
This article describes how to create a folder, upload a file, and the file error that may be received.

Table of Contents

Depending on your current location in the Files tree, different items can be created and added to assist in organizing files.

Create Folder

  1. While viewing the file directory where the new folder should be created, click the ‘Create Folder’ tab.
  2. Complete the folder creation process by entering a new folder name.
  3. Click the ‘Save’ button.

Upload File

  1. Navigate to the file directory in which the file should be stored.
  2. Click the ‘Upload’ tab.
  3. File: Browse to the appropriate file.
  4. File Description: Optional. Enter a description for the file.
  5. Commit Message Optional for initial version of files. Enter a commit message, which may contain information such as the state of the file or reason for committing the version of the file.
  6. If the file should be accessible from the study homepage within the Study Documents widget, check the checkbox beside ‘Include in Study Home Page.’
  7. Folder: Select the folder in which the file should be stored.
  8. Permission: Select the appropriate permission for the file.
  9. Based on what you would like to do next, perform one of the following actions.
    • If you would like to save the file and immediately upload another, click the ‘Save and New’ button.
    • If you would like to save the file and immediately share the file with others, click the ‘Save and Share’ button.
    • If you would like to save the file and return to the file directory, click the ‘Save’ button.
    • If you would not like to save or upload the file, click the ‘Cancel’ button.

File Errors

Based on the File Properties defined for the workgroup’s root Enterprise Manager, the user can receive errors upon file uploads if the file does not meet the properties defined. When File Properties are defined and a user attempts to upload a file with an extension that has been defined on the Blacklist or is not an approved extension defined on the Whitelist, the user will receive the following error and the file will not be uploaded.

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