
This article covers a side by side comparison from Datatrak to Fountayn end user changes. 

Accessing Study from Desktop
Links appear on the left side of the screen for all Studies and Tools a user has access to.
The Navigation Menu in the upper left corner of the screen contains a list of applications the user has access to. When the user selects the menu icon (1. in green below), the Navigation Menu expands and appears (2. screenshot).
1. 2.
EDC Managers
Tabs appear at the top of the screen for all managers the user has access to.
The Navigation Menu in the upper left corner of the screen contains a list of managers the user has access to.
Help Documentation
Help button located in the upper right corner, requires user to sign in before they can access help documentation.
Red Help icon located at the bottom right hand corner allows immediate access to help documents and better searching capabilities, without requiring additional sign in from the user.

Multi-level Navigation
Only exists in the EDC Patient eCRF.
“Breadcrumb” navigation now exists throughout EDC and CTMS, and allows the user to navigate to any page they have accessed in their current sequence, by clicking on the corresponding page link.
Easy Navigation within Studies - users are no longer required to return to Desktop
Button in the upper right toolbar displays Tools and Studies user has access to.
When the Navigation Menu in the upper left corner is expanded, a Navigation section will appear at the bottom of that expanded menu. This Navigation section allows users to navigate between different applications without returning to the Desktop.
eCRF Form Navigation
Standard tree navigation.
More visually appealing and streamlined tree for easier navigation and form location.
Alerts - Yellow
A Yellow Alert appears when the Missing Data feature is enabled.
A Grey Alert appears when the Missing Data feature is enabled.
Alerts - Green
A Green Alert appears when a Red or Yellow Alert has been closed or approved.
A Blue Alert appears when a Red or Yellow Alert has been closed or approved.
EDC Manager Filters
Located to the left of the manager.
Filter option is now located on top of the manager.

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