
This article covers the two components of the payment tracking features, which include the site payment approvals manager and the sit payments manger. 

The Site Payment Approvals Manager and the Site Payments Manager are two components of the payment tracking features in CTMS. Site payments are triggered in response to the creation of Site Specific Budget items and Visit Payments, both of which are configured from the Site Budget Form.

The Site Payment Approvals Manager gives you a single location where you can view any site payments pending approval across all studies you have access to. The Details drilldown functionality of this manager allows you to review individual payments or process them in batch from the manager. In the Site Payments Manager, approved payments can be tracked, allowing you to see how much is owed to each Study Site and the payment terms associated with their contract. The Details drilldown views in this manager will allow you to review individual payment items and issue payments on the total owed. Together, these two managers grant a high level view of site payment activity across all studies.


The following defines the workflow process required to get a payment to appear in the Approvals manager.

  1. Visit Schedule is completed and activated for each study to define the questions that need be captured in the CTMS for patients and the data points that will trigger a payment.
  2. Site Contract is completed to define the contracts signed with the site.
  3. Site Budget form is completed:
    1. Site Specific Budget Items are defined.
    2. Each component of the Visit Schedule can be assigned a value. This indicates that when a patient record has this data point completed, a visit payment will be issued to that site. These values for payments tied to the visit schedule are assigned individual for each site on their Site Budget form.
  4. Site Specific Budget items will appear in the Site Payment Approvals manager once entered.
  5. Visit Payment items will appear in the Site Payment Approvals manager once a patient is created and the question or data point tied to the payment has been answered in the patient record.
  6. Site Payment Approvals Manager
    1. Payments in Site Payment Approvals are Pending by default, and can be transitioned to Approve/Reject.
    2. When Payments are approved, they can be optionally assigned a due date which will group the payments together in the Site Payment Manager.
    3. When Payments are rejected a reason for rejection must be entered.
    4. Payments in Approve/Reject can be transitioned into Pending via clear action.
  7. Site Payments Manager
    1. Payments in the Site Payments Manager are populated with entries in Site Payment Approvals that have been marked Approved, removing this Approval status from a payment will remove that entry from the Payments Manager table.
    2. Payments can be transitioned from an Unpaid status to Paid Status and from Paid Status to Unpaid.
    3. The Details level displays the individual payments that make up the total seen in the Site Payments Manager, and contains the Change Due Date action to reassign the date.

Note: If a payment item is marked Paid, and the Site Payment Approval Status is changed from Approved to Rejected or Pending, the item will be removed from the Site Payments Manager. If the item is marked Approved again, the payment item appears in the Site Payment Manager and the status of the item will be restored to its previous status of Paid. 

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