
This article covers how to edit task settings and specify import details. 

Table of Contents

Text, Excel and XML imports can be added to Import Jobs as Import Tasks. Import tasks work in conjunction with File Manager to import one or more files each time the job runs. A Source and Destination Folder must be specified. The Source folder is where all files awaiting import should be placed. Once imported, the Scheduler moves the imported files to the Destination Folder. The results of the import are combined into a job package that can be shared with others through email notifications.

Note: The Import Manager will contain the import log for users who have access to the role running the job and have Role Selection enabled.

After adding an import task to a job, the Task Dialog will populate with options based on your level of access and permissions.

Edit Basic Task Settings

  1. Select the Study and Site at which the import should run.
  2. Select the role that should be used to execute the import.

The selected role impacts:

  • The list of imports to choose from in the Import Settings section
  • The role that will have access to the import log in the site’s Import Manager
  1. Review the list of recipients currently set to receive notifications related to the job’s completion.

Specify Import Details

  1. In the Import Settings section, select the name of the import that should be ran.
    • The availability of the list options depends on the imports available to the role selected in the previous section.
  2. Specify which files should be imported by selecting:
    • ‘Last File in the Directory’ if the file with the latest modified date should be imported.
    • ‘All Files in the Directory’ if every file in the specified source directory should be imported.
  3. Specify the Source Folder that will contain the files to import at the time the job runs. The Source folder can be any default or newly created folder in the workgroup. All files to be imported should be stored in this location.

  1. Specify the Destination Folder, which is the folder that each file should be moved to after it is imported. The Destination folder can be any default or newly created folder in the workgroup. All files that have been imported will be moved to this location.
  2. Click the Save Button.

Prior to Job Execution

Since the import files are imported from File Manager, the files need to be placed in the Source Folder prior to the job executing.

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