
This article discusses the ability to add questions, change the order of questions, and update existing questions on the site feasibility template form. 

Table of Contents

The Edit Site Feasibility Template Form allows users the ability to add questions, change the order of questions, and update existing questions.

When completing each Edit Site Feasibility Template Form you have the option of viewing the text that will be displayed for each question, the variables that will label the questions in reports and any questions that have a hidden Visibility setting. To control these viewing options, use the Display Header Text and Show Hidden buttons.


Display Header Text Button

Header Text is the text displayed the variable that will label the question in reports. Click the Display Header Text button and each question’s Header Text will appear below each question. Click again (now labeled Hide Header Text) to toggle back to a hidden visibility state.

Question showing Header Text:

Question not showing Header Text:

Show Hidden Button

When the Show Hidden button is selected any question with a Visibility setting [link to Visibility section] of Hide When Unused or Hide for All will display on the screen in grey. Click the button again (now labeled Hide Hidden) and any question with a Visibility setting of Hide When Unused or Hide for All will not display on the Edit Site Feasibility Template Form Screen.

The Number of Randomized Patients Expected has a Visibility set to Hide for All and will display when Show Hidden is selected.


Move Question Order

To move the order of questions on a form the user can click and drag a question up or down to change the location of the question on the screen.

Delete Questions

Each question on the Edit Site Feasibility Form will have a delete icon in front of the question text until a version is published to production. Once the configurations have been published to production the Visibility settings should be used.

To delete a question using the delete icon, select the icon.

A confirmation screen will appear. Select Ok to delete the question.

Add Fields to the Edit Site Feasibility Template Form

On each Edit Site Feasibility Template Form the Actions menu in the upper right corner will contain the Add Configurable Field. When Add Configurable Field is selected the Add Configurable Field Dialog will appear to allow the user to configure the question for the form.


Add Configurable Field Dialog

The Add Configurable Field Dialog will contain the Question Text, Header Text and Answer Type options.

  1. Enter the label that needs to appear on the form in the Question Text Field.
  2. Enter the label that needs to appear in reports in the Header Text Field.
  3. Select the type of answer option for the new question from the Answer Type dropdown.
    • The available options for Answer Type are Text, Multiline Text, Dropdown, Multi Dropdown, Date and Multi Document.
    • The default setting for Answer Type is Text.
    • When Dropdown or Multi Dropdown is selected the Answer Options section will appear.
  4. Enter the text for the Answer Option.
  5. To add an answer option selectand a new Answer Option row will appear.
  6. To move the Answer Option order, click and drag an answer option up or down to change the location of the answer.
  7. To delete an Answer Option select the trash can Trash Can and the row will be removed.

Answer Option Types

  • Text – A Text answer type will provide a text field to enter the answer value. A text field accepts a max of 255 characters. The system will stop accepting characters once 255 has been entered into the field.
  • Multiline Text – A Multiline Text answer type will provide a text field with multiple lines to enter the answer value. A multiline text field accepts a max of 3900 characters. The system will stop accepting characters once 3900 has been entered into the field.
  • Dropdown – A Dropdown will provide a dropdown answer option that allows one answer option to be selected. The Dropdown answer option contains a search field to enter a value and the dropdown will narrow the answers to matches that contain the search value.

  • Multi Dropdown – A Multi Dropdown will provide a dropdown answer option that allows multiple answer options to be selected. With each answer option selected an x appears by the option. To unselect an answer option hit the x.

  • Date – A Date Answer Type will provide a date field with a date picker to select the date. The CTMS Settings for Date Format and Partial Dates Allowed will determine the date format and if partial dates can be entered.
  • Multi Document – A Multi Document Answer Type will provide a Document Field that allows the users to choose files to attach to the form. The Document field will allow files to be updated and removed after attachment.

Add Section

When Add Section is selected the Add Section Dialog will appear to allow the user to configure a spacing and/or section header for the form.

  1. Select Add Section on the Actions menu.
  2. Enter desired text or leave blank to add empty space
  3. Select font size (if adding text)
  4. Select section alignment preference (if adding text)
  5. Select preferred color *Note PDF output will always be black and white
  6. Select divider sizing if divider preferred
  7. Adjust padding (inside the divider line) and margins (outside the divider line) to define how large the empty space created by this section will be.
  8. Select save on the Add Section dialog box.

Edit Existing Questions

Users have the ability to update existing questions on the Site Feasibility Template form based on their need. Users can update the question text and the header text. Header Text is the variable that will label the question in reports.

  1. Select the edit (Edit Icon) icon to open the Display Configuration Dialog.
  2. The Display Configuration Dialog displays the Question Text, Header Text and Answer Type values.
  3. The Question Text Field can be updated to update the text that displays on the form.
  4. The Header Text can be updated to update the label in the Manager and Ad-hoc reports.
  5. When Dropdown is listed as the Answer Type, the Answer Options section will appear.
    • To move the Answer Option order, click and drag an answer option up or down to change the location of the answer.
    • To add an answer option select “Add Answer Option” and a new Answer Option row will appear.
    • Enter the text for the new Answer Option.
    • To delete an Answer Option select the trash can and the row will be removed. Answer Options that are default and cannot be deleted will have a disabled trash can. 
  6. Saving Updates on Existing Questions – when changes are made and Save is selected on the Display Configuration Screen the following warning will display.
    • The warning is to remind the user that the changes being made could change the meaning of a question that could already have data entered. If the meaning of the question is being changed the suggestion is to change the visibility of the existing question and add a new question. 

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