
This article covers the default fields available on the configurable site budget form.

Table of Contents

The site budget for each site for the study is managed through the Site Budget form, one of many Configurable Forms. It is from this screen that relevant information concerning the budget for the site is collected.

Access Site Budget Form

The Site Budget form for each site can be accessed under each Study Site Name. When a site contract has not been added to a site, the Site Budget menu appears under the Site Menu.

When a site contract has been added to a site, Site Contracts will appear under the Site Menu.

Default Fields

The Site Budget form contains default fields, the Site Specific Budget Items table and the Visit Payment Schedule table.

Budget Name Field

The Budget Name field is a text field used to identify the budget and will identify the site budget in the Site Payments manager. By default, the Budget Name field is a required field and a black alert will fire if the Budget Name data is not provided and the form cannot be saved until the Budget Name data is entered. The Budget Name field’s Visibility settings cannot be changed.

Payment Frequency Field

The Payment Frequency field is a dropdown select field used to identify the expected frequency of the payments. By default options available are “On Demand”, “Monthly”, “Quarterly”, “Semi-annually”, “Annually”, “Weekly”, “Bi-weekly”, and “Bi-monthly”. These options can be changed via the Payment Frequency Managed List found in CTMS Settings. By default, the Payment Frequency field is a preferred field and a red alert will fire if the Payment Frequency is not provided. The Payment Frequency field’s Visibility settings cannot be changed.

Payment Currency Field

The Payment Currency field is a dropdown select field used to identify which currency is defined in the contract payment terms. The field will contain as options all currencies supported by the system. By default, the Payment Currency field is a required field and a black alert will fire if the Payment Currency is not provided and the form cannot be saved until the Payment Currency data is entered. The Payment Currency field’s visibility settings cannot be changed.

Site Specific Budget Items Table

The Site Specific Budget Items table allows site specific budget items that are not patient status specific to be defined. The Site Specific Items added are included in the Site Payment Approvals Manager listing of items to approve for payments when the system calculates the site payments.

Select the “Add Row” button to add a new row to collect additional budget items in the site contracts

Once a new row is added and saved, the additional row will display a delete icon. Select the delete icon to remove the additional row.

Visit Payment Schedule Table

The Visit Payment Schedule table allows the setting of the amount that was budgeted for the site and the amount agreed upon for each Patient Status/progress marker. The Visit Payment Schedule table will list a row for each Visit Data item defined for the Visit Schedule in the Clinical Plans for the study.

  • The Budgeted field should be the total expected to pay for each visit to the site. Example: If the site is expecting 10 screening patients and the amount per visit is $500, the budgeted amount for Screening would be $5,000.
  • The Amount field should be the individual amount that will be paid per patient when the visit data field has occurred.
  • Visit Data items that appear on an EDC dynamic form will appear only once on this screen, to capture the budgeted amount for the instance. The true amount of actual instances per patient will appear with populated data on the Study Site > Patients screen.
  • The Site Payment Approvals Manager will take the amount entered for each value and populate the amount required for site payments for each patient that has data for the visit. For example, if Screening Date contain $500 and the site has a patient with the Screening Date provided, the Site Payments Approvals Manager will list the $500 for approval.
  • The Study Budgets form will take the sum of all budgeted fields for the total amount budgeted for the site.
  • Payments that have been approved or rejected retain the payment amount that was assigned on the Study Site Budget at the time of approval/rejection. There may be situations that require payment amounts to change throughout the life of a study. In this scenario, ensure that all payments pending approval/rejection (that should be the original payment amounts) are approved/rejected prior to changing amounts on the Study Site Budget.

Note: When Visit Payments are triggered in the Approvals Manager, they will be assessed using the currently configured Amount for that Visit in the Visit Payment Schedule. Once Visit Payments are approved, however, they will become fixed in the Payment Managers and will not be affected by changes to the payment schedule. Removing this Approval status will allow the system to recalculate those payments using any changed values.


Importing Site Budget Information


Site Budget, Site Budget Items, and Visit Schedule Budget Items

This information can be imported as part of the Study Vendor Import. Click here for more information.

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