tool entries are incorrect

In management servlet if the search filter is changed to address only, the entries in the dropdown menu are not correct.>

Report creation does not present wizard screen for permissions

When using the creation wizard for Ad-Hoc Reports, it is possible for the Permission screen to not appear if certain fields are modified during report creation. The workaround is to access the screen through the “Permission” link rather than through the wizard.

Exporting auto code variables in all caps does not work

When an export is configured with the parameter columnUpperCase, auto coded variables and non-question columns do not export in all caps as desired.

In Contact Manager if the page is not saved after adding files, the files may not be added

If the user adds a file in contacts but does not save the page, the item will not be attached.

Closing folders upon clicking another link (not keeping the sort)

From the calendar day view, if the user has a filter applied and then clicks on a different day, the filters are forgotten.

Text can be cleared when the “Enter” key is hit while adding a calendar event

If the user hits the “Enter” key when adding a calendar event, it clears the text and does not submit the form.

Some numeric comparisons need to be surrounded by quotes in order for them to work in edit checks

When an edit check is created without quotes, in some cases it will not fire. This only exists for the greater than and less than comparators and “0″.

Locked questions should have disabled checkboxes in the Alerts and Codes Managers

If a question is locked, the checkbox should be disabled in the Alerts and Codes Managers. It’s disabled in the Query Manager but not in the Alerts and Codes Managers.

When browser’s “Back” button is clicked the Files tree doesn’t respond

In File Manager when the user clicks the browser’s Back button, the Files Tree does not update to show the user’s new location in the Files Tree. It is recommended that the user not use the browser’s Back button when using File Manager.

Approved shared files are stored in wrong folders or get lost

When the user has a sharing request for the same document from multiple workgroups for which the user is an administrator or contributor, if the user clicks the share request from the Desktop and approves the request on the following screen, the file can get lost or be stored in the wrong folder. To work around this, administrators or contributors can approve the share request by navigating to File Manager and accessing the share request from there.

Shipment Origin filter should display all packaging location and all sites regardless of viewGlobalShipments permission

Currently in Cross Study Manager for a User with no viewGlobalShipments permission, the Shipment Origin filter displays all packaging locations and only the site the user has access to. However the records for the other sites are displayed in the table, because only Shipment Destination filter should restrict to the current site. Shipment Origin filter should display all packaging location and all sites regardless of viewGlobalShipments permission

Shipment filters should display sites within scope of the bridge

When two bridges are configured for randomization, the origin and destination filters in the Cross Study Shipments Manager show sites from the second bridge when the user doesn’t have access to those sites. The records that belong to sites from the second bridge are not displayed, which is correct functionality.

Override Reason filter sorting does not work properly

If you create alerts with override reasons ND, NK, NA and other letters, the applied sorting is not properly applied.

In Synonym Manager, synonym sorting should ignore the case

Currently when sorting is applied to the Synonym column in Synonym Manager, synonyms with capital letters come before those with lower case letters. Sorting should ignore the case.

Some symbols do not render correctly in the Manage Notifications feature

In the Manage Notifications feature, the Email Subject column for saved notifications displays the greater-than sign as “&gt;” and the lesser-than sign as “&lt;”.

If you add more than 100 fields to a Graph Ad-Hoc report and run the report output, an error displays.

If you add more than 100 fields to an Ad-Hoc report and select any graph report output, an error displays.

Navigation within the Desktop Calendar sometimes resets entries.

If a user adds two trials at the same time to the Desktop Calendar, navigates to one of the trial’s sites, the other trial is deleted from the Calendar upon return to the Desktop.

Similar trial names with different characters will sometimes have duplicate configuration paths

If two trials are enrolled with names that are differentiated only by special characters, the trials will have the same configuration path (i.e. test0101, test0101_).

Typo in Portal Descriptor

There is a typo in the Portal Descriptor that has an incorrect field name as a result. This triggers an exception in some cases but it is in an area of code that should never be called.

Blank Screen in Trial Manager when Switching Roles After Actions are Performed

If a user performs an action in Trial Manager and then switched to a role that does not have permission to the performed action a blank screen is displayed.

The calendar pop-up box is not displayed after RFO audit icon clicked

If a user opens the Reason For Override Audit screen and the closes the screen and selects a date field the Calendar Pop-up box does not display.

Alerts > 14 Days counts doesn’t show correct value in Cross Trial Summary Report.

Cross Trial Summary Report in Trial Manager does not show correct value for Alerts greater than 14 days.

“Needs SDV” and “Needs Data Review ” counts show incorrect values for Cross Trial Summary report

Cross Trial Summary Report in Trial Manager does not show correct values Form Level Needs SDV and Needs Data Review.

Files with apostrophe sign (‘) in the name cannot be uploaded, Forbidden screen is displayed

A Forbidden error screen appears upon upload of a file with apostrophe sign (‘) in the file name.

It is possible to have Received, Missing, Broken boxes checked for the same row in Confirm Shipment screen

A user can select the “All” Boxes on the Confirm shipment screen and the system does not uncheck any previously checked boxes.

Calendar Sharing Event Details screen has the same fields for different type events

When viewing calendar event details for shared events the screen does not display all event fields for the different type of calendar events.

View Tasks screen sorting does not work when New Task screen is cancelled

When you hit Cancel from the New Task screen, upon selecting any header to sort tasks the New Task screen will be displayed.

Blank Course Equivalency dialog pops up

A Course Equivalency dialog appears blank if a Course Equivalency is removed from the course on another server.

Using Browser Back Button from Course History and selecting Reset or Search gives a ClickOS error

A ClickOS error occurs upon selecting Reset or Search buttons on the Manage Courses screen after returning from the Course History page using browser back button.

View Log screen does not have DATATRAK footer

The View Log screen in Enterprise Manager for Training Courses does not contain the DATATRAK footer.

The Find textbox in the Training screen does not show [Letter]* when the user clicks the Find button

The user Training Screen does not populate the Find textbox when a letter is selected.

“Select Options” text is displayed truncated

Select Options text is truncated on the New Shared Set Dialog and Add Shared Standard Set Dialog in UX CTMS.

Permission Denied Dialog truncates error response

When the user has Roles.ActionsRequired.uploadDocument but does not have Roles.ScreenRequired.uploadDocuments the Permission Denied Dialog truncates the error message when the Upload File button is clicked.

DA Compiler does not generate errors, when invalid record status dependencies are added

When an invalid record status dependencies path is compiled an error is not displayed.

Publishing VA with Auto Tabbing property value set to any characters shows “true” for Auto Tabbing in DA file

When entering a character into a Boolean field (Auto Tabbing) in the Visual Architect, the Data Architect populates it as True.

Ad-Hoc Browser PDF Export Formatted Incorrectly when there are numerous columns

When an ad-hoc report has numerous columns and the PDF export is generated the PDF export can format the columns incorrectly.

New Tasks incorrect redirect

When a user attempts to delete a new task from the View All Tasks screen and clicked Cancel button the user gets directed to the Main calendar screen instead of the View All Tasks.

rmi.token.LockServerImpl deadlock Issue

rmi.token.LockServerImpl can get into deadlock when multiple threads try to get the same lock across multiple servers

Replace drug assignment loosing the question connection

When the replace assignment is performed the connection to assigned question is lost in the Description.

It’s not possible to modify or save file with double quotes in the file name in the File Properties screen

When a File, in File Manager, contains double quotes the file name cannot be updated.

Select Personnel dialog should show existing personnel with boxes checked

When a CTMS Personnel dialog is accessed using the plus sign after an update has occurred but before the first update is saved the dialog does not show existing personnel checked.

Amount values should be exported in currency format

The Excel export for CTMS Site Payments and Site Payment Approvals Managers Details form does not export in currency format when the decimal is .00.

File Space Usage facet report is not scroll-able under Mozilla FF browser

File Space Usage facet Billing report does not have scroll up/down arrows when report is expanded under Mozilla Firefox browser.

The Assignment By Column’s Multiple-Choice Filter Doesn’t Include All Users

The Multiple-Choice User filters for RTSM Managers do not display correctly when a user changes their profile First or Last Name after performing an action with the orginal name.

Teamwork does not work with Visual Architect

The Teamwork functionality in Trial Manager will throw an error when used with a version committed through Visual Architect.

Correct Branching to Work Correctly with Forward To Property and Forward To on Form Types

When the forwardToNextForm Property is defined as whenStatusWasBlank and ForwardTo is defined for the FormTypes Definition, an error can occur when a form is edited that is not in the Blank status and the ForwardTo form does not exist in the users casebook.

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