
The Update Question Display Utility allows you to implement enabled and disabled questions for a trial mid-study.

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Design Services

If a question in your trial is no longer valid, you can remove it from the display with the Active configuration in the Display tab of the Data Architect file set to (false) and, if needed, add it back in at a later date. By default the configuration is set to (true).

The display utility also reconciles any associated metadata. Therefore, please make sure any edit checks which would fire for the removed questions at the location where they are removed from are disabled as well. To designate a role with the ability to run the display utility, assign permissions in the Data Architect file on the Roles tab.

With permissions in place, the Actions tab on your study home page will contain an Update Question Display menu option that launches a Confirmation Page.

Confirmation Page

From the Confirmation Page, you can continue to the execution page, cancel or view the results from the previous run of the utility:

  1. Click the Continue button to initiate a new update of the display.
  2. On the execution page, click the Run button to start the conversion.

After selecting the Run button, you will automatically return to your study home page while the utility executes. Check on conversion status by linking back to the utility through the Actions tab to view a progress bar. Once complete, you can review a summary of the conversion results by linking to the View previous results on the Confirmation page.

Note: Please be aware that this utility will automatically deactivate all questions that are not listed in and matching the current Display Configuration.

Note: A variance in the configuration versus existing will deactivate/hide any existing question and create a new question that fits the configuration. 

Note: Please make sure to test the tool execution in a non-productive environment to ensure all question types and alias values are correctly configured. 

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