
This article covers the contents and usage of the Question Layout - Template worksheet.

Table of Contents

The Question Layout – Template worksheet associates formIds and questionTypeIds with the questionId.

BEST PRACTICE: Order is not significant. However, set up the Question Layout worksheet in the same order as the Display file, and the basic flow and order of the study. Be sure to separate by form. Otherwise, maintenance and testing will be very difficult.


Using the Display worksheet as a reference, questionId is associated with questionTypeId, allowing more flexibility and ease of development. It is an association between Question Types and question instances. Enter the unique question variable identifier for the question on the form. This is the variable name appearing in the column header of an export, and in the same order as in the Display file. The questionIds on the Question Layout – Template worksheet should be the same for each form as it appears on the Display worksheet. The questionTypeId on the Question Types – Definition Worksheet is most often used. Therefore, if a questionTypeId is used more than once on a form, the questionId has to be unique for each question within a form. For example, if we use a date question three times on one form, and the questionTypeId for the date is visitDate, the questionId for these questions might be visitDate1, visitDate2, visitDate3.

Note: questionId should not exceed 32 characters.


Drawn from the Question Types – Definition worksheet, this property uniquely defines the questionType among all other IDs of any element in the application/trial. It defines the question text appearing on the eCRF. Multiple questions may use the same questionTypeId if the question is repeated. Also, multiple questionTypeIds can be represented by a single questionId (defined in the Display worksheet). The Question Layout – Template worksheet defines specific questions; it takes formType and allocates a question. This defines a unique question in a dataset.

Example 1: Weight is captured at both Visit 1 and Visit 2. In this case, the questionTypeId (weight) is used for both the Visit 1 weight and the Visit 2 weight. This means the text and edit checks for the weight question are reusable at both Visit 1 and Visit 2.

Example 2: Visit Date is captured at Visit 1 as ‘Date of First Visit’ (visit1Date) and at Visit 2 as ‘Date of Second Visit’ (visit2Date). It is possible to have the same questionId (dateVisit) on different forms map back to different questionTypeIds. This is helpful when results need to be combined to a single export column, but the question text or edit checks vary across forms. In this example, a column, “dateVisit”, would store information collected from both the visit1Date and visit2Date questionTypeIds.

WARNING: If data is combined, please ensure the data types are the same.

Note: questionTypeId should not exceed 255 characters.


Drawn from the Forms – Template worksheet, the formId is a unique variable name for each instance of a form; e.g., inclusionExclusion might represent the form “Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria.” When the record is created, the system supplies the dotted hierarchical ids. Therefore, a simple CamelCase word or group of words will suffice. The DataArchitect compiler will indicate when the identifier is not unique, or when the dynamic form is specified multiple times.

Note: formId should not exceed 255 characters.

Annotated CRF Note

This field allows extra information to be inserted into the PDF export. This can be for any purpose that the default information does not fulfill. It can be a powerful tool for providing application specific notations for review purposes.

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