
This article covers e-mail templates available for customization.

Table of Contents

The following Status e-mail templates are available for customization. Click each template to view a sample of the template content, directions about which parts of the template are safe to edit and a list of available context keys.

Customizable Email Templates

Note: Only the content marked in blue within each template should be modified when customizing the template.

In Progress

This notification informs study participants when a form has been marked In Progress


This notification informs study participants when a form or subject has been SDVed.


This notification informs study participants when a form or subject has been frozen.


This notification informs study participants when a form or subject has been locked.


This notification informs study participants when a form or subject has been signed.


This notification informs study participants when a form or subject has been marked as completed.

Form Flow

This notification inform study participants when a form has transitioned from one form flow status to another.

Query Created

This notification informs study participants when a query has been created.

Query Confirmed

This notification informs study participants when a query has been confirmed.

Query Answered

This notification informs study participants when a query has been answered.

Query Closed

This notification informs study participants when a query has been closed.

Query Reopened

This notification informs study participants when a query has been reopened.

Query Declined

This notification informs study participants when a query has been declined.

Subject Status

This notification informs study participants when a subject’s status changes to any of the subject statuses configured for the study.

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