
This article describes each section of the study homepage available for role-specific access.

Table of Contents

After clicking on the Site Name link in the My Studies table on the Desktop, you will arrive at the Study Homepage. The Study Homepage is designed to support your role-specific access to study data and displays the functions available to your designated role.


When entering a study, a new tab appears in the header of the Study Homepage. The name of this tab will match the name of the study you are currently viewing. It features a dropdown menu that includes a link back to the Desktop, tools, and a list of other studies.

Navigation Bar

The navigation bar under the Header includes the following tabs:
Desktop: Redirects to the Desktop.
Site: A tab that displays the name of the site currently being viewed. This tab redirects you to the Study Homepage.
Managers: There are multiple Manager tabs dedicated to supporting your role-specific actions. Read about the different Managers and how to utilize them.
Imports: The system allows the user to import external clinical data files. They can be uploaded in different formats such as text, xml, and Excel. The imports available for each study depend on the study configuration.
Exports: Subject data such as audit logs and queries can be exported for review and analysis. Exports can be in different formats such as text, Excel, or SAS. The exports available for each study depend on the study configuration.
Reports: Hovering the mouse over the Reports tab will display a dropdown list of Standard Reports as well as a link to Ad-Hoc Reports.
Shipments/Schedules/Drug Assignments/Drug Containers: The functions of these tabs utilize Randomization.

More: When more managers are available than what can be displayed in the browser window, the system will display a ‘More’ section in the Hamburger menu.

Actions Tab

The green Actions tab is located on the right side of the screen. The actions listed in this drop down menu change based on your location within the trial. For example, when viewing the Exports screen, the green Actions tab displays ‘No Actions Available’ while on the Study Homepage, the tab may display multiple groups of actions such as Configuration Actions and Randomization Actions. The specific actions shown will also depend on the trial configuration and the roles available in the study.

Configuration Actions

Configuration actions can include any of the following. However, the exact list will depend on the study configuration.

Randomization Actions

The Randomization Actions list will display a set of actions related to randomization when randomization is configured for the study.  These actions are available if the Actions tab is accessed from either the Study Homepage or from any of the Managers that utilize Randomization (Shipments, Schedule, Drug Assignments, and Drug Containers).


The Study Homepage will display widgets such as ‘Announcements’ or ‘Study Documents’. The Study Homepage is configurable in terms of what widgets you see and where they are located on the page. Additionally, widget based information can be exported directly from the Study Homepage. Read the page on Widgets to learn about the different widgets and how to configure them.

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