
This article describes how to switch roles when Role Selection is enabled.

Within each clinical trial, users have access to one, or a set of roles. Historically, these roles were used individually, and the user could switch between them to access different aspects of the trial. With the introduction of the Unified user interface, role selection is a configurable feature that can be disabled and enabled based on the user’s preferences. When role selection is disabled, all available permissions are combined such that a user never has to switch roles. However, sometimes users may wish to have the restrictions on a specific role enforced to avoid an error. To this end, they can re-enable role selection from their profile page.

Switch Roles Within a Trial

This section describes how to switch roles when Role Selection is enabled.

  1. After accessing a trial, hover the cursor over the green ‘Actions’ menu.
    The first section of the actions table lists the roles available for selection. The currently selected role is highlighted in dark blue.
  2. Select a role name to change to that role.

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