
This article covers selecting a system language that meets the needs of the majority of users.

Table of Contents

On the CTMS Settings page, those configuring the CTMS environment can select a System Language that will meet the needs of the majority of their users. This field determines the language for most preprogrammed answer options as well as default and configured CTMS form fields. Some hardcoded elements of the interface will be displayed based on the user’s language, as selected on their user Profile screen. All preconfigured elements of CTMS have default translations in each of the available system languages.

Choosing a language other than English will make English translation text fields available in the configuration utilities and display options listed below:


Form Configuration: Edit Form

On the CTMS Settings page, those configuring the CTMS environment can select a System Language that will meet the needs of the majority of their users. This field determines the language for most preprogrammed answer options as well as default and configured CTMS form fields. Some hardcoded elements of the interface will be displayed based on the user’s . All preconfigured elements of CTMS have default translations in each of the available system languages.

When viewing a form, a Display English function is present allowing users to toggle their view to include the current field names in English (when English translations are provided during the configuration process).

Display English View

When a language other than English is chosen, the Edit Form screens (Personnel displayed below) will provide a Display English button which toggles states with a Hide English button. With these buttons, users can display or hide the English translation of the field names.



Manager and Form Views

When working in a CTMS where the chosen system language is other than English, the Actions button will provide the option to display English subtext for forms and fields wherever available.




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