
This article covers the contents of the feasibility report.

Table of Contents

The Feasibility report will display the Site Feasibility results for each study. The report will contain a column for each question configured for the site feasibility form at the study level. When the Feasibility report is accessed the Select a Study screen will appear, a study must be selected to display the Feasibility report.

When a study is selected and the Save button is clicked, the Feasibility report for the selected study will appear. The report will display the study selected and the name of the feasibility template will appear in parenthesis.

Each row will contain the site name and the study-specific Study Site name. A column will display for each question configured on the form. Column titles are based on the header names chosen during form configuration. These can be edited by accessing the form through CTMS settings.
When a study has updated the Feasibility Template and study sites have both templates answered, the Actions menu will contain an action labeled “Report on X”, where X is the name of the old Feasibility Template. When the “Report on” action is selected the Feasibility Report will update to display the questions from the old template. The Feasibility Report will default to the current template defined on the Study Form.


By clicking the options Excel, CSV or PDF in the Actions menu, the system will provide an export of the Feasibility Report table. The export will also contain an Export Summary table to provide details of the report (user who exported the report, the study used, the role of the user, the generation time and start time of the report export).


Before exporting as a PDF, configure your export by following the instructions for PDF Configuration.

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