
This article covers how to manage teamwork conflict between the Master, Sandbox, and common Baseline versions.

Table of Contents

When pulling the latest Master version to a Sandbox, the system will make a three-way comparison between the Master version, the Sandbox version, and the common Baseline version. When an object was changed or deleted in only the Master version or only the Sandbox version, the change or deletion is accepted into the merged version after the Pull with no conflicts. However, if the object has been changed in different ways in both the Master and the Sandbox, this creates a conflict that must be resolved by the user executing the Pull function.

Pulling From Master to Merge Versions

When both the Master trial and the Sandbox trial have changes from their common baseline, the system recommendation will be to Pull, then Push.

  1. From the Teamwork Sandbox page, go to the Actions menu and select Pull from Master.
  2. The Pull Master Options page will display.
  3. Determine if the Committed Sandbox version or the Published Sandbox version should be used to review the merged configuration.
    1. Use Committed Version: Use this option when the latest Sandbox version has been committed, and you are ready to fully merge the Master version and the Sandbox version.
    2. Use Published Version: Use this option to only preview any merged conflicts between the Master and Sandbox. Using this option will allow you to review and address any unintended conflicts, but you will not be able to actually merge the Master and Sandbox versions.
  4. After selecting an option in the previous step, the comparison will occur and any detected conflicts will display.
  5. Review the displayed conflicts. If you selected Use the Committed Version in step 3, you will be able to choose to keep the Master Value or the Sandbox Value for each detected conflict. The selected option will be outlined, while the other option will be grayed out.
  6. From there, you can select Pull from Master to create a new version with merged updates. 

Note: This option will not be available if you chose to Use Published Version. 

  1. After completing the Pull from Master action, a screen will display recommending that you now Push to Master. Once the Push is complete, you will need to download a new DataArchitect file to continue.
  2. If you’d like to review the identified conflicts and their resolutions, click the button to Show/Hide Used Conflict Resolutions. To save the conflict resolution information, bookmark the URL.

Examples of Changes with No Conflict

The following are examples of changes that will not produce a conflict. In cases where no conflict is detected, the Pull action (using Committed Version) will immediately merge the changes and commit a new version.

Different Questions Changed/Added/Deleted

Compared to the common Baseline, the Master trial version has 5 new questions defined and added to the AE form. The Sandbox trial has different questions added to the PE form, and some questions deleted from the CM form.

Different Dependencies or Scripts Changed/Added/Deleted

Compared to the common Baseline, the Master trial version has added scripts and updated Visit Date dependencies. The Sandbox version has removed one script, added new dependencies, and updated Vital Signs dependencies.

Different Export Configurations Updated

Compared to the common Baseline, the Master trial has updated the Excel export to add new parameters (export3). The Sandbox version has updated the PDF export (export5)

Examples of Changes Producing a Conflict

The following are examples of changes that would produce a conflict.

Same Question Updated/Deleted

Compared to the common Baseline, the Master trial has updated the answer options on the AE Outcome question. The Sandbox trial has updated the question text to the AE Outcome question.

Same Dependency Updated/Deleted

Compared to the common Baseline, the Master trial has updated the Alert text for a dependency. The Sandbox trial has updated the expression logic for the same dependency.

Forms Reordered in Different Ways

In the common Baseline, three forms are ordered A, B, and C. The Master trial has rearranged the form order to B, A, C. The Sandbox trial has rearranged the form order to A, C, B.

Conflict Comparison Granularity

Whether or not the comparison between the common Baseline, Master, and Sandbox trials produces a conflict is dependent on the granularity of the comparison. The granularity will depend on the object type.

Standard Study Components

For standard study components (forms, questions, dependencies, scripts, roles, properties), the granularity is based on a single item. This means that a conflict will only be recorded if the same question, form, dependency, script, role, or property is changed in different ways.

Data Files

Comparison granularity is at the file level. For example, if the Master version and Sandbox version both commit a local lab reference file, a conflict will be reported.

Exports, Imports, and Partial Metadata Plans.

Comparison granularity is at the Export/Import/Plan ID level. For example, two different exports or imports can be changed, but if the Master version and Sandbox version both change the same export or import ID, a conflict will be reported.

Randomization and Trial Supply

Comparison granularity is at the configuration level. This means that if the Master and Sandbox both change the Randomization configuration in any way, a conflict will be reported.

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