
This article covers how to initiate trial design in a sandbox.

Table of Contents

When using Teamwork functionality, all design activity should take place in a Sandbox to avoid unintended overwriting of changes.

Getting Started

Getting started with Teamwork will depend on where the trial design work began.

Trial Design Initiated in Sandbox

If a Master Trial and Sandboxes were created prior to any study versions being committed, design work must begin in the designated Starting Point Sandbox. In this case, the Teamwork Master Trial will indicate which trial is the Starting Point Sandbox.

Additionally, the Compile Architect screen for the Master trial and any non-Starting Point Sandboxes will prevent you from committing a file

Note: You can compile and publish trials in this case. However, the first committed version must come from the Starting Point Sandbox.

  1. Navigate to Design > Edit Architect for the Starting Point Sandbox.
  2. Download the dataArchitect template for the Sandbox and begin your design.
  3. When ready, commit the first trial version.
  4. Push the version to the Master to allow other Sandboxes to proceed.

Push to Master

  1. Navigate to the Teamwork Sandbox page.

  2. From the Actions menu, select Push to Master.

  3. If desired, modify the Push Comment, which will be used as the commit comment for the new Master version, then click Confirm.

  4. The following screen will display.

  5. When complete, you will return to the Teamwork Sandbox screen and updated information will display.

Pull from Master

When work begins in other Sandboxes, the designer will need to first Pull the latest Master version into the Sandbox.

  1. From the Teamwork Sandbox page, go to the Actions menu and select Pull from Master.

  2. The following screen will display:

  3. When complete, the Teamwork Sandbox page will display with updated information.

  4. Navigate to Design > Edit Architect to open the latest version of the study configuration.

  5. Continue designing the trial in the Sandbox. When ready, commit a version.

In Progress Standard Trial Converted to Master

  1. If design work began in a standard trial which was subsequently converted to a Teamwork Master, begin your work in any sandbox. You can click the Sandbox name in the Teamwork Master page to go directly to the Sandbox.
  2. Navigate to the Teamwork Sandbox page for your Sandbox trial.

  3. As indicated in the recommendation field, you will need to Pull from the Master to bring the latest study version to the Sandbox.

Designing with Multiple Sandboxes

For each new Sandbox, begin by using the Pull from Master action to pull the latest study version to the Sandbox. Retrieve the latest dataArchitect file by downloading from the Edit Architect screen in the Sandbox.

Note: Because Teamwork relies on version management between multiple Sandbox trials, a new dataArchitect file will need to be retrieved from the Edit Architect screen after each Push or Pull action.

As you design, publish and commit your configuration and review your work in the Design environment as you typically would. When you are ready to share the work with other designers, commit you latest version. Next, follow the recommendation on the Teamwork Sandbox page to either Push your work to the Master, or first Pull the latest Master version, which will allow you to merge the Sandbox changes with the latest Master version, and then Push the merged version back to the Master.

In the event that changes included in the latest Master version conflict with changes made in your latest Sandbox version, those conflicts will need to be resolved before the Pull/Push sequence can be completed. See Teamwork Conflict Management for more information.

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