
This article covers the Design node which is used to edit and compile the Data Architect file, add and manage data files for a study and view changes between committed and published versions of the Data Architect file.

Table of Contents

The Design node is used to edit and compile the Data Architect file, add and manage data files for a study and view changes between committed and published versions of the Data Architect file.

DCT Connection

Refer to the DCT Connection instructions for more information on this form.

Edit Architect

The Edit Architect form allows you to edit a particular version of the Data Architect file by downloading it (also known as decompiling).

Open Data Architect File

  1. On the Edit Architect form, select the radio button beside the version of the DA file that you want to edit.
  2. Chose ‘Open Data Architect File’ from the dropdown menu.
  3. Click the ‘Go’ button to download the Data Architect file.
    The Data Architect file can be opened once the download is complete.

Publish Version to Design

  1. On the Edit Architect form, select the radio button beside the version of the DA file that you want to publish to design. For example, after pulling the latest master version to a Teamwork Sandbox, you may wish to publish that version to Design for the Sandbox.
  2. Choose ‘Publish Version to Design’ from the dropdown menu.
  3. Click the ‘Go’ button to publish. An information screen will appear providing confirmation of the successful publish. Click Ok to return to the Edit Architect screen.

Revert to Prior Version

  1. This option allows you to select a previous trial version and make it the latest committed version. For example, if several changes were made in the DataArchitect file that are no longer desired, you can quickly undo the work by reverting to the prior committed version.
  2. On the Edit Architect form, select the radio button beside the prior committed version of the study configuration to be reverted.
  3. Choose ‘Revert to Prior Version’ from the dropdown menu.
  4. Review the Confirmation Page.
  5. Click OK to Continue. The prior version will be committed as the latest version.

Documentation Output

  1. Select the version to Generate Documentation Output using the checkbox.
  2. Under the drop-down action menu, select the Documentation output option, then click GO.
  3. Once downloaded, locate and unzip the file using 'Extract Here'.  

Compile Architect

The Compile Architect form allows you to compile and commit DataArchitect files as well as download additional output related to a Data Architect file.

Compile and Publish DA File to Design

During the initial design phase, the DA file can be published to the design server to test the features and functionality immediately.

  1. Navigate to the Compile Architect form.
  2. Data Architect File: Browse to the appropriate DA file.
    The DA file type must be XLS (XLSX is not supported for DataArchitect Files at this time).
  3. Suppress Warning: Check this checkbox if warnings should be suppressed during the compilation process.
  4. Write Additional Output: Check this checkbox if additional output about the trial configuration should be generated. If generating additional output, review the additional output section.
  5. Publish to Design Server: Check this checkbox to publish to the Design Server.
Note: When a new version of Fountayn is released, the Design server will always display the most recently committed version of the DataArchitect (DA) directly after the deployment. If a DA file has never been committed to the repository (only published), the system will indicate to the user that nothing is currently published.

  1. Click the ‘Compile’ button.
    After compilation, any errors or warnings related to the process will be displayed in the ‘Compiler Output’ section.

Compile and Commit DA File to Repository

Once the Trial Designer has completed the study configuration, the XML for the DA compilation can be committed to the version control repository. Once committed to the repository, the trial can be released to the Test, Approve and Production servers.

  1. Navigate to the Compile Architect form.
  2. Data Architect File: Browse to the appropriate DA file.
    The DA file type must be XLS (XLSX is not supported for DataArchitect Files at this time).
  3. Suppress Warning: Check this checkbox if warnings should be suppressed during the compilation process.
  4. Write Additional Output: Check this checkbox if additional output about the trial configuration should be generated. If generating additional output, review the additional output section.
  5. Commit XML to Repository: Check this checkbox to commit the XML.
  6. Commit Message: This option will appear below the 'Commit XML to Repository' once the has been selected. Write a short commit message to help identify the version and state of the study configuration. The commit message will display next to the newly posted version in the Edit Architect "Description" column after Compile has been selected. 
  7. Click the ‘Compile’ button.

Download Additional Output

The additional output delivered by the Trial Manager at compilation can be configured via the App Properties and Question Layout Template worksheets in the DA. For detailed instructions on what you can generate and how, see here. Below are the steps to download these outputs once configured.

  1. Navigate to the Compile Architect form
  2. Data Architect File: Browse to the appropriate DA file.
  3. Write Additional Output: Make sure this box is checked.
  4. Click the ‘Compile’ button.
  5. Click ‘Download your additional output’.

Add Data Files

Additional custom Java files, JSP files and data files can be published to the version control repository. This utility is restricted to particular roles, however.

Compile and Publish Additional Files to Design

During the initial design phase, data files can be published to the design server to test the features and functionality immediately.

  1. Navigate to the ‘Add Data Files’ form.
  2. Java, JSP, or Data File: Browse to the appropriate file.
  3. If more than one file needs to be updated, click the ‘+’ button beside the browse button and browse to the additional files.
  4. Publish to Design Server: Check this checkbox to publish the file to Design.
  5. Click the ‘Compile’ button.

Compile and Commit Data File to Design

Once the Trial Designer has finished configuring the additional files, they can be committed to the version control repository. Once committed to the repository, the code can be released to the Test, Approve and Production servers.

  1. Navigate to the ‘Add Data Files’ form.
  2. Java, JSP, or Data File: Browse to the appropriate file.
  3. If more than one file needs to be updated, click the ‘+’ button beside the browse button and browse to the additional files.
  4. Publish to Design Server: Leave this checkbox unchecked.
  5. Commit to Repository: Check this checkbox to commit the file.
  6. Commit Message: Write a short commit message to help identify the version and state of the code configurations.
  7. Click the ‘Compile’ button.

Manage Data Files

The Manage Data Files form allows you to download and delete the data files that have been published to Design and committed to the repository.

Download Data Files

  1. On the Manage Data Files screen, select the trial version that contains the file that you want to download.
    This version might be ‘Design’, ‘Repository’ or some other version.
  2. Beside the file that you wish to download, select the ‘Download’ icon represented by a red arrow.

Alternatively, you may check the checkbox beside all files that you want to download and select ‘Download’ from the Actions dropdown menu.

Delete Data Files

  1. On the Manage Data Files screen, choose ‘Design’ or ‘Repository’ from the Version dropdown menu.
  2. Select the check box beside the file(s) that should be deleted.
  3. From the Actions drop down menu, select ‘Delete.’
  4. Click the ‘Go’ button.
    A new window will appear asking you to confirm the deletion.
  5. Click ‘OK’ to confirm the action.
    If no errors occur, the system will notify you of a successful deletion.

View Changes

The View Changes form allows you to view the differences between old and new versions of the Data Architect file. Changes can be viewed between committed versions and versions published to the Design server.

  1. Navigate to the ‘View Changes’ node in the Form Navigation.
  2. Old Version: In this field select the older compilation of your DA that you wish to compare against.
  3. New Version: In this field select the newer revision of your DA.
  4. Click the ‘Go’ button.

The differences between the two files will be displayed at the bottom of your screen.

All Sites – Design

The site network is managed independently on each server. The All Sites link is initially created when the trial is setup – one link/tool on each server’s node in the Form Navigation. These initial tools are meant to be a starting point for building the appropriate site networks for Design, Test, Approve and Production use. Trial Manager provides the ability to build a comprehensive site network as well as multiple independent tools.

Minimum Site Configuration

In order to add a site to a study there are certain required fields that must be completed. A site will be added to the Trial Manager as soon as the form is saved, regardless of the form’s completion. The instructions below outline the minimum suggested configuration to add a site to any node in the Trial Manager.

  1. Click on ‘All Sites’ beneath the ‘Design’ node in the Form Navigation.
  2. Click the ‘Add Site…’ button in the form-level actions bar.
  3. Site Name: Enter a name for your site here.
  4. Parent Site: Choose a site to use as a container from the dropdown list. (All Sites is the top level)
  5. Role Set: Choose a role set to use from the dropdown list.
  6. Classification: Choose the appropriate classification from the dropdown list.
  7. Tool ID: Leave this field blank, it will be automatically generated when you save.
  8. Click the ‘Check Data’ button.
  9. Click the ‘Save Form’ button.

The subsequent fields may be filled with details concerning the physical location and contact information for the site being created. The fields described in this section are required, however, for a site to be activated in a study.

Field Size Restrictions

The following fields on the Site Form cannot contain a value that exceeds the field size.

  • Site Name – 255 characters or less
  • Site Address Line 1 – 100 characters or less
  • Site Address Line 2 – 100 characters or less
  • Suite/Office/Floor – 100 characters or less
  • City – 40 characters or less
  • State/Province – 100 characters or less
  • Postal Code – 20 characters or less
  • Phone Number – 25 characters or less
  • Fax Number – 25 characters or less
  • Email – 255 characters or less

Managing Parent Sites

The Trial Manager arranges new sites in a hierarchy consisting of parent sites, child sites, and sites possessing neither parents nor children. In any study ‘All Sites’ is the highest-order container site at the time of enrollment, but this may be changed. When you fill a site form, you are prompted to choose a parent site. Your choice of parent site should reflect the planned organizational structure of your study’s data collection sites and other tools. Below is an image demonstrating a possible configuration of sites.

Import Existing Networks of Sites

In some cases you may want to import an existing network of sites or keep a template on hand to expedite the creation of sites in the future. This is done from the Design node using a sites template file.

  1. In the Form Navigation, click on the Design node.
  2. Where it says, “Please click here to download a template file” click the ‘here’ link.
  3. When the download completes, open the sitesTemplate.csv file.
  4. Complete and save the sitesTemplate.csv file.
Note: The document will likely open for editing in Excel by default. The Trial Manager will only accept CSV file types. Take care to preserve the .csv file extension when saving.
  1. On the Design page, beside ‘Sites CSV File’ click ‘Browse’.
  2. Locate your template file, and click ‘Import’.

If the template was completed properly, the site network will be automatically created.

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