
This article covers the uses for the site payments manager including tracking approved payments, the payment terms of the contract, and the amount owed to each study site.

Table of Contents

In the Site Payments Manager approved payments can be tracked, allowing you to see how much is owed to each Study Site and the payment terms associated with their contract. The drilldown views in this manager will allow you to review individual payments and issue payments on the total owed.

Access Site Payments Manager

From within the CTMS platform, click the expandable menu to the left of the screen and select Site Payments.

Available Columns and Filter Types

The Site Payments Manager is comprised of columns that can be dragged and dropped between the Manager and Filters Menu. The values of the Payee and Primary Contact column serve as a link to the records they represent. For more information see the article on CTMS Managers.

The following table defines each column, the actions made available through the column value and the filters and sorts available.

StudyDisplays the Study the study site is for.(none)YesText
PayeeDisplays the Study Site name for the site payment.Links to the Study Site form.YesText
Payment FrequencyDisplays the Payment Frequency defined for the Site Budget form for the study site.(none)YesChoice
Late PaymentsDisplays if a payment item has a Due Date that has past and the item is not marked Paid.(none)NoNone
Days LateDisplays the number of days past the latest Due Date for payment items unpaid.(none)NoNone
Date PaidDisplays the dates payment items were marked paid.(none)NoNone
CurrencyDisplays the Currency defined on the Site Budget form for the study site.(none)YesText
AmountDisplays the total amount of the payment items based on the Payment Status selected.(none)NoNone
DetailsDisplays the hyperlink text “Details”.Links to Payment Details screen.NoNone
Payment StatusDisplays the payment status of Paid and Unpaid.(none)NoChoice
Budget NameDisplays the name of the Budget on the Site budget form for the study site.(none)YesText
Primary ContactDisplays the Principal Investigator that has been assigned on the Site Personnel.Links to the Personnel record for the Primary Contact.NoneText

Choose An Action – Press Go!

The Choose An Action Press Go menu in the Site Payments Manager allows the following actions to occur to all items at the site. To perform actions at a payment item level, the Payment Details screen should be used.

  • Mark as Unpaid – Mark all Paid payment items to the Unpaid status. Appears only when Paid is only selected for Payment Status.
  • Mark as Paid – Mark all Unpaid payment items to the Paid status. Appears only when Unpaid is only selected for Payment Status.
  • Change Due Date – Change all payment items due date.


The Actions Menu can be expanded by clicking and contains the following options:


By clicking the options Excel or CSV, the system will provide an export of the information currently displayed in the Manager table in the chosen format. The content of this export will be based on the filters applied to the table at the time of export.

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Please visit the Fountayn Contact Information page.