
Study Modifications, also known as Mid-Study Changes, Study Amendments, etc., often involve the removal or addition of portions of the casebook which do not immediately affect existing records or subjects. These can be new forms, new edit checks, removing edit checks, or any other variation that would occur after the initial study deployment. The goal of this guide is to help the designer determine the correct utility to use as well as how to implement these various changes.

Table of Contents

Note: Always test your changes in the design/test/approve environment(s) before loading to production!

The following is a quick list of things you should not or cannot change once a study is loaded to production:
  • You cannot change from a partial date to a full date.
  • You cannot change the date format of a full date question.
  • You should not modify a partial date field to become more restrictive, but can modify it to become less restrictive. For example, you can modify the partial date format dd[UN]-MMM[UNK]-yyyy to allow an unknown year. However, you should not modify it to prevent an unknown month.
  • You cannot remove a form or question from the study configuration. If you need to hide a form, set 'autoCreate' in the Forms Template to false. If you need to hide a question, you can remove it from the display with the Active configuration in the Display tab of the Data Architect file set to false, and run the Update Question Display Utility. You can delete forms from the casebooks but they should remain in the study configuration.


The following utilities are typically used to address the modifications mentioned above. All action permissions will be edited in the Roles tab in the Data Architect file.

Insert Forms

Insert Form inserts a form into an existing subject. The inserted form can be either a static or dynamic form.

  1. Custom Actions: Enter ‘Insert Form’.
  2. Actions Required: Enter ‘insertForm’.
  3. Screens Required: Leave this field blank.
  4. Select the Roles that should be able to perform this action by placing an ‘X’ in the appropriate columns.

Move Form

Move Form moves a form from one parent form to another.

  1. Custom Actions: Enter ‘Move Form’.
  2. Actions Required: Enter ‘moveForm’.
  3. Screens Required: Leave this field blank.
  4. Select the Roles that should be able to perform this action by placing an ‘X’ in the appropriate columns.

Move Record

Move Record moves a record (subject) from one tool (site) to another within the site network.

  1. Custom Actions: Enter ‘Move Record’.
  2. Actions Required: Enter ‘moveRecord’.
  3. Screens Required: Leave this field blank.
  4. Select the Roles that should be able to perform this action by placing an ‘X’ in the appropriate columns.


Reconcile loops through all records (subjects) to re-evaluate scripts and dependencies and will trigger or clear them. It can be used to add new dependencies after a study has been deployed. It can also be used to add a medical dictionary to a question after a study has been deployed and the question did not contain an assigned medical dictionary. Reconcile runs across all sites and causes all tools in that network to be re-evaluated, rather than just subjects at the all sites level.

  1. Actions: Enter ‘Reconcile’.
  2. Actions Required: Enter ‘reconcile’.
  3. Screens Required: Leave this field blank.
  4. Select the Roles that should be able to perform this action by placing an ‘X’ in the appropriate columns.

Note: Reconcile actions do not evaluate dependencies on newly added questions to forms. 

Reconcile Form

Reconcile Form loops through the specified records and re-evaluates the dependencies and/or assignments for the specified form. Reconcile Form also updates Visit Manager settings and questions with newly assigned medical coding dictionaries.

  1. Custom Actions: Enter ‘Reconcile Form’.
  2. Actions Required: Enter ‘reconcileForm’.
  3. Screens Required: Enter ‘reconcileForm’.
  4. Select the Roles that should be able to perform this action by placing an ‘X’ in the appropriate columns.

Reconcile Record

Reconcile Record loops through the specified subjects and re-evaluates the dependencies and/or assignments for the specified subject.

  1. Custom Actions: Enter ‘Reconcile Record’.
  2. Actions Required: Leave this field blank.
  3. Screens Required: Enter ‘reconcileRecord’.
  4. Select the Roles that should be able to perform this action by placing an ‘X’ in the appropriate columns.

Reconcile Code Status

Reconcile Code Status loops through the medical coding terms and re-evaluates the Code Status based on the Code End Level.

  1. Actions: Enter ‘Reconcile Code Status’.
  2. Actions Required: Leave this field blank.
  3. Screens Required: Enter ‘reconcileCodeStatus’.
  4. Select the Roles that should be able to perform this action by placing an ‘X’ in the appropriate columns.

Refresh Metadata

Refresh MetaData loops through the specified address and causes the MetaData of a particular parent form to be re-evaluated. It is typically used after a form has been moved. When a form has been moved, both the previous container and the new container of the form should have Refresh MetaData run for its address.
In some instances when a question is added to a form, Refresh Metadata should to be executed.
Run the utility at the point the discrepancy occurs.

  1. Custom Actions: Enter ‘Refresh MetaData’.
  2. Actions Required: Enter ‘refreshMetaData’.
  3. Screens Required: Enter ‘refresh MetaData’.
  4. Select the Roles that should be able to perform this action by placing an ‘X’ in the appropriate columns.

Rename Form

Rename Form loops through the user-selected subjects and changes the name of the selected form by overriding the form name specified in the Data Architect.

  1. Custom Actions: Enter ‘Rename Form’.
  2. Actions Required: Enter ‘renameForm’.
  3. Screens Required: Enter ‘renameForm’.
  4. Select the Roles that should be able to perform this action by placing an ‘X’ in the appropriate columns.

Update Form Config

Update Form Config allows a form’s alias and/or type to be changed.

  1. Custom Actions: Enter ‘Update Form Config’.
  2. Actions Required: Enter ‘updateFormConfig’.
  3. Screens Required: Enter ‘updateFormConfig’.
  4. Select the Roles that should be able to perform this action by placing an ‘X’ in the appropriate columns.

Update Names

Update Names loops through all records and updates the primary and secondary names of each record if the primary question and/or secondary question change. The primary and secondary questions are used as a subject identifier.

  1. Custom Actions: Enter ‘Update Names’.
  2. Actions Required: Enter ‘updateNames’.
  3. Screens Required: Enter ‘updateNames’.
  4. Select the Roles that should be able to perform this action by placing an ‘X’ in the appropriate columns.

Update Question Type

The Update Question Type changes a question’s question type or answer options.

  1. Custom Actions: Enter ‘Update Question Type’.
  2. Actions Required: Enter ‘updateQuestionType’.
  3. Screens Required: Enter ‘chooseQuestions’.
  4. Select the Roles that should be able to perform this action by placing an ‘X’ in the appropriate columns.

Update Questions

Update Questions loops through all records, checks every existing form, then creates and adds new questions to the form if they are not currently present.

  1. Custom Actions: Enter ‘Update Questions’.
  2. Actions Required: Leave this field blank.
  3. Screens Required: Enter ‘updateQuestions’.
  4. Select the Roles that should be able to perform this action by placing an ‘X’ in the appropriate columns.

Enable/Disable Questions

The Update Question Display utility allows you to enable and disable questions for a display mid-study. Assign the following permissions to designate a role with the ability to run the display utility:

  1. Custom Actions: Enter ‘Update Question Display’.
  2. Actions Required: Enter ‘updateQuestionDisplay’.
  3. Screens Required: Leave this field blank.
  4. Select the Roles that should be able to perform this action by placing an ‘X’ in the appropriate columns.

With permissions in place, the Actions tab on your study home page now contains an Update Question Display menu option.

Update Sequence

The Update Sequence utility allows you to reorder forms from the form summary and form manager. Assign the following permissions to designate a role with the ability to run the update sequence utility:

  1. Actions: Enter ‘Update Sequence’.
  2. Actions Required: Enter ‘updateSequence’.
  3. Screens Required: Leave this field blank.
  4. Select the Roles that should be able to perform this action by placing an ‘X’ in the appropriate columns.

With permissions in place, the Choose An Action menu on the Form Summary and Form Manager now contains an Update Sequence menu option.

When to Run Utilities

Change TypeElementUtility to Run
ActiveEnable/Disable QuestionsUpdate Question Display Utility – The Active configuration allows you to enable and/or disable questions for your display. If a question is no longer valid, you can remove it from a trial with the Display.Active configuration set to (false) and, if needed, add it back in at a later date. By default the configuration is set to (true).
AddEdit CheckReconcile Form/Reconcile Record/Reconcile All
RemoveEdit CheckReconcile Form/Reconcile Record/Reconcile All
Note: If a dependency was deployed, it should not be removed from the configuration. Rather, the dependency (with its ID and check if blank values unchanged) should be updated to an expression that always returns true; simply add ‘OR 1 == 1′ to the existing expression. This workflow will allow correct reconcile and close of eventually open, existing alerts.
AddQuestion (All Patients)Update Questions and in some instances Refresh Metadata
Note: When new questions are added Update Questions should always be the first utility executed.
AddQuestion (Specific Patients and/or Forms)Update Questions. If the designer needs to apply new questions to only specific patients, the designer must design a new formType. For example, a such change would be applied at an amendment update when an old version of a certain form must remain as is for some subjects, but some other subjects would need the existing form altered by adding questions. The design of the new formType must contain the exact same questions as the old formType (plus any new questions) so the values entered on the existing form are retained on the new form. The designer then must run the Update Form Config utility to replace the existing form with the new formType.
Note: One or both of the forms must have the “autoCreate” attribute set to false on the Forms-Template tab or all new patients will get both forms.
UpdateQuestion TypeUpdate Question Type. If the designer needs to modify the question type (e.g. changing answer options), this utility will need to be run. If you are simply changing the display type, no utilities are required.
RemoveQuestionUpdate Question Display Utility – The Active configuration allows you to enable and/or disable (remove) questions for your display. If a question is no longer valid, you can remove it from a trial with the Display. Active configuration set to (false) and, if needed, add it back in at a later date. By default the configuration is set to (true).
AddFormInsert Form, Refresh Metadata. If the form affects the metadata of the parent form where this form is inserted, you must use the Refresh Metadata to re-evaluate the metadata status of all levels. If you run this utility from a parent level, it will evaluate the metadata of all child forms.
Remove / DisableFormPossibly Reconcile Form/Reconcile Record/Reconcile All if alerts are fired on that form.
Suggested DataArchitect Steps: Set the not needed forms to autocreate=false (Note: it is sufficient to set a parent to autocreate=false.) This disables the future use of the form without making any additional changes and allows for easier re-use of the form at a later date, and allows the form to still be used in existing casebooks. Consider disabling alerts on the forms programatically by setting their expression to always true (or manually close the alerts if any open exist). If existing instances of the form in subject casebooks are no longer needed, use the Remove Form action to remove them and run the Refresh Metadata function at the parent level to update metadata counts.
Note: Once a study is deployed, forms should NEVER be removed from the Question Layout tab of the Data Architect!
Update/RenameFormRename Form. For new patients, the changes will be automatic. For existing patients, the Rename Form utility will need to be executed for those specific forms before the change will appear.
MoveFormMove Form, Update Sequence, Refresh Metadata. Refresh Metadata should be run on the location where the form was and where you move the form to.
UpdatePrimary or Secondary IdentifiersReconcile Form on the form(s) where those pieces of information are collected and then the designer must run Update Names.
MovePatient/RecordMove Record. This is used to move patients from one site to another.
AddAnswer OptionsUpdateQuestions. While it may appear that these get updated automatically, that is only happening because the options are updated when you view a specific record. To update ALL of the records, run UpdateQuestions.
ModifyAnswer OptionsUpdate Question Type. While you’re not actually updating the Question Type (you select the existing Question Type when prompted), this utility provides the ability to re-map the answer options. The last screen in this utility will show you the current answer options and will allow you to map them to the new values.
RemoveAnswer OptionsUpdate Question Type. While you’re not actually updating the Question Type (you select the existing Question Type when prompted), this utility provides the ability to re-map the answer options. The last screen in this utility will show you the current answer options and will allow you to map them to the new values. If you do not re-map these values, this will cause errors in reports and exports if those values are selected for any of the existing records/patients.
AddAuto Complete for Answer StatusReconcile. When implementing enableCompleteStatus to true to an existing study the Reconcile should be executed to update forms in In Progress to Completed status.
UpdateVisit Manager SettingsReconcile Form on the form(s) where the visit information is collected.
UpdateCodes End LevelReconcile Code Status when the Code End level has been updated.
AddMedical Dictionary to a QuestionReconcile or Reconcile Form on the form where the question appears that a medical coding dictionary was added.
AddSubject StatusActivate Patient Status.
UpdateSubject StatusIf patients already have a status and a precursor to that has changed, delete the history items for the affected patients/statuses. It will not revert to a previous state automatically.
Activate Patient Status again.

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