
This article covers the steps to adding a vendor to a study and also removing a vendor from the study.

Table of Contents

Any Vendor added to the Vendor Manager can be added to a study. Adding a vendor from the Vendor Manager reduces the need to duplicate vendor and vendor personnel information. The vendor’s personnel are listed to define which personnel will work on the particular study.


Add Vendor to Study

On the Edit Study form select the action “Add Vendor to Study”.

The Add Vendor to Study box will appear.


Step 1

Using the column filter and search options, locate the vendor(s) to be added to the study. Select the checkbox for the vendor and select Next. Vendors listed but already added to the study, will not have a select option.


Add a New Vendor

To add a new vendor that does not currently have a vendor record or has an existing vendor record to which you do not have access, select the Add New Vendor button.

Complete the Vendor Name, Country and Vendor Service fields and click Save.

Upon saving, the entered information will be compared to existing vendor records in the Vendor Manager. If a match is detected, the existing record will be selected as the vendor added to the study. If a match is not detected, a new vendor record will be created to be completed when convenient.


Step 2

Select the Vendor Services the vendor will perform for the study. Multiple services can be selected and the services available are defined in the Vendor Services Managed List.

Select Next.

Step 3

All personnel linked to the vendor by the personnel question will display on Step 3.

The role field will automatically populate with the role data currently associated with the listed personnel in the Vendor Manager. To change the user’s role, select the box and a dropdown will appear with all roles defined on the Edit Study form.

To remove a role select the ‘X’ by the role name. If personnel at the vendor are not participating in a study, remove all the roles and leave the role field blank.
By selecting Clear All on the Step 3 dialog, all roles populated based on the Personnel record will be removed.
Select the date the personnel started on the study.

Select Save to complete the process of adding a vendor to a study.

Remove Vendor from Study

If a vendor is added to a study in error, the vendor can be removed by a CTMS Administrator.

  1. On the Study Vendor Form, select Remove Vendor from Study in the Actions Menu.
  2. A confirmation screen will appear confirming the deletions.
Note: When a vendor is removed all data entered on the vendor forms are deleted and cannot be restored.

  1. Select Confirm to on the confirmation screen.

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