
This article answers common FAQs about the teamwork functionality.  

Table of Contents


  1. If we have two designers working on a trial, do they both need to have Sandboxes?

    • Yes. When using Teamwork functionality, we recommend that no design work occur directly in the Master trial. This helps ensure that changes made be the designers are properly merged and conflicts are reconciled.

    We usually only use one designer on a trial. How might Teamwork functionality still be useful?

    • Instead of using separate sandboxes for each designer, you can use sandboxes for various stages of the design. For example, if you need to get a jump start on designing randomization and trial supply while other aspects of the trial are still being finalized, you can create one sandbox for randomization and supply configuration while the rest of the trial is designed in a different sandbox. This allows you to control when the Randomization and Supply configuration is pushed to the master and available for review in the Approve environment.
  3. How will Sandbox trials appear in Enterprise Manager?

    • Sandbox trials will appear in Enterprise Manager within the workgroup of the Trial Manager where it is created. For Sandbox trials created directly from the Master, the Enterprise Manager in Secure will show only the Trial workgroup. In all other environments, the sites created for the Sandbox will appear as normal. For a standard trial converted to a Sandbox, the Enterprise Manager in Secure will show the All Sites tool and any other sites created in the Production folder in Trial Manager prior to the conversion to a Sandbox.

  4. Is it possible to have a Teamwork conflict for a ‘True/False’ or ‘Yes/No’ setting or property?

    • Yes. When a Master version is pulled to a Sandbox, the system will do a three-way comparison between the current Master version, the current Sandbox version, and the common baseline version. When this comparison is done, the system looks at the actual value of the setting, not the implied meaning. For example, consider a property that has a default value of ‘False’ – meaning that if no value is specified the property is not implemented. If the common baseline has the property set to ‘True’ and the property is subsequently disabled in two sandboxes (one by deleting the property and one by setting it to False), once the first sandbox version is pushed to the master and then pulled down into the second sandbox, the system will identify this as a conflict since the same property was changed in different ways in each sandbox.

    What does ‘No Element’ mean in the Conflict resolution screen?

    • ‘No Element’ means that in one of the compared versions, the identified object does not exist / has been deleted. When this type of conflict occurs due to removing a question from the Display worksheet, and the ‘No Element’ value is selected, the screen will also provide a hint/reminder that selecting this option will also remove the question from the QuestionLayout Template worksheet.

    Is it possible to preview potential conflicts that may exist when pulling the latest version from the Master?

    • Yes. When initiating the “Pull from Master” action, use the “Published version” instead of the “Committed Version” for conflict resolution. This will allow you to review possible conflicts without actually resolving them.
  7. After pulling the latest version from the Master and resolving any conflicts, is it possible to review the new version from the end user perspective?

    • Yes. Like all trials, Sandbox trials allow you to view the latest published version in the Design environment. After pulling the latest Master version and resolving conflicts, Navigate to the Edit Architect screen and use the “Publish to Design” option to publish the latest version for review.

    Why am I getting the compiler error “This Data Architect file was created for an old version. It cannot be used for this trial anymore”?

    • This error indicates that the dA file you are trying to commit is from an old version. Every time a version is pushed to the Master or pulled from the Master, a new dA file should be downloaded from the ‘Edit Architect’ screen. For more information see Master Information Property.

    Can we continue to use formatting (color, divider lines, etc) in our dataArchitect file to track updates in the file when using Teamwork?

    • While you can continue to use these formatting options, use of Teamwork will require more frequent downloading of up-to-date dA files from the Edit Architect screen which removes the formatting. Because the compiler ignores this formatting at the time of committing a version, the formatting is not available when you extract a version.

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