
The following article provides instruction on the ‘Additional Output’ feature which is used to generate files during the DA compilation process. 

Table of Contents

These files provide in depth information about the casebook and trial configuration as described in detail within the File Descriptions section.

Generate Additional Output

  1. Within the navigation menu, click ‘Trial Manager’. 
  2. From the ‘Trials’ page, locate the appropriate trial by either scrolling through each page of results or using the Trial Manager filters.  Click that trial to select.
  3. Using the Form Links tree on the left, expand the Design link by clicking the plus sign (+).
  4. Click the ‘Compile Architect’ link.
  5. Data Architect File: Browse to the appropriate DA file.
Note: The DA file type must be .xls (.xlsx is not supported for DataArchitect Files at this time).
  1. Write Additional Output:  To generate additional output about the trial configuration, check this box.
  2. Click the ‘Compile’ button.
  3. After compilation, any errors or warnings related to the process will be displayed in the ‘Compiler Output’ section.

Access Additional Output

Once the file compiles successfully, the system will display a link to the additional output after the ‘Compile Successful’ message.  Click the ‘Download your additional output’ link to access the file, which is named ‘’.

File Descriptions

This section describes the contents of the file. Depending on the configuration of the trial, some of these files may not be included in the output file.


A sample, blank casebook for review.


This file is the same as the Crf.pdf but with additional information including types, IDs, formats and additional notes provided within the DA file.

Form Annotations

Blue text can be found below each form name. This text displays the Form ID and Form Type ID in parenthesis. When the Form ID and Form Type ID are equal, the Form Type ID is marked with chevrons to represent the equality: (Form ID, <Form Type ID>).

Question Annotations

Two lines of blue text can be found below each question. The first line displays the Question ID and Question Type ID in parenthesis. As with Form Annotations, when the Question ID and Question Type ID are equal, the Question Type ID is marked with chevrons to represent the equality: (Question ID, <Question Type ID>). The second line displays the Data Type and Display Type for the question.

In some cases a third line of blue text may appear below a question. This is an extra note specified by the Software Implementation Specialist (SIS) and provides any additional information related to the question.

Additional Annotations

Blue annotations related to formatting and data values can also be found below or beside each answer for a question.

Form Architecture

Information related to form architecture can be found on the Form Architecture page and bookmarks section of the Crf files.  Each form’s architecture demonstrates how the form is handled in the application. The architecture is designated by either square brackets or asterisks surrounding the form name.

Form NameForms displayed without any brackets or asterisks are forms that are contained within a parent form. These forms are created at the same time as the parent.
[Form Name]Single square brackets around the form name signify dynamic forms. Generally, these forms are created by clicking an “Add <form name>…” link on the parent form.
*Form Name*Asterisks around the form name signify that the creation of the form depends on circumstances such as branching commands or other customizations.
[[Form Name]]Double square brackets around the form name signifies a dynamic form and that it has been added by an existing dynamic form.


This log file indicates that no error occurred during the CRF export and appears only when the export was successful.  Otherwise, the export creates an error log.


This log file contains a list of error messages related to the failed export. It is only created when errors occur during the export.


This text file lists all dependencies grouped by the form that they appear on. This file can be useful as a reference or during User Acceptance Testing. To view this summary as an excel spreadsheet, open the .txt document in excel and follow the Text Import Wizard instructions.


This text file lists all unique dependencies broken down by question instance. This file can be useful as a reference or during User Acceptance Testing. To view this summary as an excel spreadsheet, open the .txt document in excel and follow the Text Import Wizard instructions.


This file presents a table of contents for the Crf files. Unless disabled in the study configuration, each form name links to the form in Crf.pdf and each ‘…’ after the form name links to the form in the CrfAnnotated.pdf.

Xml Files

The following is a list of xml files that may be included in the export depending on how the trial is configured. These files are generally only used by Fountayn

 personnel and may be ignored in most cases.

  • trialnameDefinition.xml – Defines all forms and questions that exist in the trial
  • trialnameDisplay.xml – Defines how forms and questions are displayed in the trial (groupings, order, etc)
  • trialnameExport.xml – A listing of all available exports
  • trialnameFormFlow.xml – Defines the configured form flows
  • trialnameImport.xml – A listing of all available imports
  • trialnamePermission.xml – Specification of roles and which permissions they contain
  • trialnameProperties.xml – A key/value pair listing of properties for the trial. Many of these control how the trial behaves
  • trialnameRandomization.xml – Defines all randomization-related properties
  • trialnameTemplate.xml – Defines the hierarchy of questions and forms

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