
This article covers how to manage DataArchitect versions.

Table of Contents

Every time a Sandbox version is Pushed to Master or Pulled from Master, a new DataArchitect file must be downloaded (decompiled) from the Edit Architect page. As a result, when using Teamwork Functionality you may need to modify your typical workflow for managing DataArchitect versions.

Note: Any formatting (color, borders, etc) applied in the DataArchitect file is ignored by the Compiler during the Publish and Commit actions. As a result, the formatting is not present in a DataArchitect file downloaded from the Edit Architect page.

Master Information Property

The Master Information Property is an application property and value automatically set by the system and assigned to Sandbox trials to reflect the last version match. Each time a Sandbox version is Pushed to Master or Pulled from Master, the value of the property is updated.

When a DataArchitect file is committed to a Sandbox, the system will check to make sure that the file has the correct (latest) Master Information Property value. The purpose of this check is to prevent a user from unintentionally committing an old version of the study into a Sandbox, and subsequently pushing that version to the Master – which can have unintended impact on other Sandboxes.

In the event that you attempt to commit an old DataArchitect file to a Sandbox, the system will detect that the value of the masterInformation property in the file does not match the latest expected value for the application. In this case, a compiler error will be presented and no version will be committed.

This issue can be resolved by taking one of the following actions:

  1. Download the latest DataArchitect file from the Edit Architect screen and apply the intended changes in the new file.
  2. Update the value of the masterInformation property in the old file to match the value of the latest version decompiled from the system. This course of action should only be taken if it is intended to use an old trial configuration.

Revert to a Prior Version

If a prior version needs to be restored, you can also use the Revert to Prior Version function found in the Choose an Action menu on the Edit Architect screen.

When using this option in a Teamwork trial, carefully read the Confirmation message to review the potential impact on other Sandbox trials.

Clean Pull from Master

If changes configured in a Teamwork Sandbox trial need to be completely removed, one easy option for doing this is to use the Clean Pull from Master function available on the Teamwork Sandbox page. This function will Pull the latest Master version to the Sandbox without merging in the Sandbox work. As a result, the Sandbox version will be restored to the Master version and all other work will be overwritten. This option is available to the Configurator and Teamwork Configurator roles.

  1. Navigate to the Teamwork Sandbox page.
  2. From the Actions menu, select the option Clean Pull from Master.
  3. Confirm the action by clicking OK.
  4. Once the action is complete, the Teamwork Sandbox page will display with updated information.

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