
This article provides information on the contents of your desktop once logged into the Fountayn system.  

Table of Contents

After logging into the Fountayn system, you will arrive at the Desktop. The Desktop is a collaborative environment that acts as the starting point for accessing the rest of the system.

The Desktop can be broken down into three main sections, which are described below. The actual contents of each section depend on your study and tool configurations.


The header is made up of the Fountayn or client logo and a set of buttons. This header is accessible on every page.


The profile button displays the user’s name. When clicked, it directs the user to their profile. When you hover the mouse over the profile button, a list of additional links appears. These links direct the user to the Desktop, Files Manager, Calendar and Contacts Manager. The user can also sign out of the system with the Sign Out option.

Training Button

The Training button directs users to the list of courses that the user is currently registered for. For more information on trainings, review the Learning Manager page.

Left Pane

The left pane contains the navigation menu, which contains several sub-menus.

My Tools

The My Tools menu displays all the tool types accessible to you. The following tool types will be accessible based on the configured permissions and tools.

  • Enterprise Manager – Used for managing access to trials
  • Trial Manager – Used to design and manage trials
  • Workflow – Used to manage workflows that can automate processes such as query review processes
  • Billing – Used by those with Admin privileges to generate billing reports
  • Scheduler – Used by those with Scheduler permissions to schedule jobs related to exports, imports and report generation

Select a tool type to view a list of available tools that match that type. Then select a specific tool to access it.

My Studies

The My Studies menu displays all the studies accessible to you. Select a study to view the list of available sites.


The Requests menu displays the number of each type of sharing request available. These requests will appear when a user shares a calendar event, shares a file or shares a copy of a file. When you click these requests, you can view them in detail and either approve or deny the request.

Right Pane

The right pane consists of the user’s name, the current date and the Desktop widgets. By clicking your name, you can access your profile.

Concurrent Logins

When a user account is logged into more than one session at a time on the same environment (i.e. two sessions on secure), the user will receive a red warning at the top of the screen to notify the user another active account session has been started. If the user is not the one triggering the second session, it is recommended the user clicks the Sign Out of All Devices link on the Login Attempt History screen and then resets their password. If the user is aware of the second session the warning can be closed by clicking ‘Dismiss’.

Upon successful login, the browser will remember that the account has logged in before using a cookie. During subsequent logins, the system checks that cookie and if any currently authenticated browser was not previously logged in to, all current sessions will receive the warning. If all currently authenticated sessions are in browsers that were logged in to previously, the warning is not shown.

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