
This article is an overview of RTSM e-mail templates that are available for customization. There is also additional information regarding email triggers. 

Table of Contents

The following Randomization & Trial Supply Management (RTSM) e-mail templates are available for customization. Click each template to view a sample of the template content, directions about which parts of the template are safe to edit and a list of available context keys.

Additional information regarding how the emails are generated and how to include additional context keys and values can be found in the email triggers section.

Note: The Deactivated, Drug Assignment and Shipment Restore email templates can only be configured for use within a study through the Email Notifications feature. At this time custom context keys cannot be added to these three templates. 

Templates available for download: Randomization & Trial Supply Management Templates

Customizable Email Templates


This notification is sent to inform study participants that a study subject has been activated.


This notification is sent to inform study participants that a study subject has been deactivated/derandomized.

Drug Assignment

This notification is sent to inform study participants that a drug has been assigned to a subject.


This notification is sent to inform study participants that a study subject has been unblinded and can now view their assigned treatment type and drug type.

Inventory Empty

This notification is sent to inform study participants that a site’s inventory is empty.

Shipment Confirm

This notification is sent to inform study participants that a shipment has been confirmed.

Cancel Shipment

This notification is sent to inform study participants that a shipment has been canceled.

Inventory Threshold

This notification is sent to inform study participants that the inventory at a site has reached its threshold.

Shipment Request

This notification is sent to inform study participants that a shipment request has been made.

Inventory Transfer

This notification is sent to inform study participants that a manual inventory transfer has occurred.

Shipment Restore

This notification is sent to inform study participants when a shipment has been restored after deletion.

Email Triggers

During Randomization Trial Design, context keys and context values can be used for custom email templates. This section describes how to define new context keys and context values.

Add Context Keys and Values to the Email Trigger Worksheet

Since basic information related to the site is completed within the Trial Manager, Context Keys and Values may not need to be defined within the Data Architect file. If this is the case, you can skip this section.

  1. Context Key: Enter the new Context Key for the proper Email Trigger Event without the dollar sign.
    Example: $testKey would be ‘testKey’ and $phoneNumber2 would be ‘phoneNumber2′
  2. Context Value: Enter the value that should be displayed in the email for this key.

  1. Edit the email template to include the new Context Key.

  1. Upload the template and compile the new Data Architect file.
    When the email event is triggered, the email will now display the additional Context Values.

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