
This article covers the site payment approvals manager that provides a single location to view site payments across all studies. 

Table of Contents

The Site Payment Approvals Manager provides you with a single location where you can view site payments across all studies. The Site Payment Approvals Manager shows one aggregate total for each site with an active contract that displays the sum of all payments based on the Status filter. A granular view is provided to view the detail items for each site.

When Visit Payments are triggered in the Approvals Manager, they will be assessed using the currently configured Amount for that Visit in the Visit Payment Schedule found on each Site Budget form. If the values on the Visit Payment Schedule are modified in a given Site Budget, any unapproved payments will be recalculated using the updated value. Once Visit Payments are approved, however, they will become fixed in the Payment Managers and will not be affected by changes to the payment schedule. Removing this Approval status will allow the system to recalculate those payments using any changed values.

Note: If a Site is deleted from a study, all site payment items are removed from the payment managers.  If a patient is deleted from a study, all payment items tied to the patient are removed from the payment managers.

Access Site Payment Approvals Manager

From within the CTMS platform, click the expandable menu to the left of the screen and select Site Payment Approvals.

Available Columns and Filter Types

The Site Payment Approvals Manager is comprised of columns that can be dragged and dropped between the Manager and Filters Menu. The values of the Payee and Primary Contact column serve as a link to the records they represent. For more information see the article on CTMS Managers.

The following table defines each column, the actions made available through the column value and the filters and sorts available.

PayeeDisplays the Study Site name for the site payment.Links to the Study Site form.YesText
StudyDisplays the Study the study site is for.(none)YesText
Approval StatusDisplays the payment item status of Pending, Approved and Rejected.(none)YesChoice
CurrencyDisplays the Currency defined on the Site Budget form for the study site.(none)YesText
AmountDisplays the total amount of the payment items based on the approval status selected.(none)NoNone
DetailsDisplays the hyperlink text “Details”.Links to Site Payment Details screen.NoNone
Primary ContactDisplays the Principal Investigator that has been assigned on the Site Personnel.Links to the Personnel record for the Primary Contact.NoText

Choose An Action – Press Go!

The Choose An Action Press Go menu in the Site Payment Approvals Manager allows the following actions to occur to all items at the site. To perform actions at a payment item level, the Site Payment Details screen should be used.

  • Approve – Approve all pending payment items and set to the Approved Status
  • Reject – Reject all pending payment items and set to the Rejected Status.
  • Clear Approve/Reject – Clear all Approved and Rejected status items and set the status back to pending.


By clicking the options Excel, CSV, or PDF, the system will provide an export of the information currently displayed in the Site Payment Approval Details table. The exception to this is if an amount ends in “.00”, the amount will appear as a whole number, without a decimal present.

Note:  If the details screen contains headers or data that is not in English, the PDF button will not appear.

Study Site Budget Changes

Payments that have been approved or rejected retain the payment amount that was assigned on the Study Site Budget at the time of approval/rejection. There may be situations that require payment amounts to change throughout the life of a study. In this scenario, ensure that all payments pending approval/rejection (that should be the original payment amounts) are approved/rejected prior to changing amounts on the Study Site Budget.

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