
This article describes how to set permissions on a per report basis to control the user’s ability to view the report, modify the report and change permissions for the report. 

Table of Contents

Once a report has been configured, the creator can set permissions on a per report basis to control the user’s ability to view the report, modify the report and change permissions for the report. These permissions also impact the Ad-Hoc Reports homepage widget.

Edit Permissions

  1. Based on the Permissions and Options section, complete the Permissions section for each role on the Permissions screen.
  2. If the report should not be further edited, check the ‘Locked’ checkbox.

Note: The report can only be unlocked by roles with permission to change Lock Access.

  1. In the ‘Report Comment’ box enter a comment about the report.

Note: All users with ‘Edit Access’ permissions can view the comment. The comment can also be overwritten by anyone with ‘Edit Access’ permissions.

  1. Click the ‘Save’ button.

Permissions and Options

Edit Access

This permission controls the user role’s ability to modify an Ad-Hoc Report.

When the ‘Edit Access’ checkbox is selected on the Permission’s screen, the ‘View Access’ permission will be granted automatically.

View Access

This permission controls the user role’s ability to view an Ad-Hoc Report.

When the ‘Edit Access’ or ‘Change Permissions’ checkboxes are selected, the ‘View Access’ permission will be granted automatically.

Change Permissions

This permission controls the user role’s ability to change permissions for other user roles. When the ‘Change Permissions’ checkbox is selected, the ‘View Access’ permission will be granted automatically.

Change Locking Access

This permission controls the user role’s ability to lock and unlock the report.

Locking Reports

This feature allows those with the ‘Lock Access’ permission to prevent others with editing permissions from modifying a report.

When a report is locked, it can only be unlocked by roles with ‘Lock Access’ permission.

Adding a Comment

A Comment box can be edited and saved on the ‘Permissions’ screen. This comment will then be available for future reference. However, only the current comment in the comment box is saved. No history of comments is recorded.

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