
The Scheduler Main Screen acts as a central hub for all job-related configurations. 

Table of Contents

From this screen you can create, delete, edit, enable and disable jobs as well as manually run jobs. You can also access a log of all past actions related to a job.

Create Job and Edit Contents

The initial steps for creating a job are the same across job types and involves setting the basic job settings and adding tasks to the job.

Set Basic Job Settings

  1. On the Scheduler Main Screen, click the ‘Create Job’ link.
  2. On the Create Job Screen, select the appropriate job type.
    Tasks of this type can be added to the job after the job is created.
  3. Enter a descriptive name for the job.
    The job name can be included in email notifications and is included in the default templates.
  4. Select the workgroup that this job should be associated with.
    Only studies belonging to this workgroup or its children workgroups can be associated with this job. Additionally, the workgroup selected dictates which workgroup will be charged job credits each time the job is ran.
  5. Click the Save Button to create the job.
    Once the job is created, it is added to the Scheduler Main Screen. Initially, the job is disabled and has zero tasks, zero recipients and a recurrence of ‘Never.’

Edit Job Contents by Adding Tasks

Once a job has been created, tasks matching the job’s type can be added to the job.

  1. On the Scheduler Main Screen, click the ‘Edit’ link in the Tasks Column.
  2. Click the ‘Add New Task’ button to add a new task to the job or click the Edit Icon to edit an existing task.
  3. To add or edit tasks, follow the instructions on the help pages for CTMS report , export, import, report and custom jobs.

Delete Tasks

If a task is added in error or should no longer be included in the job, the task can be removed from the job.

  1. On the Scheduler Main Screen, click the ‘Edit’ link in the Tasks Column.
  2. Click the Delete Icon to delete a task from a job.
  3. In the confirmation dialog, click the Confirm Button to confirm the removal of the task form the job.

Edit Basic Job Settings

If the name of the job, the job type or the owning workgroup for a job should be changed, the Job Scheduler that owns the job can click the job’s name to edit these details.

Manually Run Job

If you ever want to test a job or run it at a non-scheduled time, Job Schedulers, can manually run jobs that they own and view the results in the Job Log.

Review Job Status

The Status Column provides information regarding the job and its scheduled execution. The following job statuses are possible:

  • Disabled – The job is disabled and will not run automatically
  • Unscheduled – The job is enabled but has not been scheduled
  • Starts at… – The job is scheduled and will start during the time specified

Delete Jobs

Job Schedulers can delete jobs they own. Job Admins cannot delete jobs, but they can disable them.

  1. On the Scheduler Main Screen, check the checkbox beside each job that should be deleted.
  2. In the Choose an Action dropdown menu, select the option ‘Delete Checked.’
  3. Click the Go Button.
  4. On the job deletion screen, click the Confirm Button to confirm the deletion of the job.

Enable and Disable Jobs

When a job is first created, it is disabled by default. Disabled jobs do not run regardless of their recurrence setting but can still be ran manually. Job Schedulers can disable/enable jobs they own. Job Admins can enable/disable any jobs associated with workgroups for which they are a Job Admin.

  1. On the Scheduler Main Screen, check the checkbox beside each job that should be disabled/enabled.
  2. In the Choose an Action dropdown menu, select either the option ‘Enable Checked’ or ‘Disabled Checked.’
  3. Click the Go Button.

The Status Column on the Scheduler Main Screen will update with the new status.

View Jobs

Job Schedulers for a workgroup cannot edit jobs they do not own, but they can view the jobs that exist for the workgroup. They can view task details, recipient and recurrence settings as well as the job log. For more information on viewing task details, see the Job Admin Actions page.

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